Paperap is an online platform that offers a vast collection of free essays on various topics, including Poetry Literary Genre. The website's collection of essays on poetry covers different aspects of poetry, such as analysis, interpretation, and critique. Students, educators, and poetry enthusiasts can easily access these essays, as they are available for download in various formats, including PDF, Word, and PowerPoint. The essays on the Paperap website are written by experts in the field, and are designed to help students improve their understanding of poetry and develop their critical thinking skills. With its user-friendly interface and extensive collection of essays, Paperap is the go-to resource for anyone looking to enhance their knowledge of poetry literary genre.
Gwen Harwood Critical Study
An Australian poet who, seems to develop an imaginative, rich form of poetry through the use of recurring themes. Complex language techniques and even further through the use of sophisticated structures only seen in the most prestigious of poems in the modern era. Gwen Hardwood has a tendency to write poetry that is significant in all eras, cultures and/or societies of the world as she captures, and develops them Into a strong universal theme that recurs strongly. These themes seem…...
Adam And EveCultureLanguageLearningMemoryPoetry
American Poetry: Imagism, Ezra Pound & Amy Lowell
Pound: Born-Died 1885-1972 Born, Hailey, Idaho Died in Venice, Italy, with wife Olga Rudge Pound's Poetry style - Modern verse--of ellipses to indicate panicky tone - "Make it new" - Magic moments, experimental; free verse; instant of time - "Poetry must be as well written as prose" - No fluff: minimalistic approach - Inspiration from Chinese/Japanese poetry - Condensing ideas in symbols, must be SIMPLE; stark - Don't imagine the art of poetry as any simpler than the art of…...
Romantic & Metaphysical Poetry
The writing of metaphysical poetry began during the - 1600s Of or relating to the transcendent or to a reality beyond what is perceptible/ abstract and theoretical reasoning Metaphysical To explore abstract concepts, the metaphysical poets use (2 things) Intellect and logic The central figure of the metaphysical movement John Donne Samuel Johnson criticized the metaphysical poets for - Showing off TS Eliot helped to restore their popularity during the - century 20th A type of extended metaphor comparing very…...
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The First Snowfall by James Russell Lowell Q & A
Who is the speaker? the father, James Russell Lowell What is the setting? inside the house looking out of the window What is the subject? a father grieving over the death of his child's death Who is the addressee? general audience What is the occasion? remembering the day his child was buried What kinds of imagery are found in this poem? sigh, touch, and sound What is an example of sight imagery in this poem? "Where a little headstone stood"…...
Poetry Reading Test #4 Questions and Answers
The First section of the poem (lines 1-12), the speaker seeks to convey a feeling of contentment In context, "saddening" line 7 suggests that the clouds have become darker The speaker gives symbolic significance to which of the following? 1,2,3 only Lines 11 and 12 (the.. silence) are best understood to mean which of the following? the fact that we can just hear the far-off sea shows how quiet our surroundings are In lines 14-15, the breeze is compared to…...
Siegfried Sassoon Presentation
The following example is an essay about a presentation by Siegfried Sassoon. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. We are now going to talk about the theme and subject matter of the poem. This poem was influenced a lot over the past times of Siegfried Sassoon, during his childhood, and the time he spent in trenches of warfare. Siegfried was nicknamed as 'the most innocent of war poets', because of his childhood. Born as a Jew…...
PoetryWarWilfred Owen
Auden Miss Gee Analysis
A ballad is a story often set to song and here I am going to study in detail the make-up and difference between two very different ballads. For my first poem I chose 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci', (The Beautiful Woman Without Thanks) by John Keats. Comparing to this I chose W.H. Auden's: 'MissGee'. Out of the selection I picked these two poems because of how strongly they attracted my attention; Keats' because it was so romantic and full of beauty…...
PoetryW. H. Auden
A personal response Thomas Kinsella
Thomas Kinsella is a poet that is very aware of transience. He also shows me through his poetry that the things we remember as children take on a different meaning when we are older and also that when someone passes away, we also look at the memories of that person in a different way. His poetry has a harsh outlook on aging, getting old and even gaining knowledge to a degree, however he is not all doom and gloom (as…...
Crabbed Age and Youth, Poem Summary
Crabbed Age and Youth Summary Crabbed Age and Youth’ is quite a self-explanatory poem. You wouldn’t really have to delve into the poem too much to discover that it’s about a person who despises the effects of aging, and as a consequence praises the youths. I would like to mention that no-one really knows who had written this poem, one poet who is also supposed to have written this poem is a man called Thomas Deloney, who died a year…...
