Essays on Poetry

Paperap is an online platform that offers a vast collection of free essays on various topics, including Poetry Literary Genre. The website's collection of essays on poetry covers different aspects of poetry, such as analysis, interpretation, and critique. Students, educators, and poetry enthusiasts can easily access these essays, as they are available for download in various formats, including PDF, Word, and PowerPoint. The essays on the Paperap website are written by experts in the field, and are designed to help students improve their understanding of poetry and develop their critical thinking skills. With its user-friendly interface and extensive collection of essays, Paperap is the go-to resource for anyone looking to enhance their knowledge of poetry literary genre.
Ode On A Grecian Urn
Words • 937
Pages • 4
Ode on a Grecian Urn (also titled as Ode to a Grecian Urn) is one among John Keats’ series of Odes (songs) written in contemplation of various subjects. Collectively referred to as the Great Odes of 1819, they include the Ode on Melancholy, Ode on Indolence, Ode to Psyche and Ode to a Nightingale. Keats invented a new poetic frame for these poems for he found conventional structures to be inadequate for philosophical musings that is the Odes’ defining characteristic.…...
Identities By Wd Valgardson
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Paper Type:Synthesis essays
Name: Instructor: W.d. Valgardson Identities Synthesis Essay Question The stories, “Identities”? and “Mistaken Identity”?, are generally similar since they depict the consequences experienced by the different main characters regarding their mistaken identities. The poem “Mistaken Identity”?, by Alden Nowlan shows two different situations where two women mistake the protagonist for a person they knew and portray intimacy for him whom the women perceive him to be is entirely wrong. On the other hand, the short story, “Identities”?, by W.D Valgardson…...
Human NatureIronyLonelinessPoetryProtagonist
The Flea John Donne
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Name: When Did John Donne Write The Flea Sex and Seduction in John Donne’s The Flea Artists and authors have often looked for different ways to represent topics in their work. This includes the use of symbolism and metaphorical language especially when they are discussing taboo topics, or topics that are controversial in their society. John Donne is one such artist, who spoke of sex and sexual matters in his poem, “The Flea.” The poem was one of the most…...
John DonneMarriagePoetryPremarital SexReason
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Quinceanera Judith Ortiz Cofer
Words • 522
Pages • 3
My response to the title of the poem was a fifteen-year-old Latina girl becoming of age. Quinceanera can be compared to Sweet Sixteen or becoming eighteen-years-old all of which represent the transition into adulthood for a young lady. Traditionally a Quinceanera is celebrated among the Latino culture and catholic community. The poem demonstrates tone well using her emotions and feeling toward turning fifteen. This author takes her own experience and puts it into the poem. She describes the time she…...
CultureHuman NaturePoetryShame
Mrs Aesop by Carol Ann Duffy Poem Analysis
Words • 487
Pages • 2
Mrs. Aesop In Mrs Aesop, Duffy”s speaker does more than regret a loss; this time, her tone is resentful that the man she married has turned out to be an ?Asshole”. Mrs Aesop relies on the reader”s foreground knowledge that Aesop (a Greek slave) was a literary genius responsible for inventing the allegorical mode; this is the world’s preconceived view of him. By contrast, his wife’s starting-point is that, no matter how entertaining and instructive Aesop”s fables are, the man…...
The Battle Of Maldon Poem Analysis
Words • 927
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Meticulous accounts of tragic occasions defined in the timeline of history, war poetry dates back hundreds of years, dignifying and glorifying the bravery of such young soldiers that died and survived, fighting for their country and their beliefs.Anglo-Saxon war poetry tended to be written directly at or after the scene of the battle, meaning the accounts could be accurate and have significant information included in them. For example, in ‘The Battle of Maldon’, the poet could record exactly what was…...
PoetryWilliam Shakespeare
Models Assistant by Alissa Nutting
Words • 890
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Literature The Assistant Characters Q 1). In the story, “Model’s Assistant” by Alissa Nutting, the character of Garla can be considered a foil to the speakers of the story. This is because it contrasts his characters. The speaker only has a sense of who he is when with her. The traits of Garla and the speaker are in exact contrast, which makes Garla a foil character to the speaker. The story itself is hinged on the definition of character, whereby…...
Human NatureModelPoetryThe Story Of An HourWork
Mood Of Dulce Et Decorum Est
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Literature written during the First World War is often very different in terms of subject matter and tone. A crux factor in the understanding of this poetry is recognising the era of war in which it was written. To fully comprehend the attitudes expressed we must look at the purpose as well as take into account the audience.The poem ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ was written by Wilfred Owen during the First World War. Wilfred Owen is a trench poet highly…...
