The Enlightenment Period of American Literature Unit Test: English Honors III

What were the common beliefs of the American Enlightenment Period?
The power of reason and science to further human progress. That a social contract should be the basics of government. That by nature people are born good, not evil. In the attainability of a perfect society.

What was the format in which most of the Enlightenment Period writing was presented?
Most writing was public (newspapers, magazines, and almanacs.)

What was the subject matter of most of the Enlightenment Period writing?
The focus of writing was on politics and relations with great Britain.

Who were some leading European Enlightenment philosophers and scientists?
John Locke, Voltaire, Galileo, and Sir Isaac Newton.

Which Enlightenment Period poet came to the colonies as a slave?
Phillis Wheatley.
Which Enlightenment Period poet came to the colonies as a slave?

Which Enlightenment Period writer wrote “Letters from an American Farmer”?
J. Hector St. John de Crèvecœur. (The French Dude.)
Which Enlightenment Period writer wrote

Which Enlightenment Period writer wrote Poor Richard’s Almanac?
Ben Franklin.
Which Enlightenment Period writer wrote Poor Richard's Almanac?

Which Enlightenment Period writers wrote “The Federalist Papers?”
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay.

Which Enlightenment Period writers wrote

Who was the intended audience of “The Declaration of Independence?”
The entire world. He did this by stating that the colonies will consider all nations, including Great Britain, their friends unless there is an attempt to keep the colonies from being independent of Great Britain.

How did Thomas Jefferson incorporated John Locke’s theory of government in “The Declaration of Independence?”
In the second paragraph, Jefferson relies on John Locke’s political philosophy of government. All men are created equal with unalienable rights including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

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Governments are established to see that these rights are established and secure. Since governments are established by the citizenry and get their powers from the the citizenry, when governments do not protect the unalienable rights or seek to take them away, the citizenry has the right to change or abolish that government and establish a new one. (Be prepared to write a written response for this question.)

How did Thomas Jefferson incorporated John Locke's theory of government in

How did Thomas Jefferson incorporate logic based on the Enlightenment philosophy of reasoned thinking into “The Declaration of Independence?”
Jefferson states that reasonable people will not cast off their current government for minor reasons, but after long and continues abuses by that government, the citizens not only have the right, but the duty to cast off that government. Jefferson states that the current king of Great Britain has committed a history of repartees abuses upon the American colonies. He then goes on to cite a long list of those abuses. While remaining mostly a logical appeal to reason, Jefferson begins to use more emotionally charged language by calling the king a cruel tyrant, implying he is a murderer, and giving descriptive accounts of the abuses. (Be prepared to write a written response for this question.)

Identify and explain two of the emotional appeals Thomas Paine uses in “The Crisis, Number 1” to convince the colonists to continue in the struggle for revolution.
Emotion and logic.

What did Thomas Paine’s mean and intent when he wrote, “The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country…” in “The Crisis, Number 1?”
Those who support the Revolution only when times are good and things are going well.

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The Enlightenment Period of American Literature Unit Test: English Honors III
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