Free essays on Law are online resources containing academic papers, research works or case studies that explore various areas of law. These essays provide useful insights into legal issues, court judgments, case precedents, legal debates, and theoretical frameworks related to the study of law. They can be beneficial to law students, legal professionals, researchers, and academicians who seek to broaden their understanding of legal knowledge and its application. These essays can also serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for students who may be required to submit similar papers. These essays are provided free of charge, making them accessible to anyone who is interested in learning about law.
Following a post on her Web blog Lisa Peel got subpoenaed by
Following a post on her Web blog, Lisa Peel got subpoenaed by the local district attorney to testify before a grand jury and release the names of her confidential sources. Mrs. Peel wrote a piece about the potential embezzlement of government funds on behalf of the assistance superintendent Frank Peterson. The post, based on several confidential informants' testimony, claims that $10,000 of the school district's equipment remains at the home of Mr. Peterson. The question of whether Mrs. Peel is…...
Immigration has been a very controversial topic since its
Immigration has been a very controversial topic since its inception within the United States of America. There were disagreements about immigrants coming through Ellis Island from 1892 until 1954, the immigrants arriving after the Civil War. There is great fear that comes with outsiders. As U.S. citizens fear that America itself will change and its economic order will change, and other basic fears. Concerns such as these implement fears in people that lead to paranoia. Paranoia is the irrational and…...
Ned Kelly Argumentative EssayHero Victim Villain These are the
Ned Kelly Argumentative EssayHero. Victim. Villain. These are the three words used to portray Ned Kelly. Many people would see him as a cruel police murderer or maybe a heroic civilian who stood up for peoples rights. Yet the things that Ned did, didnt identify him as a villain or a hero. He was a victim, who was treated poorly by everyone around him. For Ned, the difficulty of living was trying not to be called a thief for crimes…...
CrimeMurderNed KellyPolice
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Food Facilities: Single-Use Plastic Straws Issue
Law #11. Article Link2.? What is the name of the law?AB-1884 Food facilities: single-use plastic straws.? Who signed it?Governor Jerry Brown? When was it implemented or when does it go in effect?Got into effect the first of January 2019? Summarize the law in your own wordsThe bill prohibits full-service restaurants, from providing single use plastic straws to consumers, unless requested by the consumer.3. Find an article that explains the law. Summarize the article in your own words.The bill which was…...
Black Lives Matter and use of Memes. Memes have shifted their role
Black Lives Matter and use of MemesMemes have shifted their role from entertaining viewers to passing on critical messages to the viewer about something or someone. They have become popular in the recent past following continuous evolution of technology particularly social media technology. They dominate the news headlines especially on the social media platform with the purpose of informing, influencing, supporting, or persuading. Since the evolution of the Black Lives Matter in 2013, the use of memes either supporting the…...
Black Lives MatterHillary ClintonJusticePolicePoliticsRacism
In the episode White Bear and Justice from Black Mirror it depicts
In the episode White Bear and Justice from Black Mirror, it depicts the concept an eye for an eye. I think that there is nothing wrong with the concept an eye for an eye. Within this essay you will why Victoria deserved the punishment she received for the crime she committed. As well as how many characters are/were guilty.An engaged couple, Lain Rannoch and Victoria Skillaine kidnapped, a little girl named Jemima, Lian tortured, and killed he killed her by…...
CrimeCriminal LawJusticePunishment
1825 To 1850 Reform Movements
The sample paper on 1825 To 1850 Reform Movements familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories, and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.During the time period of 1825-1850, ideals of equality, liberty and pursuit of happiness that defined democrat were inculcated into the masses of America through a series of reform movements that emerged in the antebellum era. Based on the desire to make America a civilized, utopian society and religious revivals adequately expanded the democratic ideals…...
Declaration Of IndependenceHuman RightsJusticeLibertyPoliticsSlavery
Racism In Oroonoko
This sample of an academic paper on Racism In Oroonoko reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.Jack O’Donnell Development of Western Civilization Dr. Carlson November 17, 2011 Slavery and Racism: Are They One in the Same? Aphra Behn was an extremely significant and influential English writer in the 1600s. One of her more famous works, Oroonoko, discusses the issues of slavery and racism in the Americas. Many people believe…...
InjusticeOroonokoPoliticsRacismSlaverySocial Issues
Patent Infringement by Microsoft Foss Holly Stark
This sample of an academic paper on Fosspatent reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below. Microsoft’s Foss Patent Infringement Holly Stark ITT Technical IT 302 Abstract This paper takes an in depth look at the claims from Microsoft that FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) committed patent infringement in 2006. It also discusses how the events have impacted FOSS, whether negatively or positively and how the actions have changed…...
