Free essays on philosophical theories are scholarly works that explore various philosophical concepts, ideas, and principles. These essays provide insights into different theories and philosophical ideas, and they are intended to help readers gain a better understanding of the philosophical concepts discussed. These essays may focus on topics such as morality, ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, and logic, among others. They are written by experts in the field and are free to access, providing an excellent resource for students, academics, and anyone interested in exploring philosophical theories.
The conversation between Jinny and Rhoda in the eighth section
The following sample essay on "The conversation between Jinny and Rhoda in the eighth section": discuss existentialism theme in conversation between Jinny and Rhoda. The conversation between Jinny and Rhoda in the eighth section is strikingly captivating to notice when Jinny talks of life in a miraculously positive way, while Rhoda perceives it under a negative light. This is reflected when Jinny says, As if the miracle happened and life were stayed here and now, (p.127) to which Rhoda promptly…...
Physicalism Vs Dualism
The following sample essay on Physicalism Vs Dualism discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.Physicalism v Dualism-the Mind/Body Problem In philosophy there are a number of different views when It comes to the mind/ body problem. The mild/body problem Is the problem of explaining how the mind relates to the body. One of these views is called dualism. Dualist utilize Leibniz law to…...
LawLogicMetaphysicsMindPhilosophical TheoriesPsychology
Characteristics Of Modern Drama Essays
This sample of an academic paper on Characteristics Of Modern Drama Essays reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.Modern drama tends to combine faith of the character and reality in one play. There are many plays where tragic heroes manage to survive, but they fail to cope with their inner passions and ego. I think that this idea is central to Henrik Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House”, especially to Nora’s…...
CharacterDramaHenrik IbsenHuman NatureLiterary GenreLiterature
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Sample Essay on Socrates Believed That
Socrates believed that right insight leads to right action, this means that our judgment in choosing right over wrong causes us to do good. He says that our actions should be based from our reason and that ignorance causes us to think wrongly and in turn will make us do evil. We must conquer our ignorance if we want to do good in order to achieve our end goal, to have a happy life. A happy life is understanding what…...
EpistemologyMetaphysicsPhilosophersPhilosophical TheoriesPhilosophySocrates
Example Of Teleological Ethics
This sample essay on Example Of Teleological Ethics provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.Deontological moral systems are characterized by a focus upon adherence to independent moral rules or duties. To make the correct moral choices, we have to understand what our moral duties are and what correct rules exist to regulate those duties. When we follow our duty, we are…...
DutyEthicsMetaphysicsPhilosophical TheoriesPhilosophyReason
Foucault The Care Of The Self
This essay sample on Foucault The Care Of The Self provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay. Michel Foucault (1926-1984) spent much of the later part of his studies on the idea of the care of the self and cultivation of the self. He defined such care as using one’s own reason to ascertain who one is and how he…...
CultureMetaphysicsPhilosophical Theories
Aristotle Self Realization
The essay sample on Aristotle Self Realization dwells on its problems, providing a shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down.Aristotles’ Philosophy of Man – Self-Realization Brief History about Aristotle Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) was a Greek philosopher. He was a student of Plato and a teacher of Alexander the Great. Aristotle wrote a lot covering subjects which include physics, metaphysics, theater, poetry, music, linguistics, rhetoric, logic, politics,…...
AristotleHuman NatureMetaphysicsPhilosophersPhilosophical TheoriesPhilosophy
Is Rational Choice Theory Macro Or Micro
This sample essay on Is Rational Choice Theory Macro Or Micro offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion are provided below.Rational Choice Theory and Structural Functionalism: A Supplementation and Assimilation Great theories produce opposition in connection to their inconsistencies and while challengers may position the theory contra itself, followers tend to revise the theory in order to preserve it from dismissal. This usually occurs by broadening the original…...
ChoiceEthicsExperienceHuman NaturePhilosophical TheoriesSocial Structure
Cosmopolitanism Vs Nationalism
The following sample essay on Cosmopolitanism Vs Nationalism discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.The continuing phenomenon of globalization has caused scholars to recognize distinctions and ultimately relationships between the global and local in the context of social, political and cultural affairs. “Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture” by Ulf Hannerz approaches an understanding of the relationship between cosmopolitanism and locality in the…...
