Research Proposal on Animal Abuse

Animal abuse is the cruel attitude to animals which is not connected with the threat to the human life and which is characterized with the cause of the physical and psychological pain to animals. The attitude towards animals has always been radical in the human society, because most people treat animals like the sources of food. Only such species as dogs and cat, parrots and other pets are considered to be the human friends. For thousands of years people have been hunting and raising animals for meat, leather and other purposes, which are most often connected with the real need for survival.

For example, it is the right choice to kill an animal if it threats to the human life. Unfortunately, people kill and torture animals not just because of the need for food, but for entertainment and other purposes. Nowadays, the most well-known types of animal abuse are experience on animals, beating, torturing, the wrong way of transportation and keeping, hunting with the help of hounds, traps, involvement of animals into the activity of circus, etc.

Millions of animals die in terrible pain during the scientific, medical and military experiences annually and this fact has become a controversial topic in the society. Having seen the results of the experiments many people demand banning this practice. The general public also demands prohibition of hunting, especially in spring, when there are many animal babies which require much time to grow up. Fortunately, animal circus has already been prohibited in many countries because of the severe attitude towards the performing animals.

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In the end, the well-known Corrida is the bright example of the animal abuse, when the bull is tortured for several hours and finally killed in the accompaniment of applause and joy of the audience.

Shameful Issue of Animal Abuse

Animal abuse is a shameful problem which requires solution and strict punishment for the people who commit this crime. The student is able to observe the topic in detail and analyze the most urgent and thought-provoking elements of the problem in order to complete a persuasive interesting proposal. One should generate the most interesting and tragic aspects of animal abuse, provide the professor with the examples and the definite cases and research the issue from his own point of view using the unique methods.

One can prepare a high-quality research proposal which can impress the professor, but the help of an expert is the essential factor of the student’s success. The young person is able to learn to compose the text well and format the paper according to the standards following the free example research proposal on animal abuse written online. a free sample research proposal on animal abuse is a reasonable piece of advice for every inexperienced student who requires quality assistance.

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