Business LawComputer ScienceCopyright LawInformation Technology
Litigation Hold Policy
The following sample essay on "Litigation Hold Policy": deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches, and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on. Premier CollegeLitigation Hold Notice POLICIES Issued: November 21,2011 Responsible Official: President Responsible Legal Counsel/Chief Information Officer Office: Policy Statement Policy Statement Premier College has a legal obligation to preserve evidence and records, including electronic documents that are relevant to a pending or potential claim or action, such as…...
Information AgeInformation TechnologyJusticeLaw
Role of Ethics Audit in a Company
This sample essay on Ethics Audit provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Ethics Auditing: Identify the benefits and limits of ethics auditing. Is there a strategic role that ethics auditing may play in a company? Ethics Auditing By definition, an ethics audit is a “systematic evaluation of an organization’s ethics program and/or performance to determine its effectiveness. ” (1) This…...
Hipaa Research Paper
Ever wonder what the acronym HIPAA stands for, how it relates to health care professionals, as well as you, the patient? Violations of the HIPAA Privacy rule greatly impacts health care professionals, specifically those working in a pharmacy, such as pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. Let’s read further to learn more about HIPAA, more specifically the Privacy Rule. The 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, better known as HIPAA, is a federal law that contains national standards, created to protect…...
Health CareHipaaJusticeMedicinePharmacy
Shoplifting Solutions
The sample paper on Shoplifting Solutions familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories, and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.Understanding of teen issues, immediate consequences and parent and school involvement are ways to help resolve this behavior in juveniles. How can society as a whole find the solutions necessary to reduce the influx of teenage criminals into a life of crime? As teenagers become aware of their status among their peers, they begin to ponder what can…...
AdolescenceCrimeCriminal LawJusticeLawPeer Pressure
Physicalism Vs Dualism
The following sample essay on Physicalism Vs Dualism discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.Physicalism v Dualism-the Mind/Body Problem In philosophy there are a number of different views when It comes to the mind/ body problem. The mild/body problem Is the problem of explaining how the mind relates to the body. One of these views is called dualism. Dualist utilize Leibniz law to…...
LawLogicMetaphysicsMindPhilosophical TheoriesPsychology
Hitler’s Foreign Policy Essay
The following sample essay on Hitler's Foreign Policy dwells on its problems, providing a shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down. Until the death of German Fuhrer Hitler and Chinese dictator Mao in 1944 and 1976 respectively, due to their interests, the two countries not only had an influence towards the countries around them, but the world. And the state of foreign policy, which it was mainly influenced by…...
Foreign PolicyLawLaw EnforcementPolicy
Bismarck Domestic Policy
This sample essay on Bismarck Domestic Policy offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion are provided below.Analyse the successes and failures of Bismarck’s domestic policies after 1871 Otto von Bismarck (1815-98) served as Imperial Chancellor after the German Unification and influenced European diplomacy until his resignation in 1890. His concentration on foreign affairs limited his ‘rule at home’. The extent to which his domestic policies were successful or…...
GovernmentLaw EnforcementLiberalismPolicyPoliticsPublic Policy
“Shooting an Elephant” and Orwell’s Biography
Lowell begins the story with the discontent the police officer has with his job and India with its oppressors, keeping the conflict in the mind of the readers early on and constant. The narrator draws back on his memories which haunt him of when he had to make a choice and chose his pride. Lowell often writes about imperialism, in no shape or form hiding his distaste for it and often poking fun at it, such in 1984 and Animal…...
British EmpireLaw
Craig Shepherd vs Sheila Mason Confrontation
The following sample essay on Craig Shepherd discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down. 1. What are the most important issues confronting Sheila Mason? Explain you priority of important issues. The most important issue confronting Sheila is that her previous company, ATS, is claiming she may be in violation of her Employee Noncompetition, Nonsolicitation, Nondisclosure and Development Agreement that she signed when she…...
EmploymentIntellectual PropertyLaw
Critical Evaluation Essay Analysis
The essay sample on Critically Evaluate dwells on its problems, providing a shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down. Victim Support is a non-governmental national charity that helps victims of crime cope with their trauma. Victim Support has offices scattered across the length and breadth of United Kingdom. Volunteers form the core of the organization. They assume a varied range of roles – from being confidants to victims, informing…...
