Essays on Cinematography

Free essays on cinematography offer insightful knowledge and in-depth analysis of the art of filmmaking. These essays provide an excellent introduction to the fundamentals of cinematography, including lighting, camera angles, framing, composition, and narrative structure. The essays are written by experts in the field and provide valuable information for students and professionals alike.The essays explore various aspects of cinematography in different genres of film, including horror, drama, comedy, action, and documentary. They discuss the evolution of cinematography and the various techniques used by filmmakers to create stunning visuals on screen.Whether you are a student of film or a professional filmmaker, reading free essays on cinematography can broaden your knowledge and understanding of the art form.
Ancient Roman Art Reflection
Words • 2682
Pages • 11
Some of my perceptions of Ancient Roman art and society have remained static over the past semester, while other ideas I once held at the start of the semester have drastically changed. My original ideas and thoughts came from a variety of different influences that have developed throughout a large sum of my life such as history classes, popular culture, travel, and the assumption of Greek influences. I have spent the past semester studying Ancient Roman art in much detail…...
An Emperor’s Pursuit of Pleasure
Words • 718
Pages • 3
Good leaders are often thought to be organized, uniting the people under them through the order. By providing firm commands for subjects to look to they gain the people's support. Then from that point on they have a responsibility to provide for their people. They are meant to look out for them and keep them secure, not run off to fulfill their desires in vain. One of the best Roman emperors, Marcus Aurelius led the empire through many achievements by…...
Gladiator Paper for Comparison
Words • 1212
Pages • 5
The Gladiator movie is a historical movie about the ancient Roman Gladiator games. The movie received good reviews from consumers and movie review companies but just how accurate was it to the actual Gladiator games? A few things that are talked about are Marcus Aralias, how gladiators became gladiators, how fighters intimidated each other, the weapons used, the audience’s participation in the games, how gladiators became powerful, and how Maximus isn't real, and how Commodus went crazy. To start, one…...
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Amity Institute of Forensic Science
Words • 821
Pages • 4
INTRODUCTION OF AERIAL SURVEILLANCE: Surveillance is a keen or deep observation of something or someone who are suspicious. A criminal who is suspected by the police will be under the surveillance. In this particular term aerial surveillance aerial refers to something that is operating in the air. It is of two types they are photos or images and videos; these are taken by operating a particular camera containing vehicle into the air. Examples: - Helicopter, spy plane, drones and military…...
CameraForensic ScienceSurveillance
Secrets of Montage in the Movie Run Lola Run
Words • 465
Pages • 2
Time and space are the main features of continuity editing, the 180° rule, where the camera should not cross the line of action when two shots are edited together. There will be a jump cut if it changes position and violates 180° rule. In one scene of Run Lola Run, the left side of Lola seems like the right side in the next shot, also in the following shot, jump cuts are used intentionally to create a discontinuity in editing.…...
Film Analysis
Editing Quality Impacts Audience Enjoyment in Film
Words • 1412
Pages • 6
Annie Hall and The Birds are two films that set the tone that well-done editing in a film can make, and throughout my analysis the shots, transitions, and sounds were highlighted. I noticed that their significance was to add special effects to the audience’s experience. The quality of editing that is used in a film is essential to how the audience will enjoy it. Editing can give the audience a better understanding of where and when a film is taking…...
Film Analysis
How Star Wars: The Last Jedi Failed to Revolutionize the Franchise 
Words • 1698
Pages • 7
In 2017, Walt Disney Studios and Lucasfilm released Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Written and directed by Rian Johnson, this film was the second movie in the Star Wars sequel trilogy and the eighth installment in the Star Wars film franchise. The blockbuster was the highest-grossing film of 2017, but it was met with mixed reviews from both critics and fans. Some praised the film for being a subversive take on the Star Wars franchise, while others found the film…...
Star Wars
The Monkey Man of Delhi
Words • 532
Pages • 3
Considering some modern phenomena, movement, and political activity in the modern era that makes the news is overabundant. One of the most influential things that affect the reality of the mind is hysteria. Throughout the history of mankind, there have been prime examples of mass hysteria that have affected the outlook of it actually happening or not. The mass hysteria that I have found interesting started in India which people named the incident, “Monkey-man of Delhi” and that the hysteria…...
