The Importance Of Finding Childcare

Topics: Family

The Importance of Finding Childcare MHC Solutions wrote it’s not ‘just play’. Play is an essential part of early learning. It is the lifeblood of the learning process. As children play they are developing the cognitive, socio-emotional and physical skills they need to take them into successful adulthood. They are developing their curiosity, problem-solving, intentional, flexibility, and verbal and nonverbal skills. Soci-emotionally they are developing their emotional intelligence – learning confidence, cooperation, negotiation, sharing, empathy, and how to communicate appropriately. Physically their fine motor and gross motor skills are being practiced and developed.

It’s not ‘just play’ they are skills for life! Finding child care is meaningful to me because without it my husband and I would not have been able to support our family, it helped my children to build healthy relationships, and it had a direct impact on their education.

In the last couple of years, childcare has become more and more expensive. At one point in time family members, friends, etc.

provided childcare as a courtesy. As the time passed it when from favor to $100 or more a week per child. This brings me back to when I had my children, ABC vouchers were available to low-income families, but I didn’t qualify. So now I have a dilemma, who is going to care for my children while I pursue my career. My granny (baby daddy) bless her heart, took care of my children until she was unable to. So now I’m married, three children later and no child care.

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Now I’m on a tiring task to find a center that is well maintained, and my children will be respected. During that time my husband and I missed out on promotions, mandatory meetings, overtime, etc., because we had to split or lives in half.

We did this so that we would be able to stay above water (survive/pay bills.) That is one reason why finding childcare meant so much to me because without it my husband and I would not be able to support our family. Another reason, finding childcare is meaningful to me is because it helped my children to build healthy relationships. Some parents consider childcare centers as a waste of money and its not crucial. I’m here to tell you that adequate childcare helped prepare my children for things that they would face later in life, like dealing with stress and working through problems. They were able to meet new people and interact with them on different levels. Child care also provided my children with healthy social and emotional activities to get them ready for society. Believe it or not, it still takes a village to raise your children.

Finally, finding childcare had a direct impact on my children’s education. It helps them to develop better language skills, cognitive, and physical development. My middle son was struggling early on by not staying focused. The childcare provider brought it to my attention and he was later diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. Without the knowledge of the childcare provider and their observation, it would have been difficult in the transition to Pre-K. We all know the importance of education, starting early on is a benefit. I just told my story. To sum it up, ‘Does finding childcare have a meaningful effect on your family life and your children’s education?’

I am living proof that it does. Without finding childcare I would not have had the early advantage of getting my son evaluated and treated for Attention Deficit Disorder. This is underlined illness that would have affected him tremendously without being treated. So many parents have lost so many opportunities because of not being able to find childcare. I leave you with the words of Sir Clause Moser, “Education costs money. But then so does ignorance.’ Sometimes you have to make a hard decision but think about how beneficial it would be if you make the right one and finding childcare was the right one for my family

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The Importance Of Finding Childcare. (2021, Dec 14). Retrieved from

The Importance Of Finding Childcare
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