Storms: Wind and Storm
Weather In the world of poetry. Writers use many literary and poetic devices to achieve their end goal, whether the goal is a type of emotional or perhaps some other type of response. In her poem "Storm Warnings," Adrienne Rich uses unique structural style including many poetic devices, such as structure, imagery, and descriptive language to reveal literal, as well as metaphorical meanings in her poem. This structure lets the poem progress in an organized and chronological manner, in order…...
CultureHuman NatureMetaphorPoetry
‘La Belle Dame Sans Merci’ by Keats and ‘When We Two Parted’ by Byron
I intend to compare, 'When We Two Parted', a romantic poem by Lord Byron and 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci', also a romantic theme but a ballad by John Keats. In 'When We Two Parted' the poem tells of a loving relationship which has ended, when one of the partner's feelings for the other waned. It expresses the emotions of resentment, betrayal, sorrow and anguish which are those sentiments which are often felt by the one in the relationship who…...
Lord ByronLovePoetry
An Analysis of Exposure by Wilfred Owen
Owen used his poetry as a means of exposing the truth to the ordinary citizens and propaganda at the time of World War One, becoming a stark contrast to the information distributed by the army and government. He was a soldier himself and was killed in action one week before the war ended. In this analysis I will by focusing on how Owen exposes the conditions that soldiers in World War 1 had to endure. He uses many different techniques,…...
‘Anthem for doomed youth’ by Wilfred Owen
The poem ‘Anthem for doomed youth’ by Wilfred Owen is based on the massacre during World War 1. It is a Petrarchan sonnet that deals with the horror faced by adolescent soldiers and questions the real motif behind the wars. By questioning the funeral procedures of dead soldiers and contrasting it with the funerals of normal people, Owen expresses his disapproval and anger towards the war. It very effectively brings out the horrific scenes of the wars by using metaphors,…...
The imagery that Soyinka
Using the poems 'Telephone Conversation' By Wole Soyinka and 'Nothing Said' by Brenda Agard explain how the poets convey and challenge the message in their poems. Also compare the similarities and differences. Both 'Telephone Conversation' and 'Nothing Said' can be recognised from the outset as poems reflecting the injustice bestowed upon black British citizens in the late 20th century. Each poem contains material for protest, and displays a point the narrator believes strongly in, due to their black origin, however,…...
ConversationHuman NaturePoetryRacism
Poems “Human Interest” and “Porphyria’s Lover”
My essay will be based on these two poems about two murders. I will be discussing and comparing the differences and similarities between the murders and the murderers themselves, and also the victims, which brings me to the first and most obvious difference between the two actual poems. It is obvious from the first sentences that the two poems are told by two people from different backgrounds, and possibly different times. We can see that they are likely to be…...
Seamus Heaney Poetry
Seamus Heaney was born April 1939, the eldest member of a family containing nine children. His father lived and worked on a farm of fifty acres in Northern Ireland which was economically less prosperous than Britain, and his father's real commitment was to cattle dealing. Seamus grew up as a country boy; his poems first came to public attention in the mid-1960s when he was active as one of a group of poets who were subsequently recognized as constituting something…...
Literary GenrePoetry
A Hermeneutical Critique on the Conquest Essay
The Representation of the brush between white settlers-invaders and autochthonal peoples in Jeannette Armstrong’s “History Lesson” and Susanna Moodie’s Rough ining it in the Bush differ greatly in a figure of ways. Writing at different times. for conflicting intents. from opposing points of position every bit good as utilizing different literary mediums- the ensuing representation of the brush between the white and autochthonal groups are inherently contrasting.Depicted as a lesser. more barbarous race in Rough ining it in the Bush…...
Comparison of Wordsworth and Blake’s London Portrayal
The poets William Wordsworth, 1770 - 1850, and William Blake, who lived from 1757 to 1827, are both vividly known for their portrayals of London through their poems. William Wordsworth is known partly for his views on London, which are shown through his poem: "Composed upon Westminster Bridge"; Blake, however, lived a much less orthodox life and was largely unrecognised throughout his life, yet he too produced a wide array of poems which expressed his view on the city such…...
LondonMetaphorPoetryWilliam Wordsworth
Anthem For A Doomed Youth By Wilfred Owen
The following example essay focuses on Wilfred Owen's Hymn to the Doomed Youth. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. “Anthem for Doomed Youth” is an lament in which Wilfred Owen conveys his bosom felt unhappiness and disgust for the loss of life in World War I. This verse form shatters the fantasized images of war by juxtaposing the opposite universes of world and the romanticized rhetoric that distorts it. He writes about the true experience…...
PoetryWilfred Owen
Comparing Marvell and Ewart’s poems
'To His Coy Mistress' was written by a poet called Andrew Marvell who was born on the 31st March 1621. He was a Cambridge-educated priest, poet and a Member of Parliament. The poem was written in the year 1652. The theme of the poem is love and its passionate beginnings. The genre of the poem is 'carpe diem' which is Latin for 'seize the day' or 'get the most out of life'. Carpe diem was used effectively by Horace; therefore…...