Mass HysteriaMindMonster
Analysis of the Film ”Dragon’s Face” Directed By Robert Clouse
Words • 651
Pages • 3
The movie poster image I will analyze is the poster for the action film Enter the Dragon, directed by Robert Clouse. The film features Bruce Lee, who seeks revenge for his sister and looks to the evidence for opium trade on Han’s private island. The intended audience for the film is people from all age groups. This poster displays, martial arts action film conventions as Bruce Lee, William, and Roper, prominent martial artists, are displayed on top of the poster.…...
Film Analysis
Marilyn Monroe Through the Eyes of John Engstead
Words • 1094
Pages • 5
In the studios of Hollywood in the early twentieth century, famous actors and actresses lined up to get their portraits taken by photographers. The renowned photographer, John Engstead (1909-1983), took thousands of photos of famous stars on the silver screen throughout his career. Beginning in 1926, Engstead worked for Paramount in their publicity department as an office boy, bluffing his way into a photo session with Clara Bow, the Paramount studio's star. The year after, in 1927, Engstead was promoted…...
Effects of Suicide on Family and Friends
Words • 983
Pages • 4
Suicide is a profound problem in today’s society. It has many negative effects on the friends and family of the victim. Self-blame and guilt are a few of the negative effects that are felt by the family of the suicide victim. These effects can also be felt by the friends of the victim. The causes and effects of suicide are seen very prominently in the teen population, the family of the victim, and in the workforce. The causes of suicide…...
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Words • 644
Pages • 3
Beauty Pageants, Barbie, and icons such as Marilyn Monroe in terms of beauty and sexuality during the 1950s are somewhat diversified. For starters, Yolande Betbeze has crowned the new Miss America in 1951. She resigned her position when asked to pose in swimwear creating an image that there is more to being Miss America than being a pin-up girl. As stated by Betbeze in the dialogue article, “…scholarship foundation, the reason I'm here (“Transcript”).” This period was known for being…...
Consequences of the Rapid Industrialization of Japan
Words • 1061
Pages • 5
Japan, located off the coast of East Asia, is an archipelago nation comprised of four main islands and over 3500 smaller islands (Petry). The islands were first inhabited around 8,000 BC by a hunter-gatherer civilization known as the Jōmon ('Japan, 8000–2000 B.C.') Since its colonization, Japan’s environment has heavily influenced the lives and culture of the Japanese people. However, its residents are currently conflicted between conservation and resource usage, which has resulted in various political, economic, and environmental issues. Although…...
On The Waterfront
The Ability to Change your Destiny
Words • 893
Pages • 4
Socialization is one of the great aspects of human beings. It is through socialization, that human beings can relate to and influence each other, positively and negatively. In this paper, I will analyze “The freedom movie”, a film featuring a teacher, who through his teaching professional can impact and change the lives of young people who are undergoing different challenges in life occasioned by separation from their people. The movie has been set in Long Beach, taking place immediately after…...
Freedom Writers
Become a Catalyst for Change!
Words • 1916
Pages • 8
In 1992, several Los Angeles riots surrounding a Los Angeles Police Department officer beating an African American man, Rodney King, affected Southern California citizens, including many students. In 1994, when Erin Gruwell started as the new ninth-grade English teacher at Woodrow Wilson High School, many of her racially diverse students were still dealing with the aftermath of these violent events (Gruwell, 2012). As an upstander, Gruwell hoped to make a difference in her students’ lives who had been written off…...
Freedom Writers
Ashton Kutcher’s race against Human Trafficking
Words • 629
Pages • 3
In the year 1998, Britney Spears released her debut single “Baby One More Time,” Singer Elton John is knighted in Buckingham Palace in London by Queen Elizabeth II, and “That 70’s Show” airs on television for the first time with the first time actor, Ashton Kutcher, as Michael Kelso (“Historical Events”). Young 20-year-old Ashton, had no idea of how successful he would be as an actor, the people watching and many more later would soon grow to love him. Kutcher…...
