A Discussion on the Importance of Doing Homework

Topics: Teaching

One of the most difficult challenges that teachers and parents face is getting teenagers to do their homework. A common complaint With high school students is that they do not have enough time to do their homework. In these years students are holding down more iobs. taking on more household responSIbilities. and participating in a greater amount of extracurricular actiVIties than any other generation of students. At a time when teachers nationwide are assigning more and increasingly difficult homework to prepare students to meet more rigorous academic standards.

parents find themselves unable to tackle their children’s homework. The quantity and difficulty of assignments can turn weeknights into hours-long research detours. leaving kids in tears and parents with migraines. Homework can have a positive effect on achievement. as children grow older.

Despite the stress on monitoring the quality and quantity of homework. many students are left tiying to cope with a huge, often boring. and homework load, But. its all for the good, As more and more distractions are made available to the teenager.

it is crucial that todays students are aware of the importance of doing their homework. Homework is a necessary component of every successful students education. By doing homework. a student Will learn independent thought. periorm better in school. and proVide a greater chance for economic success in their post education lives Students. in order to succeed. must become responsible for their education. Homework is supposed to be a review of What has been taught in class to reinforce the concepts and ideas.

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It is not supposed to be new learning so that the parent then has to become the teacher.

In a high school. students spend less than five hours of classroom time per week in any particular subject. During this time, the teacher introduces new concepts and skills by building on previous lessons. In order for the student. to become proficient With these newly taught ideas and abilities. they must practice and work on these skills. so that they may be fixed in the students mind. In order for this learning to take place. teachers suggests that students should use homework to practice what they have learned in school and to prepare themselves for the next days class By becoming more independent learners through homework. the average students will demonstration an improvement in their grades. Students that habitually do their homework can expect to have greater test scores and also higher-class grades. This is because students are taking time to develop their understanding of skills and concepts through practice and self-understanding.

As students grades. test scores. and proficiency scores increase, their chances of graduating with a high school diploma and continuing their educational career also increase. With more education. students have a greater chance of securing a more stable and higher paying job than those students that either drop out of high school or only earn a high school diploma. Come on now. this isnt hard to believe. Ms. Shonty doesnt spend her time looking for a immoral Wickedness known to us as essays. but in class and take home. and multiply choice questions for nothing. All of this is in preparation for our future. A future. that in all her power. she doesnt want us to Waste. The real debate isnt if we like or dislike homework.

The argument lies in the motive for homework. And are we ready to take on that purpose. Clearly. homework is a complex issue that brings together the child. parent. and teacher in planned and unplanned ways. With positive and negative outcomes. Homework is needed to provide students with a grasp on important concepts taught inside and outside of the classroom. As the students become capable in handling these Important concepts and skills. both their grades and test results Will improve. As students become more knowledgeable and independent. then the student will be prepared to face the next trial: college. Homework is a Vital tool in the educational process and must not be tossed aside because of the shrinking time constraints of the average teenager.

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A Discussion on the Importance of Doing Homework. (2022, Oct 18). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/a-discussion-on-the-importance-of-doing-homework/

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