Andrew MarvellContrastPoetryTo His Coy Mistress
The Poems “To His Coy Mistress” and “The Flea”
The poems "To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marvell and "The Flea" by John Donne are both written with the same idea in mind, for the authors to get their 'women' or mistresses to be less shy with them. This was a common idea of which poems were based in Marvell's and Donne's time due to when a pretty woman was to find herself interacting with a man, it was conventional for her to be shy or unwilling, or at…...
Andrew MarvellPoetryTo His Coy Mistress
What Do You Find Interesting About The Work Of Grace Nichols
Grace Nichols was born in Guyana in 1950. She lived there until 1977 when she came to live with her partner, another poet. She writes many poems and anthologies. Her poems are mainly about black people and their sense of culture. She writes about the pride they have to be themselves and not to feel embarrassed about who they are. She has also written poetry about missing her home and about what it feels like to be away. I have…...
Keats Ode Poems Essay
This essay will work in consolidative subjects of Keats’ verse forms. Ode to a Nightingale. Ode to Melancholy. Ode to Psyche. Ode to Indolence. and Ode on a Greek Urn. The paper will analyse these verse forms and so use thematic links. In Keats’ verse form Ode to a Nightingale. the first stanza begins with the storyteller depicting grief. The undermentioned emotions each illustrate this chief point through the usage of words such as ‘drowsy numbness’. and ‘dull opiate’ (…...
An Analysis of the Poem Spain by W. H. Auden
What is Aden trying to achieve in writing this poem? First of all, Aden is asking to meditate on the relationship between the past, the present and the future. The poem refers to the past as "History is the operator" People should not be limited by the past and it should help them to make the future - > inspiration from the past (first part of the poem). "Tomorrow the enlarging of consciousness by diet and breathing" (plus all the…...
CommunicationPoetryW. H. Auden
Shakespeare – Sonnet 116 Analysis and Interpretation Essay
Sonnet 116 was written by William Shakespeare and published in 1609. William Shakespeare was an English author and poet. and has written a batch of celebrated dramas. amongst them Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare lived in the Elizabethan epoch. At that clip. the literature and art was in bloom. and his plants are clearly characterized by that epoch both as linguistic communication and subject goes.A sonnet is a poem consisting of 14 lines. three quatrains and a pair. in…...
InterpretationLearningLiterary CriticismPoemsPoetryWilliam Shakespeare
Stealing, Education for Leisure and Originally
This essay analyses and evaluates the underlying theme of alienation in these three poems. It compares and contrasts the ways in which the different poems present alienation to the reader and how effectively this has been portrayed. Alienation is when a person is socially withdrawn or isolated from others, causing aggression or loss of friendliness. Duffy attempts to interpret and reveal the thoughts and feelings of those who are alienated. Each poem presents a different interpretation of people in various…...
Example of a Ballad Poem
Ballads are old poems or songs, which narrate stories. It is a rhythmic tale of a past affair, which may be heroic, romantic or ironic, almost inevitably catastrophic. We do not know where the word 'Ballad' originated from, however it is thought to come from the French 'Ballade'; which means song with a dance. Ballads are simple repeating rhymes, which often have a refrain, and they have been existent as far back as the 14th Century. They were written to…...
Wilfred Owen vs Jessie Pope Poetry
Studying war poetry from around the 1914 period has given me an insight into the variety of feeling and emotion going on during the war, from writing strictly in propaganda to obscenely crude it seems incredible what the soldiers were tricked into, and went through. Both poems, 'Who's for the game? ' and 'Dulce et Decorum est' were written during the First World War, which began in 1914. 'Who's for the game? ' Is a war poem based on a…...
Literary GenrePoetry
Sonnet and No Second Troy
In this essay I'm going to be comparing two love poems. The two poems I will be comparing are "Sonnet" be Edna St Vincent Millay and "No Second Troy" composed by Irelands most famous writer, William Butler Yeats. I hope to look in detail at both poems and to be able to compare and contrast both pieces. "Sonnet" was written in 1917 be Edna St Vincent Millay. Edna St Vincent Millay was a middle class citizen born in Maine, America.…...
Night of Scorpion
Night of the Scorpio written by Nissim Ezkiel is an interesting verse form and the poet brings about a really appealing contrast between good and evil in it ; wholly giving the verse form an kernel of equality. The poet makes it a trouble-free undertaking for the readers to visualise the scenes with the appropriate usage of assorted imaginations. He has besides done a fantastic work of adding assorted different senses into the verse form.All the senses. ocular. odor. internal…...