Are Social Networks Safe for our Children?
Words • 1168
Pages • 5
Social media has taken over the world seemingly overnight, but how does this affect children? Is social media safe, most especially for our children? The social media craze starts young these days, and it seems to keep getting younger. Although the terms of the agreement state that a user must be at least thirteen to use the popular app, Snapchat, there is no real age verification and even my eight-year-old niece has her own Snapchat account. According to Alexis Madrigal,…...
Social Media and the First Amendment
Words • 1211
Pages • 5
Part 1 On August 6th of last year far right talk show host Alex Jones was banned from Twitter YouTube and Facebook in one swift move (Shapiro). His podcast Infowars had been known to be extremely vulgar, politically incorrect and was especially well known for conspiracies about chemicals in the water turning the frog’s gay (YouTube). It’s easy to see the logic behind banning Alex Jones but was it simply because of his political incorrectness? Or was there more to…...
How Has Our Society Developed Into Predicted Visions of a Dystopia
Words • 1461
Pages • 6
The scariest thing about reading dystopias is how well some of them have predicted the future. Some aspects of the books seem like a stretch until you read the books themselves. The way some authors have predicted how technology will ruin society is very similar to how today is. When you are in society and don’t know anything else it seems normal. The scary part comes in once you have read some dystopias and realize the similarities between the book…...
The Image of Dystopia in the Film Wall-E
Words • 996
Pages • 4
Murder, crime, corruption, these are all some of the characteristics used to describe dystopias. WALL-E is an animated film targeted to the younger audience, a film that illustrates its own version of a dystopian society in a softer approach. In the the film humans can no longer sustain life on earth due to environmental damage caused by humans. This causes everyone on Earth to board a massive spaceship, the Axiom, and fly out to space, leaving behind an uninhabitable planet.…...
DystopiaNatural EnvironmentWall-E
Pixar Movies WALL-E
Words • 558
Pages • 3
Pixar movies have been know to be cheesy, fun and funny animated films for children to enjoy. A year after the release of Ratatouille, director and writer Andrew Stanton and Pixar, team up to create WALL-E, a whimsical sci-fi fantasy about robots into the future. This movie creates a story about love and loneliness, the possibilities and pitfalls of human existence. Just like Finding Nemo, this movie film includes an underlying message that impacts not only to the younger children…...
Real World Problem in the Movie Wall-E
Words • 702
Pages • 3
The film Wall-E is a well developed story which grabs a wide variety of different audiences attention while providing humorest entertainment. As the story develops the main character’s purpose shows in addition to his reason for being on Earth. Due to the bad environment that was caused from the humans, leaving Wall-E behind to clean the mess up. In addition this film also shows dystopia which has to do with the environment change relating back to a real world issue…...
Story About the Life Of Piscine Molitor Patel
Words • 2721
Pages • 11
Yann Martel’s The Life of Pi follows the life and catastrophes that occur to Piscine Molitor Patel. Piscine notes that his parents did not like water, but he liked water and swimming, and he was actually named after a family friend’s favorite pool, the Piscine Molitor in Paris. Piscine, or Pi for short, grew up in India, where his father owned a zoo. As he grew up, he learned about the habits and behavior of animals and came to love…...
Film Analysis
To Catch a Thief. A Film of the Crime Genre
Words • 1333
Pages • 6
Whether it’s an old or new, an original or a remake, when it’s a film of a certain genre we have definite expectations. The Pink Panther, Ocean’s Eleven, Now You See Me, How to Steal a Million, and Robin Hood. What do these movies have in common? These movies and others like them can meet our predictions with the conventions of the caper crime film. Let’s look at how this genre allows the audience to accept the crime, while giving…...
