Essays on Literature

Free essays on literature refer to the writing pieces that are available to everyone online without any charges. These essays can cover a wide range of literary topics, such as the analysis of a character or a theme in a novel, a review of a poem or a play, or an interpretation of a literary movement. They can be written by students, scholars, or literary enthusiasts, and can offer diverse perspectives and insights into the world of literature. Free essays on literature can be useful for those interested in learning more about a specific literary work or genre or for those seeking inspiration for their own writing.
Edgar Allan Poe’s Tales
Words • 1253
Pages • 6
Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories and the stories we read in class differ a lot in the 7 elements of fiction. They differ in characters, plot, and conflict, but the one similarity is that they have is the point of view. The characters in Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories are mostly depressed, insane, and fearful. In Tell Tale a Heart, the narrator goes a bit insane. His characters are different compared to the characters in the Gift of the Magi.…...
Edgar Allan PoeThe Scarlet Ibis
 Causes and Effects of Rebellion 
Words • 505
Pages • 3
Often times there has been a situation that someone thought they could handle better, so they acted on those feelings and overthrew this system. This is Rebellion. The main character of The Scarlet Ibis by James Hurst has a little brother with a life threatening heart condition that results in him being fragile. This prevents him from walking, this is the cause of his rebellion. Someone will rebel when they believe a situation would be better if they had control…...
RebellionThe Scarlet Ibis
Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon
Words • 1127
Pages • 5
The symbol of flight has been present in literature throughout many cultures. Often it is used in literature as a symbol of freedom in a sense that it appeals to a sensory-stimulated bliss that defies traditional weight pressure. The history of flight as a symbol in African American Literature is readapted in Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon by categorizing her characters into different flyers that represent different outcomes of taking the leap. Traditionally, the use of the symbol represents the…...
Song Of Solomon
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Statement of The Problem
Words • 1056
Pages • 5
It is that time of year again. Spring has sprung, flowers are in bloom, and you can hear the sighs and moans from students in every school, as they await to hear the sentence they have been dreading since before winter break, “It is time to take the test”. Every year teachers are subjected to test cognitive abilities based upon regulations set forth from Federal and State mandates, while students anxiously stress out about whether or not they are going…...
ProblemsStandardized TestingThesis Statement
Patterns of Stage Performances In “Little Things
Words • 569
Pages • 3
Please answer each question in ¾ page of thoughtful writing that incorporates specific textual evidence from each play.  Total length: 1 ½ pages double-spaced, 12-pt. font What patterns does you notice in the stage directions in Trifles? Draw our attention to a particular pattern that you notice in the stage directions that you feel is important and tell us the idea being implied through that repeated element. In the play Trifles Glaspell showed command in her stage directions. She used…...
Components That Make a Story a Fictional Story
Words • 552
Pages • 3
Any nonfiction/fictional story contains components to make it a story. In the play, 'Trifles' by Susan Glaspell the theme seems to be basically conveyed by the plot, characters, setting, symbolism, etc, which really is quite significant. The author utilizing all these techniques to particularly convey the messages helps the audience understand the play more. For instance, the plot gives it conflicts, elevating actions, climaxes, falling actions, and resolutions in a fairly major way. Moreover, the setting mostly makes the action…...
Human Communication And Relationships vs. Facebook
Words • 550
Pages • 3
Over 2.5 billion active users on Facebook participate in everyday use. Whether it's on their cellphone, computer or laptop, worldwide. Have you ever caught yourself being at home or even out and about and verbally not speaking to anyone? You barely speak to the greeters at the grocery store and the checkout lady. You go home and barely speak to your dog that you’ve had for years. Instead, you're looking down smiling at your smartphone over a post conversation you're…...
CommunicationEveryday UseFacebook
A Hermeneutic Reading of “A Noiseless Patient Spider” by Walt Whitman
Words • 1831
Pages • 8
“A Noiseless Patient Spider” is a poem written in 1868 By Walt Whitman and published in the edition of 1891 of Leaves of Grass. In this poem, Whitman establishes a ceaseless quest for meaning and knowledge in the vastness of the world through vivid descriptions of the noiseless patient spider while making its web. He equates that who looks for meaning with the spider in the sense that the former looks for connections and the latter makes its web with…...