The Relationship Between Language and Content in Poetry
The following sample essay explores the relationship between language and content in poetry. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Many tallented poets describe words as tools of verbal language used to build an image in people's mind and to move an emotion or win a certain cause. David Waggoner's "Their Bodies", Langston Hughes' "Share-Croppers", and Ruth Collins "The Song of the Factory Worker is three particular poems that were analyzed in comparison styles and…...
EducationLanguageLifeLiterary GenreLiteratureLove
“The Rape of the Lock” by Alexander Pope’s
The Rape of the Lock begins with a transition sketching the topic of the verse form and raising the assistance of the Muse. Then the Sun ( “Sol” ) appears to originate the easy forenoon modus operandis of a affluent family. Lapdogs shake themselves awake bells begin to pealing and although it is already noon. Belinda still sleeps. She has been woolgathering. and we learn that “her guardian Sylph. ” Ariel has sent the dream. The dream is of a…...
Thomas Hardy – Analysis of Three Poems
An epitaph is an inscription upon a tomb, in few verses for the casual observer to read carefully. It is usually carved in stone and is very synthetic. The Elegy is much more lengthy than an epitaph. The two genres differ not only in lengths, but also in subject matter, since the epitaph is a 'report' concerning the deceased, the elegy is an expression of 'mourners'' sorrow. As for the setting and space, the epitaph is part of a spatial…...
Compare the Ways in Which Heaney and Sheers Write
Your response must include detailed discussion of at least two of Heaney's poems Memories, for both Heaney and Sheers, stimulate the writing of their poetry and act as a foundation for many of their poems. Both Heaney and Sheers' poetry contains a deep love of, and feeling for the landscape. Sheers said himself; "You can't separate landscape from people. They're completely imbricated." For example Heaney's poem "Digging" is set in the fields of Ireland when his father is "stooping in…...
Idea of Poetry Carol Ann Duffy – Feminist Propaganda?
Propaganda is a message purposefully written to influence opinions, causing the viewer to agree with the message writer's point of view. These are often written in a misleading manner with equivocations. However in 'The World's Wife' many of the poems see women in a negative point of view and many of the women described in the poems are described as happy at the thought of children and child-birth. There is a lack of continuity in the themes of the poems,…...
CommunicationFaustFeminismHomosexualityHuman NaturePoetry
The Charge Of The Light Brigade and Exposure Poem
A more experienced poet known as Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote the Charge Of The Light Brigade. He was born in 1809 and died of old age in 1892. He wrote The Charge Of The Light Brigade in response to a Newspaper Report from the Times, which was written by W. H. Russel, so his understanding of the war was from second hand knowledge, he was removed from the action. Unlike Wilfred Owen, who wrote Exposure. Owen was born in 1893…...
PoetryReasonWilfred Owen
Comparison of the Poems Mental Cases and Disabled By Wilfred Owen
I will compare the poems 'Disabled' and 'Mental Cases' for my essay. I will look at the language that Wilfred Owen uses to convey the pain and hurt that war causes. I will also endeavour to examine how the poet expresses his outrage at the effect of the war in both poems. I will make a comparison between them. Wilfred Owen was born in March 1893. He taught on the continent until 1915, when he enlisted after visiting a hospital…...
I Am Not that Women, Poem by Kishwar Naheed: Summary
Summary of 'I Am Not that Women' (Essay) The poem's 'I am not that women' by Kishwar Naheed and 'women work' by Mayo Angelou show the struggles of two black women from different cultures. Compare and contrast the two women's experiences. The two poems 'I am not that women' by Kishwar Naheed and 'Women Work' by Mayo Angelou are two examples of how black women were treated in these days. The poems come from two different backgrounds but each have…...
How does Dawe demonstrate concerns about society and humanity in his poetry?
The desensitisation and dehumanisation of modern society is a concern that plagues the entire western world today. Since the development of television and societies exposure to the media, humanity has evolved into an existence where the gaining of commodities has taken over human morality and consciousness. Dawe testifies the dehumanisation and desensitisation aspects of war upon the human race as a whole. Concerns about society are evidently represented in Bruce Dawe’s poems Homecoming (1968), Weapons Training (1970), and The Not…...
Character TraitsHumanityLifeLiterary GenreLiteraturePersonality
“Dulce et Decorum est” by Owen and “The Charge of the Light Brigade” by Tennyson
The following sample essay on `Dulce et Decorum est' by Owen and `The Charge of the Light Brigade' by Tennyson. Tennyson and Owen have very different views on war, I think that it is important to look at their reasons for writing the poems, and their backgrounds. Tennyson was poet laureate, and therefore a high profile figure, and expected to write poems. He came from an aristocratic background, and had a higher-class family than Owen. He did not see war…...
Dulce Et Decorum EstPoetry
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