The Romantic Years Of Paul Ingendaay Review

Topics: Insurance

The cover speaks to the viewer on several levels: We see two cars – models from the sixties – who have before they are vorbeigebraust together stopped. The two drivers stretch on the other over – the well-groomed young man from the window of his sky-blue compact car and the distinctive young dark-haired from the black leather seat of her red convertible runabout – and kiss each other tenderly. In the title “The Romantic Age” … The blurb announces as “heroes” an insurance salesman that starts an affair with a married woman – but considered his life in “tragicomic tradition as a moderate loss event ‘… So bourgeois Wohlstandskinder- Idyll? Entertaining Sixties nostalgia? Maybe somewhere hippie departure? Soixante as entrepreneurs? Social conflict romance versus materialism? Since we can expect many between healer and broken world.

But what a sham! A young couple on the amount of time chic motorized, which may get to know on winding paths, cherishes her tender love plants and nurtures gets into conflicts of the transition year or maintains an idyll, however – what matter: One looks in vain.

The intersection between the expectations raised and the following content is to track down only with a magnifying glass.

For his first novel, “Why have you forsaken me” was awarded Paul Ingendaay 2006 with the aspects Literature Prize. So the light of this advance praise we ignore our disappointment to hopefully find the novel to the true intrinsic value.

The insurance salesman Marko Theunissen hangs years his literary studies at the nail. Disoriented as he is, he can be by Anton Orzegowski, the personal insurance agent his then-girlfriend Martina teach them how to get fast buck: short training, have to pass the exam for insurance agent and earns depending on commitment and conviction that fast Mark.

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With 37 years must Marko but finally do something with his life! In Kleinhoek, a small town in the lower Rhine, it can take over an agency. But unlike its predecessor, Willi, who knew how to fix some damage to the best of his villagers, it has hard of Marko. . Than to bring a newcomer insurance to farmers is nearly impossible, and it will not change anything in thirty years.

We read everything we anyway knew about the insurance industry, or at least suspected – about policies, commissions, top dogs and stalking the unsuspecting customers, which alone counts the quota. At the AGM at the end of the leaderboard of bitter rival top seller is celebrated and enhanced with bonuses. Yes, swings between the lines of the author irony, but such delicate Esprit barely manages to captivate the reader through hundreds of pages on a topic that is now really any reasonably informed citizen trust needs to be and quite cheeky irony with which even the advertising deal.

There is also a bit of thoughtfulness on the occasion of two suicides that Marko deal again and again: a brother has Gregor, his teacher in the Catholic boarding school, committed, the other a colleague who could not stand the intrigues of the industry Has. But that only stay scribed, not led to the end of human exceptional situations. And love the cover art? because if at least Markos secret relationship with the page jumping Angela would be a sparkling, mysterious adventure in which you would like to be fly on the wall! But here we expect more frustration than pleasure.

This leaves only the hope for the milestone birthday of father Rudolf. The old man is 75, has a macular disease and is easily accordingly. Long ago, the respected and wealthy notary has his wife Irene formally married away from Center Court – a Toptennisspielerin, just seventeen years old. The marriage was a farce from the beginning, although it is blessed with three children. But Sonja is suffering from the mendacious relationship between the parents and goes out into the world in order to improve them; Marko we already know; at least from the youngest son Robert is something decent: psychologist, married with two children. Finally, Mrs Irene creates the jump, and it separates from Rudolf. His great day now should all come together to celebrate in an intimate circle, as befits this honorable House – or will be about to make the great reckoning with him? You will be surprised – it is all very different.


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The Romantic Years Of Paul Ingendaay Review
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