DialogueReadingWalt Whitman
History Gaming Simulation Games
Words • 739
Pages • 3
Gaming has evolved so much that “there are 2.2 billion active gamers in the world” (Emma McDonald). Games were created very early as simulations to test out how games would work. People played on different platforms like consoles or PCs or even MACS. Gaming has reached the world in different ways which are important. Streamers can be watched globally on a streaming app called Twitch. If you ever try to become a gamer it will enhance your focus in good…...
Charles BabbageHistory
Gender Plays An Important Role in Who Can Learn
Words • 420
Pages • 2
Some people think gender plays a major role in who can learn or do better at math; however, they are mistaken. In a recent research study the gender difference in who can learn or do better at math is little to none. In addition to the research a study “analyzed data from 242 studies published between 1990 and 2007, representing the testing of 1,286,350 people. Overall, the difference = 0.05, indicating no gender difference, and variance ratio = 1.08, indicating…...
Charles BabbageGender
Studying Software On Engineering
Words • 882
Pages • 4
I am studying Software Engineering and my professors frequently mention Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage in their lectures. Out of curiosity I looked Ada up and was astonished at her work. She anticipated modern computing and artificial intelligence more than a hundred years before they came to be. Augusta Ada Byron, the first Countess of Lovelace, was born on 10 Dec 1815 in Piccadilly, London to the poet Lord George Byron and Annabella Isabella (Anne) Millibanke, 11th Baroness Wentworth. Ada…...
Charles BabbageSoftware Engineering
Flags Of Our Fathers 
Words • 687
Pages • 3
The film Flags of Our Fathers described an important historical time period. It is an iconic picture of American patriotism, depicting the six men raising the flag over Iwo Jima during World War II. This event inspired the bestselling book by James Bradley, and then inspired the movie “Flags of Our Fathers”. The movie was released in 2006, and was based on the bestseller book by James Bradley. The film described the famous flag raising on Battle of Iwo Jima,…...
FatherMovie ReviewPatriotism
Cultural Values And Myths
Words • 428
Pages • 2
Heroism isn’t all about saving the day. Culture values and myths are similar because they have the same concept. Ancient Greece is more fighting dragons while American Culture is more risking your life to save others. The meaning of heroism is someone who is willing to save someone above their self. Heroism is seen a lot in American Culture by helping others and in mythology by saving the day. Heroism is seen in the books the Odyssey and Mythology in…...
Tragic Love Themes in English Literature
Words • 954
Pages • 4
Authors Nicholas Spark and William Shakespeare both include themes of drama, tragedy and sacrifice in their love story in English literary tradition. Nicholas is a love story teller who expresses love by sacrificing a person’s true love, while the English poet William seeks tragedy in the end of his stories. The American novelist uses the word “love” as a real life scenario. The result was his 1996 novel The Notebook, which Sparks based on the romance between his wife's maternal…...
LoveRomeo And JulietThe Notebook
The Notebook Read Romances
Words • 476
Pages • 2
To start off I am Lexi. I go to Westosha Central High School, I am a sophomore this year. I chose this book because I remember watching the movie and it was a wonderful movie, so I thought I would read the book. I do not like to read that much but when I do read I like to read romance books. My favorite part of the book is when they are young and watching them grow up through their…...
BooksReadingThe Notebook
Opposites On Can Attract
Words • 1610
Pages • 7
It is true that opposites can attract. It is also true that when they do attract each other, other people sometimes disagree that they should love each other and be together forever. Nevertheless, it is because they don't understand how those two people feel about each other and that they don't see credentials. They only honestly care for the person. Nicholas Sparks’ movie The Notebook depicts the story of the complicated intimate relationship between Noah, a mediocre country boy, and…...
