The Advantages of Doing Homework

Topics: Teaching

We could all ask ourselves is anything relevant, Nevertheless, homework is relevant as it belongs to a part of a tiny percentage of things that are relevant. Homework consists of two things. which are essential in education. Learning Every child. teenager and adult gets homework. from spellings to revision for GCSE’s to grading tests. This element that homework gives us. makes us remember the things we did at the same time as doing the homework. and the next day when the homework is being corrected.

this learning and recycling of information that was learned the night before comes back and is remembered. Writing- Even if the homework set is a reading or understanding homework. notes should be made for each topic every night and kept so that when the tests come. the subjects on the test wont be new to you and the notes Will be a good guideline.

So, if all we have to do in homework is sit down.

read something. take notes. spend about thirty minutes reVising it. what’s all the trouble about? Surely two or maybe less hours of homework a night for all your subjects isn‘t that much. however. many people disagree. “Mum. I have been doing this for ten minutes and can‘t understand it. can I not just go and watch TV and do it later?” “Yes dear. dinners ready in 5 minutes” Is this what happens in your house? if this is the case. WISE UP! No one who can‘t understand something but only spends ten minutes on it is mad! There are many resources that help people now days in their homework or projects.

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Examples are; books. videos. the Internet. Internet clips, visuals. encyclopedias and many more. All these resources help in the producing and correcting of the homework and to show that homework isn’t some choir you either choose to do. or not.

Homework teaches children and teenagers to work independently and is practice for exams were the teacher wont be there to help the children though. Many times a day before the end of each class. our teacher stands up and says. “Just a short homework tonight girls”. and she’s right. that’s all it really is. I personally never get long homework’s. unless it’s a punishment homework or an essay. and all my homework can either be finished that day. or our teacher gives us two or three days to complete it. Some people don‘t bother themselves at all and I find people in the morning before class trying to do essays that were given to us for homework/reVIsion like aweek ago. and I had done mine so long ago I couldn‘t even remember it. That is how easy and stress free homework really is. theirs no “I‘ve spent ten minutes” because ten minutes isn’t enough. and think about what happens after your homework. you can do what you like and not worry about a big black homework cloud resting over your head.

At the end of the school day. people come home and say: “I have a big pile of homework to do”. Nevertheless. don’t you think that the teacher has far more to do than we have? Big piles of homework are extremely relevant to school life sometimes. mostly before a test. Think. not only do the teachers have to mark are homework. but all their other classes homework as well. and believe me. they wouldn’t rnark so much work if they didn’t think that homework wasn’t relevant. I think a solution to this problem of ‘too much homework’. would be to give us and all other people in other schools a few minutes at the end of class before the bell rings. to get started on the homework set. and give the teacher time to mark some homework and tests so they‘ll only have a small bit to do at home. Despite that. if some of the people in this class choose to mess around. then they’re contradicting themselves as they complained about too much homework.

I feel giving more time to do homework. rather than lessening it is better because instead of lessening the homework. giving us more time to do it. helps all the same. maybe even more. In conclusion. I believe that taking away homework would be sabotage. as grades will drop. sure we‘ll all have more time for TV. but TV wont get you a job. an education Will. unfortunately homework is a part of everyone‘s education. I believe homework is not necessan/ and very relevant to everyday life. but not everyday. like Monday to Sunday. I believe that ‘homework‘ is the recapping off material covered in class. so when we have school that night we should have homework. but I am completely against homework at the weekend. yet who knows. a question that appears in your homework could well appear in a real test. wouldn’t that be lucky?

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