CultureGlobalizationNationalismPhilosophyPolicyPolitical Science
David Hume Aesthetics
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of David Hume Aesthetics. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. David Hume is one of the most significant thinkers among the Enlightenment. He is motivated by the question what is beauty, and how certain responses to artwork reflect objectivity. Hume’s essay of 1757,“Of the Standard of Taste” elegantly describes examples of the tradition of aesthetic judgment The growth of scientific knowledge…...
Religious Experience Essay
This sample essay on Religious Experience Essay provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.The classic religious experience is a group of like-minded individuals who claim to have experienced the same thing, in the example given; the disciples claim to see Jesus after he had died on the cross. It is normally not believed by others and also some within the group.…...
Supremacy Crimes
The sample paper on Supremacy Crimes familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories, and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.Gloria Steinem is a well-known feminist who have always created possibilities by which she would extends her idealisms regarding women and the supposed rights and power that they should be given through the treatments that they receive from people living around them or from the society as a whole. She was much enthusiastic in writing several informative reading…...
EthicsIdealismLawSocial IssuesViolence
Example Of Psychoanalytic Criticism
This essay sample on Example Of Psychoanalytic Criticism provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay.Mliterary criticism, the reasoned consideration of literary works and issues. It applies, as a term, to any argumentation about literature, whether or not specific works are analyzed. Plato’s cautions against the risky consequences of poetic inspiration in general in his Republic are thus often taken as…...
Piaget And Kohlberg
The sample essay on Piaget And Kohlberg deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches, and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.This assignment will describe and evaluate two theories in developmental psychology. Firstly looking at Piaget’s Theory then followed by Kohlberg, then an evaluation of the similarities and differences of the two. It will provide evidence of how Piaget’s and Kohlbergs theory both suffer from the same criticism’s as they both…...
EthicsMetaphysicsPhilosophical Theories
Henry Viii Renaissance
The following sample essay on Henry Viii Renaissance provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay. Henry Viii was crowned in the early sixteenth century. during the Renaissance period. The Renaissance period reflects back on the fifteenth century Florence. Italy where the rise of spiritual doctrine. patriotism and involvement in the humanistic disciplines. humanistic disciplines and architecture was dominated in pop…...
Anne BoleynCultureEnglandHumanismMedieval EuropeRenaissance
Creating Your Ideal State Essay
The essay sample on Creating Your Ideal State Essay dwells on its problems, providing a shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down.Eren ErkanFinal Draft 20801260 IR Phil 243/ 15 Tugce Ar? kan Essay Question: Explain Plato’s ideal state by referring to the Republic, book IV and VII. To what extent do you agree with Plato’s idea that the kings should be philosophers? Why? Why not? Concept of create an…...
Allegory Of The CaveJusticePhilosophical TheoriesPlato
The Problem Of Induction
The following sample essay on The Problem Of Induction deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches, and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on. Explain the problem of induction- Discuss two different solutions to it. The problem of induction is the philosophical issue of whether using induction to justify our beliefs is reasonable. We have memories and experience from past events that allow us to prepare for the future. Although the…...
Existential Themes in My Life Without Me Movie
This sample paper on My Life Without Me offers a framework of relevant facts based on recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body, and conclusion of the paper below. The basic plot of the movie – that set on the last days of a dying young woman – hints at being a tear-jerking melodrama. But contrary to this threat My Life Without Me delivers a surprisingly novel representation of a life about to end. The announcement of…...
CultureMeaning Of LifeMetaphysicsPhilosophical Theories
Matthew Arnold The Function Of Criticism At The Present Time
The sample essay on Matthew Arnold The Function Of Criticism At The Present Time deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches, and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.Arnold argues in his essay that criticism is as (if not more) important an aspect of literature as the creative effort. He took this stance at a time when criticism was being looked at as an academic pursuit. Some even considered it a…...
Brute Facts Vs Institutional Facts Mcat
This essay sample on Brute Facts Vs Institutional Facts Mcat provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay.Searle starts his explanation of social reality by outlining ‘brute’ or observer independent facts. Searle is a realist and does not subscribe to the view that ‘all of reality is somehow a human creation’ and that there are ‘only facts dependant on the human…...
BiologyEpistemologyLanguagePhilosophical Theories
Stephen Crane Naturalism
This sample essay on Stephen Crane Naturalism offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion are provided below.The 1880s to the 1940s Markss a period in American Literature known as Realism and Naturalism. This was the clip when most literary plants reflected the thoughts of pessimism and determinism. and where events and even God oppose human free will or stay apathetic to human desires. One writer and poet of…...