PoetryWilfred Owen
Les Murray Essay
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Les Murray’s “Morse” is a poem about Bill Tuckett and his heroic surgery, however through the effective use of sound techniques several levels of meaning are created; of the Morse code and how poetry is dying out. Les Murray emphasizes throughout the poem isolation, Morse code and conveys the heroism of Bill Tuckett using plosives, rhyme and rhythm. One of the sound features used to convey the heroism of Bill Tuckett is plosives. Les Murray crafts “Morse” into a poem…...
Extenuating Circumstances Essay Examples
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Krog’s use of imagery throughout this poem conveys her message with emphasis. For example, when she mentions how ‘every word stubbornly’ (1) tilts into writing, the personification there could be interpreted to say that her writing has a mind of its own and how they don’t want to be only a piece of writing but more. She also refers to how ‘it leaks’ (4) strangely. The connotation implied by the word ‘leaks’ is negative, because when something is leaking, the…...
The Whitsun Weddings
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Larkin explores the gap between romantic yearning and disillusioned pragmatism in the lives we lead. Examine what Larkin has to say about this gap in a choice of poems from “The Whitsun Weddings” Philip Larkin wrote to engage his reader in the downsides and apparent depression of a post-war period in which aspirations and hope were high, as well as the romantic yearnings which seemed to be present in the majority of the population. Larkin wrote to explore the gulf…...
Chapman’s Homer
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Keats’ popularity stems from his ability to engage the senses and take us away from our mundane lives to a better place. How far do you agree? Keats is universally known as a poet of the senses. His popularity emerged when he continued to explore the senses and the idea of discovery in a wide range of poems. He is able to communicate the idea of exploring destinations and using the senses, to his audience through two specific poems, ‘On…...
Ode On Melancholy Essay
Words • 598
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Keats gains inspiration from many sources, the most important of which is the natural world. Explore the varied poetic uses Keats makes of nature in the ‘Ode on Melancholy’ and ‘Ode to Autumn’ Keats refers to nature in many of his poems. The natural world and the human world are inspiring to him and he portrays both these ideas in the poem ‘Ode on Melancholy. ‘ He describes nature and its beauty through descriptive language in this ode. In this…...
Poem Text Slough Poem Analysis
Words • 704
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John Betjeman’s ‘Slough’ is centred around the town of Slough and is a poem used to express strong political opinions and has discreet commentary on modern life, whereas the two poems by R. S. Thomas are concentrated on ideas about religion and technology but are put forward by using agricultural examples. Both poems by Thomas are slightly irregular in structure; ‘Soil’ is written in Blank verse and has no rhyming and ‘Cynddylan on a Tractor’ has no particular structure, but…...
In Defense of Snakes: Poetry Analysis
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It is a common belief that snakes are venomous and deceitful creatures, but in my opinion, snakes are pleasant animals. I will now examine two poems about snakes to see whether the poets agree with my views. In Emily Dickinson’s poem, she expresses her feelings towards a snake and briefly describes an encounter with one. In D.H.Lawrence’s poem, he has a dilemma involving a snake: should he scare away the poisonous animal, or watch it in amazement. Emily Dickinson wrote…...
Emily DickinsonPoemsPoetry
What Is Meant By The Marriage Of True Minds
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It can be said that love, in all aspects, has a broad yet distinct ability to conquer the lives of those who are fortunate enough to encounter such fulfillment. There are individuals who will spend an entire lifetime searching for the correct and adequate meaning to a single-syllable word with nothing more than four simplistic letters to comprise its body. Affection, fondness, adoration, devotion and ardor are all emotions that symbolize and thrive in the presence of love. William Shakespeare’s,…...
FamilyLoveMarriageMindPoetryWilliam Shakespeare
How Do I Love Thee Analysis
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In what ways, and how, does Elizabeth Barrett Browning convey deep and eternal love in the poem “How Do I Love Thee? ” from the Sonnets from the Portuguese XLIII? The poem “How Do I Love Thee? ” from the Sonnets from the Portuguese XLIII is a Petrarchan sonnet of fourteen lines, consisting of an octave and a sestet. It was written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-61) in 1845 and was composed for her husband, the renowned Romantic poet, Robert…...
LovePoetryRobert BrowningSonnet
What Is The Theme Of Sonnet 73?
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In William Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 73” we are told of a story of everlasting love despite the frigid reality of life coming to an end. Shakespeare uses metaphors throughout the poem to refer back to the speaker gradually reaching the end of his life so we are instantly aware of the speaker’s thoughts. He not only uses metaphors to deeply convey his message to the audience but he uses the structure of the Sonnet itself. There are multiple examples of the…...
PoetryRhymeSonnetWilliam Shakespeare
Ballad Of Charlotte Dymond
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In this essay I am going to be comparing two pre-twentieth poems both about murders and their victims. The first is a poem called ‘The Ballad of Charlotte Dymond’ by Charles Causley. This is a true story of a teenage girl murdered by her lover after he found out she had been having an affair. The second of the two poems is entitled ‘The Laboratory’ by Robert Browning. This is of a similar nature to the ‘Charlotte Dymond’ poem but…...
