Classroom management is a vital component in education setting. Learning requires safe environment which boosts the attention of the learners.
Setting a supportive classroom tone implies that the teacher effectively includes and engages the learners. In this section, my main aim is to set the right environment for my learners. I intend to implement appropriate classroom management which supports learners. I aim at including all learners in the learning process and accessing the materials in the appropriate environment.
This will help my learners respect others, show effectiveness while practicing self-control and show responsible behavior I their daily practices.
This paper thus aims at developing a classroom management plan that creates and maintains a stable, harmonious and consistent learning environment for preschool through first grade learners.
Classroom management is a changing trend in many schools by different teachers and my guiding philosophy in managing the classroom with ease would be to focus on the needs of the learners. I would like to meet the changing needs of the learners and the methods they would like to get learning materials. This type will help me in responding to varied needs of the learner who have different social economic and cultural backgrounds and tastes. I will also acknowledge the fact that these learners require have different abilities and with exciting formulating and exciting minds. I will thus strive o satisfy the natural curiosity of my students instill a culture of critical thinking.
I will develop a comprehensive pedagogy which appreciates and recognizes abilities of the learners and focus on the challenges that they face regularly.
My honor as an instructor is to develop and help these learners realize their different natural and unique talents. I am also determined to help boost the learners bring awareness among them in continuum. My role and challenge as an instructor is to devise and develop engaging lesson plans and which will solve problems and create deep thinkers. This will help the learners devise solution in case of a problem.
My main goal is to create caring and loving students who are ready to take risks and assume and establish realistic goals and personal responsibilities on their behaviors. This will allow the learners realize that they pose competition to themselves and not their classmates. This will also help the learners realize that they aim at discovering novel ideas and not concentrate on covering materials. My aim is to create a learner centered classroom which instills culture of critical thinking.
The learners also ought to engage in the subject they are dealing with and enjoy the learning experience and process. Thus, this classroom will be one of the happiest places where students enjoy their lessons and actively participate. Thus, discipline will not be an issue as the learners will be excited and getting the demands of the lesson. The students will choose to learn and actively participate and not bother in misbehaving.
I will be guided by philosophies of Kohn and Glasser which asserts that we are at the pivot of our daily experiences. It also states that we have the ability to [perceive, reflect and act on various issues as we are internally motivated by what we do. Using the theory in teaching the youths, I would bring awareness to the learners about their responsibility to make own choice and decisions about behavior and learning in the classroom. The Glasser’s “Choice Theory” is my guiding philosophy which opines that learners ought to have choice in their curriculum and rules in the classroom. This theory will make learners have own their learning activities and experience.
It will also make students proud of their participation thus making them have high self-esteem which will exhibit higher cognition and self confidence levels. This theory will help create a safe environment for the learners as they will decide everything in the classroom. After developing ownership sense among the learners, they will be free and willing to come and attend classes on a daily basis. The learners will also gain the enthusiasm that they ought to be challenged thus making them free and social.
Kohn on the other hand highlights “Grades and praise” theory which is antithetical to the normal learning we experience. This theory kills our intrinsic motivation and our desire to gain knowledge or learn. The grade and praise notion has negatively affected learning in most schools as for every winner there will arise thirty nine looser who will be dealing with issues of self esteem inherently on their failure. Based on Glasser’s theory, the most basic need for one to be competent is the personal drive which is self initiated. The self drive is also unrelated to the basic needs for extrinsic rewards on the grades achieved.
Thus, Kohn’s issue about impact of extrinsic rewards on the intrinsic motivation ties with Glasser’s issue about competence. Kohn also asserts that extrinsic rewards reduces the learner’s morale and manipulates dysfunctional exchange which reduces natural interest of the learner in a particular subject. Kohn opines that intrinsic motivation majorly focuses on what the learners don’t know but rather on the possibilities for growth. This brings the need to question the traditional pedagogy and their assumptions as they base on right answers which are not vital like the process of understanding and exploring ideas.
