Color variation amongst organisms in a species can prove advantageous or harmful – it can contribute to their survival or death, as seen in the 1970 study by John Endler on the drastic color differences between Venezuelan guppies in different pools. Some of these wild guppies sported vivid, bright colors, while others displayed more drab shades and only offered scattered specks of color. This tremendous contrast in coloration led to a question: "What caused these trends in the coloration of the guppies?” Upon analysis of…...
On February 22nd, 1892, Edna St. Vincent Millay was born in Rockland, Maine. Her father, Henry Tolman Millay, worked in an insurance business, and her mother, Cora Buzzell Millay worked as a nurse. Unfortunately, her parents divorced when was eight years old, and her mother was left to raise Edna and her two other sisters. Throughout her childhood, Millay was always encouraged to receive an education and taught to value culture and literature. Thus, Millay learned to speak six different…...
In the movie, Frankie and Alice, an African American woman is diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder. This disorder is also known as multiple personality disorder. Throughout the film, the main character produces three different personalities. The first personality she expressed in the film was Frankie, a strong and self-sufficient dancer trying to make a living. Genius, who is a smart seven-year-old. And finally, we have Alice, who is a racist Caucasian southern woman. Frankie/Alice's Condition The movie begins with Frankie, an…...
Film Analysis
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Carnivorous Island: A Symbol of Religion Orphaned by a shipwreck and stranded on a lifeboat with a tiger in the Pacific Ocean, Pi does the impossible: he never loses faith in God. In Life of Pi, Yann Martel makes Pi's survival story unique by interlacing it with religion. Pi's journey emphasizes the importance of religion and faith, conveying a theme about religion. The carnivorous island is a core part of Pi's journey that communicates the great significance of religion, serving…...
Title: Why I deserve an A Grade from Public Speaking ClassSpeaker: Alan LimSpecific Purpose: To inform my professor about why I should get a letter A grade on my public speaking class.Thesis Statement: Everyone wants a good GPA in college, but in order to get it; it requires a lot of effort and hard work.OUTLINEIntroductionAttention-Getter: In life, people go to school in their early age to educate themselves to be an educated person. School helps develop social skills and interest…...
CommunicationPublic SpeakingSociologySpeak
This particular poem is very interesting as it explores different hypes of drugs, sins and ‘poisons’ in our society, taking the reader on a dark Journey from wine, to opium, to women and then to ‘la mort’ from the point of view of Baudelaire himself. Within the first stanza, Baudelaire speaks of the idyllic world that is created when he drinks wine; the ‘portières’ that are created that allows the reader to imagine multiple doors opening; multiple possibilities that can…...
There is hardly a more difficult job than being a parent. Parents are responsible for their children and they have to provide them with everything they need. It is not easy to bring up children appropriately. It is impossible to utilize the definite model of bringing up whereas this process is individual and depends on the child’s personality and temperament. Some children require constant attention from the side of their parents. Others are already independent at the age of seven.…...
ChildConsciousnessFamilyHuman NatureParent
The title The Great Gatsby immediately brings up not only the memory of a character, but the story of the famous book by Scott Fitzgerald. It seems even that there could be no other name to this novel, that maybe none other would capture its essence as simply but completely as The Great Gatsby. However, before settling for this title, Fitzgerald did have indeed 5 alternatives, each one related to a subject elaborated in the novel by the author. This…...
The Great Gatsby
The short narrative “One Friday Morning” by Langston Hughes is about a immature African American miss. Nancy Lee. who late moved to the North with her parents so they may supply her with a better life and schooling. Highly talented in water-color picture. she aspired to do that her major in college. Because of racial favoritism. she was denied the scholarship that would hold been her ticket to a brighter hereafter. Sadly. there are some people in the universe that…...
The song Coffee and TV is by a band called Blur. The music video is about an animated milk carton who decides to leave home because no one has given him any attention. During his journey the milk carton faced many hazards such as nearly being hit by a motorbike. Near the end of his journey the milk carton stops at a window. The milk carton discovers the missing person whose picture is on the back of the carton itself.…...