CrimeJusticeLawLobbyingPoliticsSocial Issues
Agatha Christie Essay
The essay sample on Agatha Christie Essay dwells on its problems, providing a shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down.Speech Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller was born on the 15th September in Torquay England, in 1890. From a young age, Christie loved writing stories for her friends and family, her first novel “The Mysterious Affair at Styles” was published in 1920, when Christie was only thirty years old. Christie was…...
FictionOrganized Crime
Death Penalty Speech: Arguments For and Against
The essay sample on Death Penalty Speech dwells on its problems, providing a shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down. Verna Stafford first lured the family driving in their car, pretending to be a stranded motorist. She first shot Melvin Lorenz when he failed to turn over all his money. His wife, Linda Lorenz, was shot by Roger and Harold when she came running to help her husband. With…...
Common LawCrimeDeathDeath PenaltyDiseaseHealth
Should There Be Private Universities
The essay sample on Should There Be Private Universities dwells on its problems, providing a shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down.rivate universities in India – why? how? Why do we need private universities? Higher education in India has largely been the preserve of the Government till recently in terms of both funding and provision of education. But for this to continue, the Government should continue to be in…...
Higher EducationInfrastructurePolicyUniversity
The Untouchables 1920s
The sample paper on The Untouchables 1920s familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories, and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.Reality and fiction within the film industry are often misunderstood by the audience. A lot of the events that happened in the film ‘The Untouchables’ never actually took place in real life, Elliot Ness never met Al Capone (scarface) and the courthouse scene never happened, and so the list goes on, but despite this the director Brian…...
Al CaponeOrganized Crime
Royal Bengal Tiger Extinction Issue
This essay sample on Essay On Bengal Tiger provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay. Royal Bengal Tiger The Royal Bengal Tiger, once known as the reigning feline of Asia, are now on the brink of extinction. This beautiful species is quickly disappearing due to human activity. Land development has pushed back forestry, which is making it almost impossible for…...
AnimalsEndangered SpeciesHuntingPoachingTigerZoology
Ted Bundy Research Paper
This sample paper on Ted Bundy Research Paper offers a framework of relevant facts based on recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body, and conclusion of the paper below.A personality disorder is another cause of the career criminal. “People with personality disorders are often involved in repeated episodes of disruptive or difficult behavior. Others often consider these people overbearing, dramatic, or even obnoxious” (AGS). Ted Bundy is a narcissistic and a sociopath. Ted Bundy could be considered…...
CrimeHuman NatureMental DisorderNarcissistic Personality DisorderPersonality DisorderTed Bundy
Jones Vs Padavatton Case
This essay sample on Jones Vs Padavatton Case provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay.The case of Jones v Padavatton concerned whether or not a legally enforceable contract existed between the parties, in this case a mother and daughter. The judgements of Salmon LJ and Fenton Atkinson LJ, although reaching the same conclusion have very different reasoning. Salmon LJ considered…...
Common LawContractGovernmentJusticeLaw
Florence Nightingale Theory
This sample essay on Florence Nightingale Theory offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion are provided below.The theoretic approach in providing care for an inmate with Human Immunodeficiency Virus is viewed through the lens of Florence Nightingale’s Environmental Theory. Nightingales theory involves an environment that allows persons to recover from illness by considering sanitation conditions of factors that include fresh air, pure water, efficient drainage, cleanliness, and light…...
DiseaseFlorence NightingaleHealth CareNatureNightPerception
Margaret Atwood Rape Fantasies
This essay sample on Margaret Atwood Rape Fantasies provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay.Atwood uses a temporal setting, a feminine first person point of view, irony, and allusion to warn readers of the vulnerability that comes from naivety and the downplay of ape. The setting is temporal. The women’s liberation movement is thriving in the sass. Media is beginning…...
The Problems with the Gary Ridgeway Essay
The essay sample on Gary Ridgeway dwells on its problems, providing a shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down.D.Keppel? Male Serial Killers: Gary Ridgeway In the summer of 1982, one of the nation’s worst and deadliest serial killers would start a killing spree that would last for almost 2 decades. This killer was known as the “Green River Killer,” but his real name was Gary Leon Ridgway. Ridgeway would…...
CrimeCriminal LawCriminologyJusticeSerial Killer
Gait Analysis Example
The following sample essay on Gait Analysis Example discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.Gait Analysis Name: Lecturer: Gait Analysis Example Date: Gait Analysis Gait analysis in biometrics Gait analysis has been a subject of discussion for many years as to its use. The recognition f gait by computers requires profound knowledge to instill in them the ability to recognize human traits or…...