Thus, we ought to help learners tap and develop their inner authentic selves in their thinking, feeling and caring about their deeper levels. The primary responsibility of the instructors is thus to arouse interests of the learners.
Kohn and Glasser assert that instead of instructors focusing on tests and grades, they ought to help learners communicate effectively, reason and develop personal and social responsibility. The learner also ought to develop self- awareness and develop a comprehensive capacity for leadership. Education should aim at ensuring that learners think critically and deeply.
The second goal of education is to help learners have lifelong affair with learning and have desire to get education. The two theories in the study are non-coercive and are based on existence of responsibility and free choice. Thus, my aim in creating classroom environment based on these theories will be to create an environment which will stimulate learning and motivate the learners.
In my approach to creating physical environment that suits learning, I will use colors decorations on the walls. The learners will be hit by the colorful decors with the windows serving natural light which will give a sense of invitation. The learner will feel welcome and safe as they take their seats in a big circle. The learners can easily see each other and the maps on the walls. There is also presence of art, different cultures, famous people and works from other students depicted as posters around the classroom wall.
The carpet on the floor is to comfort the learners and yield tranquility in relation to the invigorating walls. I will place my desk in the circle and before starting the lesson; the students put their pens and journals on the desk and record the day’s lesson. The learners will also record questions, art and personal thoughts. I believe that this classroom setup will have a huge impact on the learning of the students. Thus, I have high hopes that my classroom will actively engage in the lesson critically, discuss various issues and reflect on their impact due to the set up of the environment.
The arrangement of the classroom in a round table will help learners engage in discussions easily. Discussion helps learners challenge and draw ideas allowing the class gain and learn from each other. The learners are seated in a circle with no student sitting behind each other or on the sides of the classroom. The sitting arrangement allows the class to share ideas as learners engage in eye contact with their classmates. This also helps learners to create knowledge among themselves and not rely on adopting it from higher authorities. The classroom set up also allows for sharing of personal experience and it also allows students to discuss in turns.
As an instructor, I believe that learners should be provoked and challenged to think more critically. I also use a poster on the wall which highlights outline of the forthcoming year and plans. There is no speck of white wall as it is covered by the posters from the floor to the ceiling. This is to dispel any weird thinking among the learners about the blank walls.
Some learners may start linking their minds as empty slates just like the blank wall. I also plan to use the posters throughout the year and hope that this will help them settle their minds while in class. I hope to catch up the students’ attention with the help of the posters despite some losing concentration. I also want to create physical environment which allows group work and lively discussions. Arranging the learners to face each other creates an intimate environment where instructors can easily get to every learner. I also like walking around the classroom than remaining stationary in one corner.
The pattern of arrangement allows me to walk around, engage more learners and create an environment where learners can share and talk to each other comfortable and freely. I also plan to use a chart on the wall which advocates for group work which will help learners accommodate each other’s views and ideas. The group work and sitting arrangement allows the learners feel part of the class.
I will place my desk at the right corner of the class for administrative duties. I will have a computer with lesson plans, grades and attendance sheet of the learners. I will at times be taking a seat in the circle while conducting discussions. I will also avail materials such as dictionaries, atlas and resource books which will help learners acquire more information while making their private studies. I will also avail markers, drawing papers and craft items to the learners. This will be vital for the students when making presentations. I will in the due course put sample works of the students on the wall so that they can feel part of the innovative team. Needs for Individual Children/Students
I hope to supplement my physical environment by providing other relevant materials to the learners for writing, studying and researching. I intend to have bookshelves strategically placed at one of the corners to supplement students with research resources as well class texts and textbooks. I will also place computers at the back of the class which will help learners with research, writing reports, projects and class assignments. The computers will also help in making class presentation using PowerPoint.
The learners will also access the school computer labs which have been installed with games and cartoons for the first grade learners to learn on how to improve their attention. This will thus foster holistic approach which I strive to use in teaching my learners. In class, we will be integrating other disciplines such as history, maths, art, geography, science and psychology, writing, reading and other vital disciplines.
