Call Center Evaluation

This sample of an academic paper on Call Center Evaluation reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay’s introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.

Managers with the ability to analyze the performance and business trends from the established metrics measurements will have valuable tools to make decisions, thus creating a successful operation and a positive work environment The Frontline The frontline of a timeshare call center consists of two types of employees; inbound all-takers and outbound call-makers (North American Quitting Consortium, 2010).

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Inbound and outbound workers are divided into teams. This structure creates an efficient grouping of tasks and required skills.

These employees utilize sales leads generated by a variety of marketing techniques that create a database for the outbound callers and entice inbound calls from prospective customers. Both inbound and outbound sales agents are evaluated on service, quality, and efficiency measures (North American Quelled Consortium, 2010). Benchmark measurements of Job performance will be: percentage of calls with a financial commitment, length of time n each call, rate of error or reworking of original order, product knowledge, etiquette, courtesy, qualified leads, and down time between calls.

Outbound callers would have an additional metric: number of calls made per day. These metrics will be tracked and assessed by managers using electronic reporting measures that tracks call and the results of calls (North American Quitting Consortium, 2010). These measures will be used to create charts and reports based on the aforementioned metrics. Managers will monitor calls without agent knowledge (North American Quitting Consortium, 2010). All calls will be recorded (North American Quitting Consortium, 2010).

Timeshare Account Call Center

This will allow managers to learn what successful agents are doing and help agents who are not doing well. Also, managers will walk the call center floor as an active listener (North American Quelled Consortium, 2010). This will allow managers to make Immediate corrections of employee behavior If necessary. Managers will also employ an often used call center method of observation known as a side-by-side (North American Quitting Consortium, 2010). On a certain interval each week a manager will slot wilt a memoir AT Nils or near team Ana Olsten to teen agents Andre a number of calls.

This allows for immediate corrections of poor techniques as well as immediate praise for good efforts. The Closer The role of closer in a timeshare call center is crucial (North American Quitting Consortium, 2010). Typically the best candidates for employment are placed on the closer teams. Also members of outbound and inbound teams can be moved or promoted to the closer teams if he or she exhibits outstanding performance. To understand the role of closer one must first understand what makes the Job of closer necessary.

When people contact or are contacted by a timeshare call center the goal f the person he or she is talking to is to get him or her to visit a timeshare resort, sit through a presentation, and be pitched a timeshare by a salesperson (North American Quitting Consortium, 2010). To do this the call centers typically offer the customer a vacation at the resort or a hotel nearby that will include admission to local attractions such as a theme park. The trip is marketed by the call center as free. However, there is a small fee referred to as a processing fee. This serves two purposes.

It brings additional income to the call center in addition to the commission aid to it by the timeshare company the center is booking people to see. It is also a qualifier because the person must use his or her credit or debit card to pay the processing fee. This is a qualifier because to purchase a timeshare a person must have qualifying credit. A credit or debit card is one indicator that a person may have qualifying credit. Both inbound and outbound employees are given an hourly rate of pay with bonuses for the number of qualified leads he or she generates (North American Quitting Consortium, 2010).

This is an area where an inbound or outbound associate can mislead a customer to get the bonus money. All calls, inbound or outbound, are routed to the closer for what is known as the button up and for payment collection (North American Quitting Consortium, 2010). The closer’s responsibility level is the highest of all people who handle phone calls. He or she must answer any questions that customers have. He or she must make sure, to the best of his or her ability, that the customer is qualified. He or she must make sure that the inbound or outbound associate did not mislead the customer in any way for the sake of getting a lead.

In essence, closers are evaluated by the same standards as inbound and outbound employees. The one difference is that the closers report to his or her manager when inbound and outbound employees are sending over calls that are not qualified, or instances where customers were given false or bad information. This is why in some call centers closers are known as supervisors (North American Quitting Consortium, 2010). All parts of the team are now understood it is proper to understand how the center evaluates itself. The Center To Judge the performance of a timeshare call center one must first understand how he center works.

With the exception of major timeshare corporations such as Yamaha or Marriott, timeshare call centers are operated by contractors (North American Quitting Consortium, 2010). These contractors are given an amount per seat in the call center. These centers are also paid bonuses for customers who visit the resort and purchase a timeshare. The processing fee is a way for the call center to add additional income to the center. Typically the processing fee is negotiable because it is additional income (North American Quitting Consortium, 2010).

The recessing Tee amount can De uses as a way to overcome dejection In teen closing process. How the center’s performance Judged? The first and most obvious way a center is Judged is the number of people who visit the resort and buy timeshares. This is the most important metric for the center because it is the deciding factor for the resort of whether or not the resort will renew the contract or enter into a new contract with the center. There are other areas where the center can measure its performance before contract negotiation. The quality of service does include customer satisfaction.

Sought-after feedback from the customer could be done at the end of the call via electronic survey or by a follow up e-mail or phone call survey request (Barlow & Miller, 1996). The center can also Judge itself as it creates and reviews the metrics for employees handling calls. The center needs to create and observe realistic metrics to observe and at the same time both attainable and challenging. If the metrics are met on a consistent basis the center will be successful. Conclusion products and services. Timeshare call centers are perhaps the most difficult of all call centers because they are not selling a product.

Instead, timeshare call centers are selling an idea. The idea is for the customer to understand that every year he or she can spend a certain amount of time in a beautiful place or places. The associate on the phone must get the customer interested and at the same time make sure that he or she meets the qualifications sought-after by the timeshare resort. Long-term success for a timeshare call center is dependent on two things. One, the established metrics from the center must be met, and two, the close rate of people visiting the resort must meet the resorts desired rates.

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Call Center Evaluation. (2019, Dec 06). Retrieved from

Call Center Evaluation
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