Do Students Have Too Much Homework?

Many studies within the past decades have been focused on the amount of homework that is put onto many students. Often times. the concern arises that students are loaded with too many expectations, requirements. and not enough time to do it in. However. many of these studies show that the level of homework on average students is well received. beneficial. and motivational. Homework is a topic with a seemingly negative connotation but is actually well received by many families and students.

Reports from Source B show that many parents see their child‘s homework as their window into their education. With this. many parents see problems with a child‘s time management. rather than their amount of homework. Many studies also show that homework is beneficial to the students education and overall performance. by enforcing discipline. good study habits. and promotes responsibility in students. as seen.

In Source E. By giving students at-home aSSIgnments to further their education. it brings attention to that students individual strengths or weaknesses that he or she might not have noticed in class.

This gives the student the chance to process the information themselves and cater to one’s personal learning method. Motivation in students can also increase due to students choosing classes that require more work. As said in Source C. many well»performing students choose classes such as Honors or Advanced Placement courses which require more homework than an Academic level course. This may motivate those students to do homework well and on time.

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in order to maintain good grades in difficult classes.

Although some students may believe that schools give out too much homework. or that homework is not as much of a priority such as sports. music. or a job , but some students may just lack good time management. Many kids want to do homework but simply don’t have the support or skills available, stated by Source F. In conclusion. I would like to propose a compromise on the issue. I believe schools should keep or increase the level of homework, but also place more emphasis during school on proper study skills, and a more inclusive education, so that students might be able to fully comprehend material and be able to better handle their academic and social achievements. In one sentence. I believe that students do not have too much homework. they simply lack the skills to do it properly.

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Do Students Have Too Much Homework?. (2022, Oct 17). Retrieved from

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