LoveThe Notebook
“Pride and Prejudice” Jane Austen
Words • 622
Pages • 3
“Pride and Prejudice” written by Jane Austen portrays the life of the upper-class in England. Written in the late nineties of the 18th century, it is a tale that holds true even in today’s modern world. The first version of the author’s work was titled: “First Impressions”, as reflected in the novel; and it is hard to determine which title is more adequate, but nevertheless, both are fitting and pertain to the main characters – Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy.…...
First ImpressionJane AustenPride And Prejudice
Analyzing Who He Would Like to Impress
Words • 1006
Pages • 5
The idea that first impressions is the lasting impression makes it challenging for one to be properly analyzed by someone that they would like to impress. Individuals tend to base their perception of people off of what they have heard, which is typically false information. First impressions are mainly based on external features and body language, as well as generalizations and bias’s which affects the accuracy of those perceptions. According to Daily Mail, the article states “Your first impressions on…...
First ImpressionJane Austen
Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice
Words • 782
Pages • 4
The novel by Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice first published in 1813, is one of Austen’s’ most classic and well-known novels. It portrays life in the genteel rural society of that time. Austen’s novel is set in a world where reputation and expectations matter. She sets her satirical eye on the way people judge one other based on their social and economic position. In fact, Austen had first chosen the title “First Impressions” which helps to further communicate her intentions…...
First ImpressionJane AustenPrejudice
Chinua Achebe’s ‘Dead Men’s Path’
Words • 483
Pages • 2
Is a story that references the conflict between traditional and modern values, the Christian principles that get introduced to the villagers of Ndume by Michael Obi and his wife result in an act of resistance. The story encompasses the struggle in early colonialism and the fight for the ancient cultural and religious beliefs to remain in a modern world. Michael Obi, a blend of African and European origins, proven in his name, is the protagonist of “Dead Men’s Path.” Obi…...
Chinua AchebePatience
Dystopian Novel “American War” by Omar El Akkad
Words • 1388
Pages • 6
American War , a dystopian novel, by Omar El Akkad shares a story of Sarat Chestnut and her family as they experience a civil war first hand. Throughout the years when war takes place in this devasted America it shows the reality of the problems in the present international 65world through the eyes of the American people, creating a sense of realism to its readers. The overarching aspect of the novel is manipulation and destruction, as Sarat is stripped of…...
“Me Talk Pretty One Day” by David Sedaris
Words • 595
Pages • 3
I believe the author is trying to convey how a change of perspective, patience, and confidence can affect an outcome. At the beginning of the article, Sedaris shows consistently how hard it was to adapt to the French language. From the random lettering of words to the confusion covered up by humor, he showed discouragement in his situation. However, when he realized how the other students were feeling the same way he was, his perspective changed. He was able to…...
Isabella Vainikainen’s Book Report
Words • 590
Pages • 3
The story begins with a boy named Luke and three boys named Skin, Daz and Speedy [which are their nicknames of course]. Their real names are Jason Skinner, Darren Fisher and Bobby Speedwell. Luke met his friends at The Grange. They were getting prepared to sneak into an old house in Buckland Forest. There’s an old lady who lives there alone, her name is Mrs Little. Mrs. Little goes to the village shop every Friday evening, which gives the boys…...
Girl By Jamaica Kincaid
Sagarkumar Patel The Last Harvest: Book Report
Words • 1076
Pages • 5
The Last Harvest The author Witold Rybczynski has thoroughly described the real estate development process. He outlines the transformation of a cornfield into a new town neighborhood of Chester County, Pennsylvania. This book also narrates the development from George Washington to current builders. For an organizer, or anybody intrigued by urbanism or land advancement, this is a captivating book. Rybczynski also describes the traditional urban planning and traditional approval process required from municipalities. The book portrays the development of a…...
Comparison of The Sonnet “Astrophile and Stella” “Amoretti”
Words • 1835
Pages • 8
Please provide brief but detailed answers to the questions below. A short paragraph or two should be sufficient, but you can always write more. Be sure to include sonnet number (or stanza number) and line numbers in your answers and include quotes. You do not have to quote an entire line or lines—just what you need to support your answer. NOTE: answers are worth different points for a total of 10. Deposit your quiz in the D2L Dropbox by Monday,…...
