Haiku and Romantic Poetry Quiz

Read the haiku.

Each tree in the yard
Announces its vigor
With buds on each branch.

What is the kigo in this haiku?


Read the haiku by Bashō.

A crow
has settled on a bare branch—
autumn evening.

What is the kigo in this haiku?


Which line of poetry best imparts a sorrowful mood?
branches droop as gray skies loom

The poem’s mood is best described as its .

Read the haiku.

Beneath the cold dirt
Bulbs slumber with the knowledge
Shoots emerge again

Which phrase from the haiku reveals the idea of renewal?

emerge again

Read the haiku by Bashō.

The crane’s legs
have gotten shorter
in the spring rain.

What motif is presented in the poem?


What motif is addressed in both forms of poetry?

Japanese haiku differ from English romantic poems because
a haiku presents a single moment through its brief structure.

Which line of poetry best imparts a reflective mood?
As the heavy snow falls, the geese recollect sun-soaked shores.

What motif is addressed in both forms of poetry?

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Haiku and Romantic Poetry Quiz. (2017, Dec 18). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-haiku-and-romantic-poetry-quiz/

Haiku and Romantic Poetry Quiz
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