Film Analysis
Edward Scissorhands by Tim Burton
Words • 1707
Pages • 7
Societal issues in Edward Scissorhands In the movie Edward Scissorhands, Tim Burton displays societal issues within a unique story about a man that was created with scissors as hands. Burton demonstrates how society tends to manipulate people into wanting to fit in and not become the outcast. In my own life I can relate to Edward’s environment of being told what to do because of my height and talent. In the contrary I can not relate to the fact that Edward was oblivious to some…...
Edward ScissorhandsTim Burton
Fighting Isolation Effects in Older Adults
Words • 894
Pages • 4
Since this coronavirus pandemic has started, the community that my workplace services have been facing an increasing problem with mental health. Being told to stay inside and distance ourselves from individuals and loved ones who we were once able to have physical contact without the fear of becoming sick, has changed the way society thinks and the mental strength of some individuals. The individuals I have noticed that have been heavily impacted by the isolation includes older adults, 65 and…...
IsolationMental Health
Gravity Movie Review
Words • 822
Pages • 4
In the movie, there were many long takes to help guide the audience through the film’s setting; the film even opens with one of these, which helps create the three-dimensional illusion of floating around in space. In addition, lighting also played an important role in making the set pieces and environment look realistic; since there is no atmosphere in space and all the light has to look unfiltered directly coming from the sun, over a million LED lights had to…...
Movie Review
My Impressions about The Princess Bride Movie
Words • 711
Pages • 3
The Princess Bride was a film that did poorly. In my own opinion, I didn't necessarily love the movie but I also didn’t think it was completely horrible. Before watching it, I had no idea what the movie was about and what to expect. I never saw a trailer or anything for it. I went into watching the movie with an open mind. Once I had completely saw the full movie, I then watched the trailer for it. If I had…...
Film AnalysisThe Princess Bride
Buying Experience With a Sales Rep At Best Buy
Words • 661
Pages • 3
The following memorandum is an assessment of my purchasing experience in the help of a sales representative at Best Buy. This assessment will incorporate ideas learned all through the class. Product Information I took a trip to Best Buy in Tukwila located near South center Mall. The exact time and date was February 16th, 2020 around 4pm in the afternoon. The sales representative that greeted me and helped me out was gentlemen that goes by the name of Robert. The…...
Best BuyCamera
F.W. Murnau’s Nosferatu
Words • 582
Pages • 3
Is a vampire horror film based on Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula. Nosferatu brings the image of the vampire to life as a hideous and terrifying being. Since Nosferatu, several other films depicting the subject of vampires have hit the silver screen in an attempt to evoke the same atmosphere of eeriness and mysteriousness that Nosferatu induced. Because of the film’s imagery, lighting, and acting, it is no surprise that Nosferatu is so highly revered that it encouraged the production of…...
Film Analysis
The Powerful Michaelson Family
Words • 1139
Pages • 5
The Mikaelson Family are the most powerful family whose line dates back a minimum of to the then Kingdom of Norge within the late tenth century with Mikael and Esther, an affluent possessor and a Northman mortal, and a wife who is a witch, severally. At the start of the eleventh century, the family was mortal till the loss of Esther and Mikael's youngest kid, Henrik to a lycanthrope attack, it spurred them to use Esther's magic to show Mikael…...
Living with Multiple Identities: The Story of Frankie and Alice
Words • 768
Pages • 4
In the movie, Frankie and Alice, an African American woman is diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder. This disorder is also known as multiple personality disorder. Throughout the film, the main character produces three different personalities. The first personality she expressed in the film was Frankie, a strong and self-sufficient dancer trying to make a living. Genius, who is a smart seven-year-old. And finally, we have Alice, who is a racist Caucasian southern woman. Frankie/Alice's Condition The movie begins with Frankie, an…...
Film Analysis
Philosophy And Martial Arts
Words • 1100
Pages • 5
When Enter the Dragon was released in 1973, it introduced Bruce Lee to western audiences. A joint product of American and Hong Kongese collaboration, the film also introduced Asian cultural components to America, specifically philosophy and martial arts. Film director Robert Clouse implements many cultural components into this film, including Asian philosophies and tactics from The Art of War, but the diverse cast causes this film to be more specifically tied to Hong Kong, rather than mainland China. The Art…...