Santeria Sample
This sample of an academic paper on Santeria Sample reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.Santeria The Yoruba people, who were brought over from Nigeria as slaves, came to the Caribbean in the 1500’s with their own religion, which was seen as unfit by the white slave owners. Most plantation owners in the Caribbean were members of the Roman Catholic Church, so they forced their slaves to disregard their…...
CaribbeanCatholic ChurchCultureSacrificeSlavery
Education For Leisure
This sample essay on Education For Leisure offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion are provided below.Browning’s poems ‘My Last Duchess’ and ‘The Laboratory’ both deal with jealous killers. I will examine the characters in both of these poems and note the similarities and differences between them. Duffy’s ‘Education for Leisure’ and Armitage’s ‘Hitcher’ both have people who are driven to kill because of boredom. I will also…...
JealousyMurderMy Last Duchess
Academic Paper Grant vs Arizona
Arizona v. Grant Arizona v. Grant The U. S. Supreme Court limits how police searches a vehicle after Arizona v. Grant. April 21, 2009 the U. S. Supreme Court adds new limits on how law enforcement officer can search the passenger compartments of a vehicle. Due to this ruling, police officers require having either evidence of a crime for which the suspect is being arrested for, or the officers are completing a weapons check that could be within reach…...
Common LawJusticeLawPoliticsPrivacy
Wholesight Definition
This sample of an academic paper on Wholesight Definition reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.Ethical issues exist in all areas of criminal justice system (from passage of laws to punishment) Criminal justice professionals have discretion Legislators: in making laws Police: in enforcing laws Attorneys and Judges: affecting justice process Correctional Professionals: affecting offenders lives What do criminal justice professionals have in common? power to make decisions duty to…...
Categorical ImperativeCrimeCriminal JusticeJusticeLawNatural Law
Massey And Denton
The sample paper on Massey And Denton familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories, and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.The book American Apartheid by Douglas S. Massey and Nancy A. Denton is an eye-opening book that throws light on the issues of poverty and seclusion among African Americans. Contrary to many illusions and simplistic assumptions about the economic backwardness of blacks in America, Massey and Denton show that the community’s poverty is directly linked to its…...
PolicyPoliticsPovertyPoverty And EducationSocial InequalitySocial Issues
Ghosts From The Nursery
This sample essay on Ghosts From The Nursery provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.Ghosts from the Nursery: Tracing the Roots of Violence written by Robin Karr-Morse and Meredith S. Wiley offers the reader an in-depth expression at kid maltreatment and disregard. Karr-Morse and Wiley ( 1997 ) discuss the effects of maltreatment and disregard, looking specifically at force in kids.…...
AbuseBehaviorChild AbuseHuman NatureSocial Issues
Roper V Simmons
This sample essay on Roper V Simmons offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion are provided below.The Death Penalty is a controversial topic on its own. However, if you add the possibility of a minor receiving the death penalty it gets even more interesting. The Supreme Court case of Roper v. Simmons was a perfect example of that. Roper v. Simmons presented the Supreme Court with two questions:…...
Capital PunishmentGovernmentJusticeLawSocial Issues
Leopard Skin Chief
This sample essay on Leopard Skin Chief provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.Discuss the institution of the feud among the Nuer as analyzed by E-P. Why did E-P argue that it played a necessary role in the segmentary political system of the tribe? The institution of the feud among the Nuer as analyzed by Evans Pritchard, is settled by a…...
A Jury Of Her Peers Symbolism
The sample paper on A Jury Of Her Peers Symbolism familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories, and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.Oftentimes two realities co-exist in the nature of human experience: the way things are supposed to be and the way things are. Susan Glaspell’s short story “A Jury of Her Peers” illuminates this idea through a type of allegory. On one level, the characters are attempting to solve a murder mystery, but on another…...
A Jury Of Her PeersJusticeLaw
Cosmopolitanism Vs Nationalism
The following sample essay on Cosmopolitanism Vs Nationalism discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.The continuing phenomenon of globalization has caused scholars to recognize distinctions and ultimately relationships between the global and local in the context of social, political and cultural affairs. “Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture” by Ulf Hannerz approaches an understanding of the relationship between cosmopolitanism and locality in the…...
CultureGlobalizationNationalismPhilosophyPolicyPolitical Science
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