Invention Labs- Avaz App

Invention Labs is an engineering company, with its major emphasis on medical devices. It is a part of the IIT Madras Research Park. Avaz, the first product launched by Invention Labs supports people with ‘cerebral palsy’ to communicate in an independent manner. Avaz won the National Award for the Empowerment of People with Disabilities in December 2010. Presented by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India. Avaz was chosen as the Best Product that improved the lives of People with Disabilities.

Avaz was also recognized by MIT Technology Review as the Innovation of the Year 2011. Avaz, a full-featured AAC app, has been developed for children who are non-verbal or who have difficulty speaking.

(Christensen, 1997) and (Deck, 2005) describe disruptive innovation as follows. The new product is a simple version and easy to use for the customers. It is usually developed in order to gain a new customer base in a different market segment than the existing one. The new product is easily affordable and it serves the lower segment of the market and gradually makes its way to the top.

The avaz app has its major market in India, USA and Netherlands. It is sold at a cheap rate of 100$ in the Indian subcontinent whereas for 150$ in the foreign market. The app uses advanced technology and as well as supports multiple languages. Avaz is a symbol based text-to-speech app with word and symbol prediction. An on-screen keyboard is available with a spell check function. It includes three graded vocabulary sets which reflect different stages of language development.

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The user sequences symbols/words to generate a message. Messages may be shared using email, Facebook and Twitter. Vocabulary pages may be printed. The avaz app, with the help of its user-friendly features allows the users the ease to use the application. The app is designed so users can customize it, Avaz has thousands of images already available and allows users to upload their own. Sessions can be tracked to show growth, and extensive help features are available. A free version is available to try before buying as well. Avaz also has a strong robust nature as it serves the community of people that are verbally/mentally challenged, as it is highly unlikely to fail in the market. As the Avaz app comes through invention labs, it is a product of a start up, Therefore, they use disruptive innovation in the market.

The Avaz app checks the three main principles of what can be considered disruptive innovation introduced by Clayton Christesen. The three key principles describe the product to be simpler, more affordable and more accessible to a non-consuming market.

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Invention Labs- Avaz App. (2022, Apr 29). Retrieved from

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