Marine Biology and Conservation
Marine biologists have a sincere interest in the marine environment Marine biology is a multi-faceted science. The marine world offers so much to scientists: researching all levels of organisms and studying genetics cell and molecular biology. With all of the things to study, biologists also research and study the conservation of the oceans, and sometimes, lakes and rivers as well. Water constitutes two-thirds of the earth’s surface with so much water, marine biologists have a lot to do, and Mankind…...
BiodiversityEcologyMarine BiologyNatural Environment
My Future Career in Marine Biology
When I first began my college career, I had hopes and dreams of becoming a trauma doctor. After some time and thought, I have realized medicine is not my passion. Living so close to an incredibly beautiful ocean has inspired me to pursue a career in the field of oceanography. Marine biologists study oceanic life specimens as well as their behaviors and how they interact with their habitats (Craig P. Kahle). This can vary from studying marine plants, to fish…...
Marine Biology