Parting At Morning Analysis
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In the two verse forms. “Meeting at Night” and “Parting at Morning” . Robert Browning tells about the meeting of two lovers at dark who are in love with each other. In order to run into the adult female. the adult male undergoes a long journey through the sea and land. However. even after all this problem. he must be close because they are non allowed to see each other. The 2nd verse form. nevertheless. Tells of the very following…...
Visiting Hour Norman Maccaig
Words • 914
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In the poem “Visiting Hour” by Norman MacCaig, there is a significant moment where the writer’s true message becomes clear to the reader. I feel this is an effective way for the writer to put the message across. MacCaig employs various techniques to gain this effect including imagery and excellent word choice. The significant moment occurs at the end at the end of the poem, when the poet’s true feeling are revealed to us, but the techniques employed throughout the…...
From Stone To Steel E.J Pratt’s Poem Analysis
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In the poem “From Stone to Steel” Pratt begins with a cynical ironic stance and then at the last two lines of the poem ends with compassion and hope. Throughout the poem Pratt appears to be mocking man’s brutality and questions whether man has really changed at all over the years. E.J Pratt was living in a time of change. He was amid the 1st world war and the second industrial revolution. This poem is during World War 1 and…...
Human EvolutionPoetryReasonRhyme
Hitlers First Photograph
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In the second poem “Hitler’s first photograph”, Szymborska is mulling over the infinite opportunities with which a child is presented. She, and we, know the outcome for this particular child, but the persona in the poem is unaware; this is why we call this type of poem a dramatic irony: “Will he grow up to be an L.L.D.?”, “Where will those tootsy-wootsies finally wander?”. She uses this to make us think that had he developed differently, the world might have…...
Adolf HitlerCultureLanguagePoetryPrivacyWar
The Darkling Thrush Essay
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In the poem The Darkling Thrush, nature has a predominantly negative effect on the poet. It makes him feel depressed and isolated. Towards the end of the poem the poet’s mood lifts when he sees an “aged thrush, frail, gaunt, and small,” chirping. In the poem Neutral Tones nature is portrayed in a negative way, however, in this poem nature reflects how the poets relationship is failing rather than effects how he is feeling. In The Darkling Thrush the title…...
John Agard Half Caste Poem Analysis
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In the poem “half-caste” John Agard uses a variety of metaphors. He refers to things that are multicoloured to get his point across “yu mean when Picasso mix red an green is a half-caste canvas” John Agard is trying to tell his audience that Picasso doesn’t just use one colour in his paintings, he uses a variety of colours, which makes the painting more interesting. This relates to John Agard because he is a mixture of two colours, which makes…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguagePoetry
How To Eat A Poem By Eve Merriam
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In the poems ‘How to Eat a Poem’ by Eve Merriam and ‘Introduction to Poetry’ by Billy Collins, important ideas are presented about how poetry should be experienced and enjoyed. The poets used the techniques extended metaphor, repetition, metaphors and personification to show me how these ideas is important. In ‘How to Eat a Poem’ by Eve Merriam, the author describes how poetry is to be experienced. Poetry doesn’t need any manners and has no rules. “Don’t be polite /…...
The Poem “Blessing” by Imtiaz Dharker
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In the poem "Blessing", Imtiaz Ali bases the poem on a situation in which water is a very rare commodity and describes the scene that is created on the special occasion when water is available in plenty.The title of the poem is short, but not straightforward. When a reader initially reads the title ‘blessing’, the reader has no clue as to what the poem will be about. The first thing that came to my mind when I read the title…...
The Spider And The Fly (Poem)
Words • 713
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In the famous poem “The Spider and the Fly” written in 1829, Mary Howitt writes of a spider who cunningly persuades a fly to visit his parlor through flattery and carefully chosen words. The fly at first resists, but eventually falls prey to vanity, and, when the spider has disappeared, flutters Into the parlor, only to be pounced upon and devoured for dinner. On the literal level, the spider uses meiosis to tranquilize the flys fears of the web, and…...
Sympathy By Paul Laurence Dunbar
Words • 525
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In the 1890s Paul Laurence Dunbar composed a literary work named “Sympathy” where the speaker’s attention is on a cage bird. This poem perhaps was the result of Dunbar’s after high school experience operating an elevator cage. That was the only job he could find because he was denied positions in business and journalism because of his race (African-American). And by this literary work it can be inferred that he felt trapped at this job, because of his race and…...
CultureI Know Why The Caged Bird SingsPoetry
This Be The Verse Analysis
Words • 823
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In Philip Larkin’s poem, “This Be the Verse,” he uses strong language to get across his message of that no one should have children. The title already gives hints to the attitude of this poem. The title “This Be the Verse” sounds like the Larkin is stating that this is the guide that we should all live by. Specifically, “verse” gives off a very biblical feeling making it sound official and used by people centuries ago. Also the defined article…...