Communication with the families and parents of the students is an equal partnership between the family and the school. I intend to handle parents and believe that they are meaningful to the society. I also aim at ensuring that the welfare of the learner has been catered and involving parents in discipline of the child streams from the fact that I think guiding the learner is a shared responsibility.
I also believe that school and family are two vital institutions which affect the future life of the learner. I value parental goal and appreciate their efforts in establishing continuity and provision of mutual support of the children in their social, academic and moral lives. I also intend to invite various approaches from parents on how best to handle learners with special needs. I intend to provide a positive environment which challenges the learners on living positively.
I will involve parents in setting individual responsibilities to ensure that all the learners are successful. I plan to start program in and out of class which will help learners best fit in the society. However, my best management programs will ensure there is limited or no cases of indiscipline among my learners.
As an instructor, I intend to incorporate both manual and computer in setting my class records. First, I will take a picture of all my students with each holding a sign with an inscription of his or her name. I will later glue the picture on an oak with a label for each student. I will then bind the pages using a binder ring. I will create a cover for the class book and give students a chance to take the book home alternatively to show their parents. I am also entitled to keep a record of the students’ behavior by allowing the learners fill a questionnaire which contains information such as hobbies, interests, home address and phone number. I will then put the filled questionnaire into a three ring binder. This will help in making comments whenever a student does something commendable or negative.
This record will help in making comments during conference and writing reports in the final report card. I am also planning to buy another handy book which will remind me about school events and staff meetings. The book will also be useful in recording unplanned events which come up during the day. I will also use the recorded work and transfer the information to my personal computer for future use. Encourage Children’s Motivation and Engagement
For students to have better performance, their behavior ought to be consistent with persistence from their teachers, as an instructor, I am entitled to promote the socializing and learning of the students. In harmonizing my classroom management, I plan to use several strategies and designs to ensure that my students perform better and show good conduct. I plan to integrate effective instructions and positive behavior. I have put measures in place to understand the learners’ social and learning needs. I also aim at providing a platform which helps learners access and engage in appropriate curriculum. I have also come up with innovative, differentiated and motivating teaching strategies.
A school set up should provide a framework which allows for positive behavioral interventions. I will use behavioral supports and interventions which are culturally sensitive to prevent my students from engaging in unnecessary problem behaviors. I will strive to change the environment in which some of these behaviors occur by teaching prosocial behaviors.
Positive behavioral interventions will be useful in helping the learners acquire both social and behavioral skills which are vital for their success. I will also incorporate behavioral intervention plan and behavioral assessment. As a parent I will identify students with problematic behaviors and discuss the issue with their parents. I will also incorporate school administration and the parents in counseling the students appropriately.
Discipline is a wide scope which requires technical handling especially among the instructors. In planning for my management plan, I intend to provide a more friendly reminder to the student especially if found on the wrong side the second time. I also plan to be social and caring and a good listener to the students’ views and social problems. I also intend to use warm voice when handling misbehavior to get due cause as to why a certain student misbehaved.
I also plan to connect any misconduct of the learner with stipulated code of conduct in the school administration. I will be reminding my students that any misconduct is in line with the school code of conduct by highlighting the specific code. I also plan to give a respectful and polite direction to the learners to engage in a certain behavior. I also intend to encourage students whenever they go wrong to give them hope that all is not lost. I may at times be taking matters to the school discipline committee which ascertains sits validity and provides recommendations.
Relatively, the process of creating a management plan is the basis of creating learning environment which helps learners feel safe in participating in the classroom activities. In creating this plan, I was controlled by learners’ needs. I believe that the most important thing in managing a classroom is creating a rapport with the learners and encourage most of them to be social. I have encouraged my learners and set an environment that gives students high expectations. I have also used an engaging curriculum to limit behavior problems among learners.
Philosophical and Theoretical Approach to Classroom Management. (2023, Mar 14). Retrieved from