Should the Government Ban the Sale of Violent Video Games? “Too many of the video games marketed to our children teach them all of the wrong lessons and values” (Whitehead 108). These are the words from the Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich who is trying to outlaw the sale of violent video games. This issue has been around for a while and the government is looking into it. They say that violent behavior by small children is an effect of the…...
Video Game
Of all the trials and tribulations of parenthood, possibly one of the hardest things to deal with is knowing that your child has become the victim of a bully and deciding how to deal with this. Bullying in schools can be very hard to spot and put an end to it. Recent evidence suggests that bullying is very common in British schools. A survey by the children’s charity Kidscape found 69 percent of children aged 5 to 16 had been…...
AbuseAggressionBullyingHuman NatureInjustice
Many parents enjoy reading their children short stories. In these short stories parents’ read their children, besides the instant entertainment, there is an underlying message to educate and perhaps teach a lesson. Some children’s favorite types of short stories are fables, parables, and tales. Many people do not know that these three types of short stories vary greatly in their individual characteristics, the type of story they tell, and their purpose. The fable, parable, and tale all have differentiating characteristics…...
Fairy Tales
It was past midnight. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I quickly switched on the lights. My instincts told me something was wrong. My mind quickly flew to my parents, who are currently at Grandma’s to settle some urgent family matters. Could something have happened to them? Is it the police who are knocking on my door? My palm quickly started to sweat with worry. My nose suddenly picked up a smell; it was an overpowering smell of…...
In the poems ‘How to Eat a Poem’ by Eve Merriam and ‘Introduction to Poetry’ by Billy Collins, important ideas are presented about how poetry should be experienced and enjoyed. The poets used the techniques extended metaphor, repetition, metaphors and personification to show me how these ideas is important. In ‘How to Eat a Poem’ by Eve Merriam, the author describes how poetry is to be experienced. Poetry doesn’t need any manners and has no rules. “Don’t be polite /…...
In Kate Chopin’s short story “The Story of an Hour”, the narrator portrays issues of love, freedom, and independence on a physical and mental level. This story was written based on the 19th century woman. The time when a woman had minimum rights, and barely had a role in society. Even in a loving relationship, a woman was still unequal to a man; she did not have the freedom she desired. Chopin uses irony, symbolism and reverse theory to express…...
The Story Of An Hour
In George Orwell’s 1984, symbolism is thoroughly used throughout the novel to reinforce the themes present in the book. The novel is set in a totalitarian society where whatever the government says goes without question. The Party is able to distort and rewrite the past, including the memories of the people, but a small glass paperweight from before the rule of the Party remains. The glass coral paperweight that Winston purchases at Charington’s shop becomes a dominant symbol in Orwell’s…...
In 1 941, the American government NT created a poster to appeal to young working class Americans . It depicted two political leaders, Germany’s Doll Hitler and Japan’s Hided Togo, from the Axis Alliance (a triumvirate of fascist political leaders from Germany, Italy and Japan), as a mutated conjoined moon steer. They are attacking the iconic Statue of Liberty and below, a golden spanner is shown, b earning the word “Production” on its side. Underneath the image, text declares: “Stop…...
CommunicationFilm AnalysisMonsterPoliticsPropaganda
I can say the reason I want to join the year-up program is that I am young and very devoted to learning new things. Also, I have reached that point in my life when I realize that I have to be more independent, responsible, and mature. I have to make my own smart decisions to determine how successful I’ll be in life. The reason I think I am a good candidate for this year-up program is that I’m used to…...
CommunicationHuman NatureReason
Frequently people, who grew up and lived in big cities, have serious problems and even some fears when it is necessary for them to move to a small town. Personally I would agree that living in a big city is advantageous for those, who are concerned about developing career, especially in business or arts. But, at the same time, I am sure that growing up in a small town is absolutely wonderful and always results in numerous positive outcomes, both…...