SonnetThe Faerie Queene
The Story Of a Long Car Ride
Words • 3907
Pages • 16
It started innocently. I woke up late for work. The day before, I had taken a long car trip and was very tired by the time I reached home. The next morning, I was rushing to get to work. Stopping at the gas station to get my coffee, I noticed this young girl with a look of desperation on her face. She was standing by the pump and looked like she was almost in tears. I asked her what was…...
SpankingThe Story Of An Hour
Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson
Words • 626
Pages • 3
Were transcendentalists who critiqued contemporary society for its “unthinking conformity”, and urged that each person find, in Emerson's words, “an original relation to the universe”. In excerpts from Emerson’s Self Reliance, he argues that the mindset that individuals adopt surrounding societal progress has adverse effects on one’s personal growth, while excerpts from Thoreau’s Walden depict his more intense belief that individuals must fully immerse oneself in the natural world and strip themselves of all influences from the materialistic world to…...
LifeRalph Waldo EmersonSelf Reliance
“I Am Not Strange, I Am Just Not Normal.”
Words • 1304
Pages • 6
Salvador Dali surely made his presence in this world by not being normal. Salvador Dali was a Spanish painter in the 1930’s known for his surrealist style work and his eccentric personality. “Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.” This is a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson's…...
Self RelianceThe Stranger
Wall Street’s Bartleby Writer Becomes Financial Center
Words • 928
Pages • 4
Is set when Wall Street was becoming a financial hub of the United States. This transformation impacted many at the time, there was no minimum wage, few child labor laws, few unions, and few protections against discrimination. The American workplace changed dramatically, becoming a dangerous and unsafe environment. With the Industrial Revolution changing the workplace rapidly and living conditions quickly deteriorating, “Bartleby, the Scrivener” offers a look into the life of many working-class citizens during the 19th century. Herman Melville…...
Industrial RevolutionMoby DickWriter
Reader Response On Journal
Words • 1294
Pages • 6
Vonnegut is referencing Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, whose narrator is also a central protagonist and character, but both fail to reveal much information about themselves. In the Book of Jonah, Jonah is trapped in a whale’s belly for several days like in Moby Dick. Bokononism represents religion in the real world. Its deliberately absurd contradictions are meant to question the purpose of religion in modern society and whether religion can still be good even if its principles are based on…...
HumanityMoby Dick
Media On Analysis Essay
Words • 779
Pages • 4
Ethan Kim 7M3-16-18Media Analysis Essay Looks are everything in this world. They have so many effects on people whether good or bad. Many media sources show how people’s appearance and looks can affect them in many ways. In the book, Uglies, children have an operation to make them pretty when they are 16. The main character Tally Youngblood has yet to go under the knife. She has been waiting her whole life to get this operation. There are no jobs,…...
MediaMedia AnalysisUglies
“The Severe Test” by Arthur Miller
Words • 530
Pages • 3
Let's take a look and dive deep into Arther Miller’s The Crucible, to see why it should still be taught in classes today, worldwide. This story is one of the greatest pieces of literature depicting how the actions of one another can affect the person you are and the world around you. There is an abundance of qualities and life lessons or examples that can be valuable to our character and building ourselves in today’s world, especially with all of…...
Arthur MillerLifeSelf Confidence
Indian Trials and Fair Treatment
Words • 547
Pages • 3
One thing that Historians have noticed about the mass execution of the Indians is how differently Lincoln treated the Indian rebels versus the Confederate rebels. In an article from the New York Times in 2014, it mentions how Confederate soldiers were not given the death sentence even though they killed over 400,000 Union soldiers. Whereas the Indians, who only killed 490 white settlers were given the death sentence. The trial against the Indians was very unfair considering the Indians didn't…...