AngerDeterminismFree WillGod
Culture And National Identity
This essay sample on "Culture And National Identity" provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay. How Important are Cultural and National Identities for an Individual? Our cultural and national identities play an important role in the formation of our individual identities. While care must be taken to not stereotype people based on their ethnicities/nationalities/gender identities, such attributes do contribute to…...
GenderIdentityNational IdentityPoliticsSociology
Rich And Unhappy vs Poor and Happy
The following sample essay on Rich And Unhappy discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down. * Choosing a career that pays well, but makes a person unhappy, and choosing a career that makes a person happy,but does not pay well. What is the purpose of life? What is the one thing that truly matters in order to experience a meaningful, gratifying existence? Some…...
ApathyContentmentHappinessHuman NatureMeaning Of Life
The Monk Canterbury Tales
The sample essay on The Monk Canterbury Tales deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches, and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.The Contrasting Characters: The Monk and The Clerk of Oxford The Monk and the Clerk are two characters lying in opposite extremities. What one person lacks, the other has gained in abundance. This essay will explore the major differences between the Clerk and Monk in the Canterbury Tales; its…...
Canterbury TalesCultureGeoffrey ChaucerHumanismLovePoems
Diary Of A Madman Lu Xun Summary
This essay sample on Diary Of A Madman Lu Xun Summary provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay.Lu Xun writes about the impending doom for China because he hates to see the homeland he loves diminish. The Story of Ah Q and The Madman’s Diary are both scornful critiques of Chinese traditions, values, customs and ways of life. He is…...
Sociological Thinking
This sample essay on Sociological Thinking offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion are provided below.“Sociology is the scientific study of human life, social groups, whole societies and the human world as such… it’s subject matter is our own behaviour as social beings. The scope of sociology is extremely wide, ranging from the analysis of… encounters between individuals… to the investigation of international relations. Sociology demonstrates the need…...
Common SenseEpistemologyPhilosophical TheoriesSocial ScienceSociology
Superior Man Confucius
This sample paper on Superior Man Confucius offers a framework of relevant facts based on recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body, and conclusion of the paper below.A Reflection on Confucianism Confucianism teachings focus on three socially critical topics. These aspects are woven into the Confucian teachings called The Analects. The Analects can be broken down into the four main parts of focus, humanity, or Jean, word-deed, propriety and the superior man. These Analects are primarily concerned…...
ConfucianismConfuciusCultureEthicsPhilosophersPhilosophical Theories
Argumentative Essay On Utilitarianism
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Argumentative Essay On Utilitarianism. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. While Utilitarianism as a practical philosophy can find application in affairs of democratic policy making and economics, its stature are a satisfactory system of morality is contested. The scholarly consensus as of date is that Utilitarianism is a partial system of morality and is somewhat inadequate on account of its…...
EthicsHappinessJeremy BenthamPhilosophical TheoriesPhilosophyUtilitarianism
Global Media and Constructivism Essay
The following sample essay on Global Media Essay discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down. Global Media and Constructivism Media globalization plays a significant role in the global culture. It can be very convenient for people in different countries to exchange information. Also, the exchange of trade and products between the countries has become convenient and simple too. Nowadays, the rapid changes in…...
CultureGlobalizationHuman NatureIdealismInternetMedia
Legalistic Ethics
This sample essay on Legalistic Ethics provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.The situational ethics theory was brought about by Joseph Fletcher. It refers to a particular view of ethics that states: the morality of an act is a function of the state of the system at the time it is performed. The founding idea is that the only thing of…...
CultureEthicsMetaphysicsPhilosophical TheoriesPhilosophy
Buddhist Hell, Natural Law in Asian Culture
The following sample essay on Buddhist Hell, Natural law in Asian culture. Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven. Apologies to Aquinas for starting off on an unholy note, but hed be comforted to find that the Hell I grew up with synthesized and agreed with much of his ethical theory. Hell is quite literally in Singapore with the magnificent Haw Par Villa displaying a reconstruction of the rings of the Underworld, complete with dim lighting…...
