Marine Biology and Conservation

Marine biologists have a sincere interest in the marine environment Marine biology is a multi-faceted science. The marine world offers so much to scientists: researching all levels of organisms and studying genetics cell and molecular biology. With all of the things to study, biologists also research and study the conservation of the oceans, and sometimes, lakes and rivers as well. Water constitutes two-thirds of the earth’s surface with so much water, marine biologists have a lot to do, and Mankind has always thought that the world is always going to be here, no matter what.

Well, it is time for that sort of thinking to change. Not only is our planet changing from global warming and other weather-related disasters, but the human footprint on the ocean is large. Our rapidly expanding need for seafood and other non-consumables has made many marine species populations decline.

Over fishing some areas of the waters and oceans have threatened the survival of a lot of species of fish.

Groups of species in Oceania are threatened by the destruction and modifications of their coastal habitats. This means that they are susceptible to changes impacting the biodiversity of the area. Marine biologists observe these situations and then try to find a way to make people aware, awareness and information like this is usually published in the form of scientific journals and magazines. After publication, this information finds its way to the public; usually through the news. By understanding and identifying these present-day happenings of the mysteries surrounding the astounding biodiversity and the damage that we are causing, it gives the other biologists, the public and even some of the large companies the knowledge needed to avoid some of the bad things happening to habitats all over the oceans.

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The diversity of these animals and their surrounding ecosystems is important to all of the other systems around it. Not only do these systems need protection, but preventing the coming damage is important, too. The ocean’s inhabitants of one area overlap into, eventually, all the areas of the oceans. Then the coasts are affected this, eventually leads to the interior of the land masses. This affects the whole world arational treatment of these problems can be based on integrated coastal management these are implemented with marine biologists Marine biologists believe it is a comprehensive marine monitoring and forecasting system. It is aimed to improve environmental surveillance and facilitate marine transport. Operations like this continuously network with other programs and provide other factors they monitor meteorological observations, humidity, wind speed, and direction and also, clouds. Not only are meteorological factors important to conservation, but studies include underwater oxygen availability all other effects on the sea bed (Glud: 256) Marine biologists start programs and studies like this.

They participate with a hands on approach in things like this to promote and educate the world. This way, they can help manage, protect and develop marine resources. It Societies are organized around a continuous conversion of the world‘s ecosystems to human use Marine biologists, along with other people like officials in the government, and human beings need to work together so that ignoring the problems of the oceans is not a problem anymore. Unfortunately, most of the fault lays with the people of the world taking advantage of the ocean‘s condition is something that needs to change. Social change seems to be hard for most people. Even though a lot of people are getting the picture by being “green” or driving hybrid cars and such, the focus has mostly been on the land parts of the world and not the water and oceans.

Marine biologists and other scientists can not craft a complete vision for nature-compatible societies. Ultimately, this is something that must be handled by all of society and in a global force Marine biologists offer the data the people are the ones who must do as is recommended. Without all of the work that marine biologists do and the information collected from the specialized studies, society wouldn’t have an idea on what to do. The information is vital for the population to act on Marine biologists can‘t do everything there comes a time when we, as a people must do our part.

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Marine Biology and Conservation. (2023, Jan 15). Retrieved from

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