Film Analysis
Shaw Brothers Studio Film “One-Armed Swordsman”
Words • 2177
Pages • 9
Martial Arts has been a subject in film that has been able to universally capture audiences from all over the globe. One of the most recognized contributions to the industry was by Shaw Brother Studio’s with the development of the film The One-Armed Swordsman, which played a pivotal role in the transition of wuxia film, that focused on more traditional Daoist and Confucian values, to the Gong Fu oriented films that we have come to see developed in not only…...
Film Analysis
What Does Escapism Mean in Movies
Words • 702
Pages • 3
Before I describe what escapism in movies means, I will explain what escapism means in general. Simply said, escapism is a way of avoiding boring things. You do this for example by thinking or reading a book. Another form of escapism is going on holiday, you are going somewhere and you are trying to have fun without having to think about boring things like studying or working. Escapism in movies means that movies offer you a way to escape reality.…...
1950SMeanMovie Review
‘The Piano’ Film Analysis
Words • 691
Pages • 3
Semiological Approach In this film 'The Piano,' the piano is probably, the most significant piece to this film. The piano is what links the characters together. In almost every plot and scene, the piano was involved. The piano meant different things to Ada which made it highly symbolic in reference to the deep connection to her soul and her life. If looking closely, we can see that this is a film about the journey of how the piano played a part in…...
Film Analysis
Prejudice in The Green Mile, To Kill a Mockingbird, & Bend it Like Beckham
Words • 1909
Pages • 8
This essay outlines the presence and nature of prejudice and discrimination, exploring their causes and effects in the texts "The Green Mile", "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "Bend it Like Beckham". Prejudice and Discrimination In Texts In the film The Green Mile and the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, which display racial prejudice, and the film Bend It Like Beckham that addresses sexism, authors have drawn the conclusions that prejudice and discrimination can be caused by stereotyping and the need…...
Bend It Like Beckham
Identity in Bend it Like Beckham
Words • 1045
Pages • 5
Identity is the way one defines itself. One's identity is one's individuality. But the aspects that shape one's identity are nature and nurture. A person isn't ultimately shaped by just the environment that surrounds it but also the environment that has been passed on to it. This idea is highlighted throughout Garinder Chadha's comedy film 'Bend it like Beckham' and is also being exhibited within James Moloney's young-adult fiction ‘A Bridge to Wiseman’s Cove'. These media texts explore the lives…...
Bend It Like Beckham
Feminine Masculinity in Bend It Like Beckham
Words • 370
Pages • 2
The objectives for this presentation were to discuss feminine masculinity using flashpoints from Judith Halberstam, and connect it to a class source and pop-culture source. Our objective was to get our audience to understand our views and the different views throughout the world on the topic of masculinity; whether it be with females or males. The shared text that our group used was Bend it Like Beckham by Gurinder Chadha. We chose to use this shared text because it had…...
Bend It Like Beckham
Essay On Bend it Like Beckham
Words • 741
Pages • 3
The movie, "Bend it like Beckham", is not only about a girl wanting to be a soccer player, it is also about cultural geography. In this movie, cultural geography plays a big role. Everything about it has to do with where they are from and what there culture is like. All aspects of these things play a part in this movie. This movie takes place in the country of England. The main girl in the story though is Indian. Her…...
Bend It Like Beckham
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How Star Wars: The Last Jedi Failed to Revolutionize the Franchise 
...Star Wars: The Last Jedi could have revolutionized the Star Wars franchise, but failed because it abandons it’sits ceit sitsntral argument at the last minute. Rey’s decision makes no logical sense and completely undercuts the film’s subversive ...
How Has Our Society Developed Into Predicted Visions of a Dystopia
...“The Vast Majority of American Adults Are Overweight or Obese, and Weight Is a Growing Problem among US Children.” Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, 9 Oct. 2015,
What Does Escapism Mean in Movies
...There were lots of different eras, events and actors that influenced the movie industry. Escapism played an important role during these eras. Without escapism back then, there would have not been the same interest in movies today. If people would hav...
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