AbuseAgricultureChildChild DevelopmentGrowing UpHuman Nature
B. J. Ann Period 3 10/31/13 When you come to America you are automatically thinking it’s some paradise and that you’re about to live and fulfill the “America Dream”. The American Dream was probably developed in the US by someone coming to America and was able to get an education, a Job, and create a good life for themselves. It seems that now the American Dream isn’t how is used to be, you don’t have equal opportunities, not everyone can…...
AmericaAmerican DreamHuman NatureSociology
‘The two basic modes of satire are good-humoured teasing and savage attack. ‘ Discuss The Rape of the Lock and A Modest Proposal in the light of this statement. The Rape of the Lock and A Modest Proposal were both published for the first time early in the 18th century (1712 and 1729 respectively). In addition, Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift were close friends. Given these facts, one could easily assume that there would be numerous similarities in style and…...
A Modest ProposalPoetryRapeSatire
Technology is advancing more and more everyday. From ‘phones to Droids the things you can do is endless. These advances are making every day life easier and easier whether its doing your banking from home or keeping up with social media. Technology is becoming so advanced that kindergarten through twelfth grade students will soon be relieved of the burden of carrying books to and from school five days a week, which would be extremely beneficial. However, some people oppose this…...
Compare and contrast the two articles The aim of this essay is to compare and contrast the two newspaper articles. The first is entitled ‘Young, bored and pregnant’, and the second is called ‘Nightmare in the playroom’. These articles shall be referred as Article one and Article two respectively. Both the articles are based about the subject of teenage pregnancy, and its role in society. The audience for both articles one and two are teenagers who are just sexually maturing…...
AdolescenceCommunicationHuman NatureMotherTeenage Pregnancy
Kirstan Trishell9/25/19The High School ExperienceIn life we all have something that was changed the way we perceive things. Most things that change a persons perception happens to be an experience that they have gone through and learned from. In my case, it was high school experience. When people start high school, theyre usually excited. They cant wait to experience everything that comes with being in high school, I mean who wouldnt? Everyone says that high school is the best four…...
EducationExperienceHigh SchoolHigh School ExperienceLifeSchool
Margaret needs to compare the types of themes from the four books in her American Literature class. She should use a ____________to match the themes with the stories. B. Chart To organize notes, a student should review notes from class lectures, but not notes from the text book chapters. F Alisha's teacher usually includes lots of comments on student tests to help them understand why their answers were incorrect. These comments are important to Alisha's study guide because C. The…...
CommunicationCritical ThinkingEncyclopediaFlashcardsResearchStudy Skills
Major federal law affecting human resources primarily addresses: A. Protections for applicants and rights of employees B. Safety of the workplace C. Accomodations for people with disabilities D. All of the abov A. Protections for applicants and rights of employees Performance appraisals are useful to: A. Identify areas of performance needing improvement B. Adjust compensation based on performance C. Decide promotions of staff D. All of the above D. All of the above Position descriptions are necessary to: A. Define…...
Three’s a Crowd “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself. ” Known by many, this common phrase has few words, but a intense meaning. In Ernest Hemingway’s short story, “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber,” the overcoming of fear is shown throughout the story. Francis Macomber and his wife Margaret Macomber are on an African safari with a man name Robert Wilson. Hemingway portrays Francis Macomber as wealthy and beautiful, yet cowardly. Macomber's wife Margaret also young and…...
Ernest Hemingway
What I Expect From This English 103 Class Students need to do a lot of reading and writing in higher level English classes. But what makes English 103 unique I believe, is the intensity and the depth of reading materials required. I needed this class because it is a prerequisite for me to enroll in the University level English course. I finished English 28 and English 101 last year and as I reflect, both English subjects were both hard as…...
CommunicationEnglish LanguageLanguageReading
Helen Keller was an exceptionally talented author, political activist, and an inspirational lecturer. Many of her works express the simple fragments of life which, together, fabricate the essence of living. As demonstrated in her essay “Three Days to See” Helen brings forward her imagination and desire to further understand the world in a depiction of what she would do should she be given the use of her sight for just 3 days. Over this period, Helen wishes see as much…...
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