Argumentative essays


What are argumentative essays

Common academic writing assignments include argumentative essays, which call for the presentation of a strong case on a particular subject. Based on sound reasoning and supporting data, these articles seek to persuade readers to accept a particular opinion or take a particular action. Learning the craft of writing papers is essential for developing critical thinking and effective communication, whether you're a professional or a student.
An argumentative essay must be written using persuasive language, strong supporting arguments, and logical reasoning. You may create an engaging paper that effectively communicates your point of view and persuades your readers by using the procedures described in this article. The ability to write persuasive essays well is a vital one that can aid in critical thinking and effective communication in a variety of contexts. Remember, that Paperap has ten thousand essay examples on any topic of any type.

How to write an effective argumentative essay

Select a Controversial Topic

The first stage in writing an argumentative essay is selecting a subject that generates discussion and has conflicting points of view. Pick a topic that will lend itself to thorough investigation and analysis, is pertinent, and is engaging. Make sure your topic strikes the ideal balance between being neither too wide nor too limited for a focused argument.

Conduct Thorough Research

For your argumentative paper gather enough facts and supporting evidence before you start writing on the subject of your choice. To obtain evidence, facts, figures, illustrations, and professional opinions, look into scholarly publications, books, reliable websites, and other reliable sources. Your argument is strengthened and your writing's trustworthiness is increased through thorough investigation.

Clearly Define Your Position

After conducting your research for your argumentative paper, adopt a firm position on the problem you are trying to solve. Decide if you are in favor of or against a given perspective. Your thesis statement, which belongs in the introduction, should briefly describe your stance and the key defense you will make in the paper.

Structure Your Essay

A well-structured argumentative essay moves the reader logically from the introduction to the conclusion. Include a thesis statement, body text, and a conclusion. Each paragraph should concentrate on one topic or facet of your argument, and it should be arranged so that the ideas flow smoothly into one another.


Start your argumentative essaywith a captivating hook to attract the reader's attention. Give some background information on the subject and state your thesis statement, which summarizes your position and primary contention, in a clear and concise manner. The beginning should establish the tone for your paper and get the reader ready for the arguments you'll make.

Body Paragraphs

Your argumentative essay's body paragraphs should give convincing reasons that back up your thesis statement. Each paragraph in the body should concentrate on only one idea or piece of evidence. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that establishes the major contention and be followed by supporting details, anecdotes, and logical justification. To keep the transitions between paragraphs natural, use transitional phrases.

Address Counterarguments

Recognize and respond to counter arguments in order to reinforce your position. Be prepared for opposing arguments and counter them with reasoned justifications and facts. This bolsters the credibility of your argument and shows that you have thought about opposing viewpoints.

Use Persuasive Language and Rhetorical Devices

To make your argumentative essay stronger, use rhetorical strategies and compelling language. To persuade the reader, use logical argumentation, emotional appeals, and moral considerations. Use rhetorical methods to make your argument more interesting and memorable, such as analogies, metaphors, and tales.

Provide Strong Evidence

Your arguments should be supported by solid, pertinent evidence. To support your claims, use verifiable information, professional advice, academic results, and instances from everyday life. Make sure your evidence is current, correct, and properly cited.


Restate your thesis statement and summarize your primary points in your essay's conclusion. By highlighting the importance of your position and its ramifications, you can leave the reader with a lasting impression. Keep new facts and arguments out of the conclusion.

Revise and Edit

Spend some time editing and revising your essay when you have finished the first draft. Review your ideas' consistency and clarity as well as their grammatical correctness and spelling. Make sure your writing is clear and compelling. To get new insights and make the necessary changes, take into account asking for input from others.

Argumentative essay writing prompts

  • First Prompt for your essay: "Should the use of cell phones be allowed in schools?"

This prompt explores the controversial topic of whether or not cell phones should be permitted in educational institutions. It requires students to argue either in favor or against the use of cell phones during school hours, considering the potential benefits and drawbacks of their presence.

  • Second Prompt for your essay: "Is capital punishment an effective deterrent to crime?"

This prompt delves into the ethical and practical implications of capital punishment. Students are expected to present arguments for or against the effectiveness of the death penalty as a means to deter crime, while also considering factors such as morality, cost, and potential for wrongful convictions.

  • Third Prompt for your essay: "Should genetically modified organisms (GMOs) be consumed?"

This prompt addresses the ongoing debate surrounding genetically modified organisms in the food industry. Students are required to examine the potential benefits and risks associated with GMO consumption, considering aspects such as food security, environmental impact, and potential health effects.

  • Fourth Prompt for your essay: "Does social media have a positive impact on society?"

This prompt explores the influence of social media on society and prompts students to argue whether its impact is primarily positive or negative. They should consider aspects such as communication, information sharing, mental health, privacy concerns, and the potential for social change.

  • Fifth Prompt for your essay: "Is online learning as effective as traditional classroom education?"

This prompt compares online learning with traditional classroom education, challenging students to analyze the effectiveness of each method. They should consider factors such as student engagement, academic outcomes, flexibility, access to resources, and social interaction in their arguments.

Topics ideas for an argumentative essays

  1. Should standardized testing be abolished in schools?
  2. Is the use of animals for scientific experimentation justified?
  3. Should capital punishment be abolished worldwide?
  4. Is social media beneficial or detrimental to society?
  5. Should the use of cell phones be banned while driving?
  6. Is homeschooling more effective than traditional schooling?
  7. Should college education be tuition-free?
  8. Is the death penalty an effective deterrent to crime?
  9. Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
  10. Is climate change primarily caused by human activities?
  11. Should genetically modified organisms (GMOs) be labeled?
  12. Is the use of performance-enhancing drugs justified in sports?
  13. Should euthanasia be legalized?
  14. Is online learning as effective as traditional classroom learning?
  15. Should the government provide universal healthcare?
  16. Is the use of surveillance cameras an invasion of privacy?
  17. Should the use of plastic bags be banned?
  18. Is affirmative action still necessary in the workplace and education?
  19. Should recreational marijuana use be legalized?
  20. Is censorship justified in certain circumstances?
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How To Write An Argumentative Essay
...e.g., “The Internet has enabled consumers to participate in a new way of reading, questioning, interpreting, and reporting the news. Decisions about appropriate content and coverage are no longer exclusively in the hands of news editors.” ...
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