BuddhismCrimeLawNatural LawPhilosophical TheoriesSovereignty
Waiting For Godot Essay
Written by Samuel Beckett originally in French in 1948, the translated English version was first enacted on stage in 1953. One of the masterpieces of the absurdist tradition, the play is infused with psychological, political and philosophical symbolism. The plot is outwardly quite simple, involving interactions between two friends Estragon and Vladimir as they both wait for another friend named Godot to arrive. Although Godot does not arrive during the course of the play, his anticipation sets up the context…...
ExistentialismMetaphysicsPhilosophical TheoriesWaiting For Godot
Emerson’s Beliefs
When Emerson states “envy is ignorance” and Imitation is suicide”, he is speaking of a point In a man’s education where he comes to have a strong belief of this. “Envy Is Ignorance”; If a man Is envious of another man, this shows a lack of knowledge. “Imitation Is suicide”; If a man Imitates another man’s work, it is the same as committing seclude for him. These two metaphors I believe, are pretty much self-explanatory. When a man puts his…...
BeliefCultureHuman NatureMetaphysicsPersonalityPhilosophical Theories
Difference between Descriptive and Normative Ethics
What is the difference between descriptive ethics and normative ethics? What role do values play in each of these two approaches to ethics? Provide examples to illustrate your points. Descriptive ethics is founded on the belief that humans are ‘hard-wired’ to be selfish. That is, they are for the most part absorbed in fulfilling their own desires and goals. The capitalist economy is a good example of this instinct in humans, whereby, ‘greed is good’ is an accepted mantra for…...
Categorical ImperativeCultureEthicsMetaphysicsPhilosophical TheoriesPhilosophy
Critiquing Barbie: A Cultural Icon
This article takes a critical look at one of the most recognizable cultural icons in American history – the Barbie doll. While admitting to the popularity and appeal of the Barbie doll across generations, Emily Prager finds certain faults with what it symbolizes. The fact that the doll was first conceived and designed by a man is the first of Prager’s objections. She contends that Barbie’s fulsome breasts and thin waistline accentuate her sex-appeal, thereby reducing femininity to the contours…...
BeautyCulturePhilosophical Theories
Sigmund Freud René Descartes
There are many concepts that do not still have certain meanings. One of them is the term “consciousness”, and since the early times of philosophy, there isn’t an exact explanation of consciousness. As a simple explanation, consciousness means hat the condition of being awake and able to understand what is happening. However, Descartes and Freud have different perceptions for consciousness. This paper will argue that, according to Freud’s concerning the relation of unconsciousness and conscious process in order to show…...
EpistemologyMetaphysicsPhilosophical TheoriesSigmund Freud
Strengths Of The Teleological Argument
The following sample essay on Strengths Of The Teleological Argument deals with Aquinas and Paley. The Teleological Argument is an a posterior inductive argument which was put forward in many forms by ancient philosophers such as Plato and Cicero to the more modern philosophers and theologians such as Aquinas and Paley. It is an argument to prove the existence of God. The name of the argument comes from Greek “telos” which means purpose or aim. Aquinas’s argument which was in…...
ArgumentsCultureEpistemologyLogicSkepticismThomas Aquinas
The Forks on the Road to Self-Actualization
The road to self-actualization is one filled with forks. One must constantly make decisions that affect character and one’s ultimate destination in life. Some travel this road very consciously, making informed and well thought out decisions that they hope will lead them in the right direction. Others live haphazardly, not taking into account the possible consequences of poor decisions. Often times one of the most major forks is a decision between moral obligation and private passion. Pressing matters of family…...
EthicsHuman NaturePhilosophical TheoriesThe Glass Menagerie
Matrix Philosophy Descartes
The movie “The Matrix” is a clear demonstration of Descartes Meditation One, they both question the reality in which they are living, if it is real or if it is controlled by something else, questioning the current reality. For Descartes, it is controlled by evil demons, whereas a supercomputer controls the Matrix. Both are in what is perceived as a dream state where the senses cannot be trusted. Descartes works up to his case for universal doubt in Meditation One…...
EpistemologyHuman NatureMetaphysicsPhilosophical TheoriesPhilosophy
Self Reliance Essay Ralph Waldo Emerson
It means that what e perceive as the truth is true for every person of mankind because the truth is absolute and with no variations. This idea is Justified by this quote, Voice of the mind is to each, the highest merit… ” which means that our inner voice, our own thought, is the ultimate source of excellence (Emerson). Here is another quote that I found particularly interesting as well, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,…...
EpistemologyMetaphysicsPersonalityPhilosophical TheoriesSelf RelianceTruth
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on Philosophical Theories