The Trial
The Role of the Omnipresent Door in The Trial, a Novel by Franz Kafka
Words • 930
Pages • 4
In Franz Kafka's The Trial, K. goes through an omnipresent door which shows K's situation where one side of the door is blurry from the other. Making his way through a convoluted and anarchic city, he is repeatedly going in and out of doors, passageways, and halls. K. says he goes: “through an opening which had no door,” (65) and surely realizes that he is lost. David Foster Wallace said the joke in Kafka's work is "that the horrific struggle…...
The Trial
The Injustice in the Trial of Socrates
Words • 867
Pages • 4
Socrates and Justice In dialectic with Polus, Socrates argues that committing an injustice is worse than suffering one. This assertion is largely based on Socrates' intuition that by nature, humans shun evil, meaning that because of the damage that the commission of injustice inflicts upon the soul, one would prefer to receive an injustice rather than inflict one. Here, I will argue that despite the eloquent rhetoric Socrates offers in support of his claim, certain situations and individual tendencies can…...
The Trial
The Novel “Bread Givers” The History of Marriage
Words • 624
Pages • 3
The story of an arranged marriage is seen through the relationship of Reb Smolinsky and his wife Shena. When Shena turned 14, “the matchmakers from villages, far and near, began knocking on our doors telling father the rich men's sons were crazy to marry themselves to me.” Shena Smolinsky was of high standing. “But father said, he got plenty of money himself. He wanted to buy himself honour in the family. He wanted only learning in his son-in-law. ” Shena’s…...
Arranged MarriageBreadFather
Absurdity in The Trial, a Novel by Franz Kafka
Words • 771
Pages • 4
“The Trial,” the 1925 novel by Franz Kafka, follows the story of Josef K., an influential bank clerk who wakes up one day to find that he is under arrest for a crime which will not be named to him, and which, to the best of his knowledge, he has not committed. The reader is thrown into a whirlwind of court proceedings, romantic conquests, meetings with lawyers, hallucinations, and more, as K. tries to understand and overcome his predicament. “The…...
The Trial
A Case Analysis of the Trial of the Century, the Leopold and Loeb Trial of 1924
Words • 586
Pages • 3
The murder of Bobby Franks and the Illinois vs. Leopold and Loeb Trial of 1924 shocked the populace of Chicago?. The murder was gruesome. The motive unknown. The murders—crazed. The Leopold and Loeb Trial is undoubtedly worthy of the title "Trial of the Century" because the perplexing crime gripped the imagination of the people and because the trial highlighted captivating, dramatic speeches. To begin, the Leopold and Loeb Trial is worthy of the title "Trial of the Century" because the…...
The Trial
The Color Of Water
Words • 531
Pages • 3
Identity crisis is a hot topic recently. Because of the way world functioned in last decades, people are accustomed to particular behaviors. Many religions cultivate traditions that may seem outdated in a modern world. Judaism is one of them. This religion dates back to the Ancient times. The guidebook for Jewish people is Torah, where rules and principles are written down. (Hacket-Silberman, et al., 2020) The sacred text dates back to early beginnings of Judaism. Hence, this book may seem…...
Arranged MarriageBooksFamily
The Concept of Vedanta Philosophy and Monism in India
Words • 974
Pages • 4
The Vedanta philosophy and way of thinking takes root in the ancient Indian philosophy writing of the Upanishads. It is based around a monist world view, meaning all things in this world are one and all these things are god basically which is called Brahmin. This sort of an idea favors devotion over faith in one Supreme Being the way monotheism does. This makes way to erase feuds between religion of which god is right and instead says any central…...
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
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Gender Plays An Important Role in Who Can Learn
...Many famous people have influenced math as we know it today, both men and women like William Playfair and Ada Lovelace. Ada Lovelace worked alongside a man named Charles Babbage who was working on a calculating machine called the “Analytical Engine...
Analyzing Who He Would Like to Impress
...In addition, if Darcy would’ve got rid of his first impressions, Elizabeth would’ve been able to forgive his pride. In fact, when Darcy relinquished his first impressions, it caused his second proposal to be humbler which made Elizabeth forget he...
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