Vitai Lampada Analysis
Words • 746
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In my view, Vitai Lampada is a poem of strength and power. It illustrates war through the use of the imagery of soldiers playing games . The patriotic references appear to be out of place with the historical context of that time. The author, Henry Newbolt, writes about war in this way, so that he can get his view of war across in a more defined manner. The poem has a positive air about it and is written with a…...
Kana Preface of Kokinshu
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In his famous Kana Preface to the Kokinshu, Ki no Tsurayuki, one of the editors of the anthology, introduces the aesthetic value and core functions of Japanese poetry. As the seed that grows into a flower, Japanese songs, or waka, take human heart and flourish as myriad leaves of words. (Shirane 148) As the master poet, Tsurayuki advises his successors to appreciate the beauty of life, rather than understanding it. One of the functions of waka, Tsurayuki asserts, lies in…...
Convergence Of The Twain
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In April 1912, the RMS Titanic sank, with the loss of 1,517 passengers. In the weeks that followed, numerous responses to the disaster were published, one of which was Hardy’s “The Convergence of the Twain”. The poem portrays a view of the disaster relating to the complex relationship between the two dominant forces of man and nature, and the understatedly devastating consequences of the “consummation” of man’s hubristically flawed ambitions with the enduringly relentless power of the “Spinner of the…...
Porphyria’s Lover Literary Devices
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In “Porphyria’s Lover” by Robert Browning and “Mariana” by Alfred Tennyson, the poets use many different literary techniques to create a sense of mood and atmosphere. They choose their language and vocabulary carefully to make the reader use all of their senses, using techniques such as imagery, rhyme and rhythm. “Porphyria’s Lover” begins with a description of the rain and the “sullen wind” which makes the mood seem dark and gloomy, though unlike in “Mariana,” this changes later in the…...
Death Theme in ‘Hitcher’ and Other Poems
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‘Education for Leisure’ In ‘Education for Leisure’, written by Carol Ann Duffy, the reader gets the impression the person in the poem is disturbed. They go on a killing spree, starting with whatever they can find, after “there is nothing left to kill” they get a knife and go outside, however the reader does not know what happens next.The person in the poem feels resentment when people ignore them: “I have had enough of being ignored”. This makes the reader…...
Mental Cases Summary Analysis
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In “The Show”, I believe Owen uses many different techniques in order to present his feelings about war to the reader. I would take the word “present” to mean how Owen affects what the reader is thinking and feeling in order to communicate his feelings about war to us effectively, and what methods he uses to do this, looking closely at the language, form and imagery of “The Show” in comparison to some of his other poems. In “The Show”,…...
Human NatureLanguageMetaphorPainPoetry
Heaney’s Follower Poem Analysis
Words • 762
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In ‘Follower’ Heaney presents us with a very vivid picture of his father as he appeared to the poet as a young boy. We learn a lot about both the relationship that existed between them and the way Heaney saw his family. The father is, more than anything else, an energetic and skilled farmer. He is ‘An expert’ with the horse-plough and Heaney as a little boy would simply get in his father’s way. The poem is full of admiration…...
Comparison Between Blessing and Island Man
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In ‘Blessing’ there is one main event; a municipal water pipe bursts upon a dry desert like country suffering from drought. In this essay I will be comparing the way Imtiaz Dharker describes the main event in ‘Blessing’ and the way Grace Nichols describes the main event in ‘Island Man.”Blessing’ is a poem about a hot, dry country, suffering from water drought and poverty, and how one day a miracle happens and a water pipe bursts spreading excitement and happiness…...
Lochinvar Poem Summary
Words • 811
Pages • 4
I will be comparing the poems Lochinvar written by Walter Scott in 1808 and Le Belle Dame Sans Merci written on 1820 by John Keats. Lochinvar and Le Belle Dame Sans Merci are two Romantic poems that claimed popularity in the movement of Romanticism simply because they were short in length, they both tell a story and contain a plot, they were fashionable for the Romantic movement also they were easy to remember and recite. The main and most obvious…...
What Is Dulce Et Decorum Est About In Summary?
Words • 727
Pages • 3
I chose this poem because ever since I was little I have found this so very moving. I first read and learnt this poem when I was about seven and now when I think of war poetry I immediately think of this poem. I think this poem lies very close to the truth and that the people who entice young schoolboys into thinking war is a great thing are cruel and above all liars. This poem explains things in a…...
Dulce Et Decorum EstPoetry
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FAQ about Poetry

What Is Meant By The Marriage Of True Minds
...The function of symbolism in this particular poem serves as a clue box that correlates the many aspects of love to that of nature and time. Shakespeare has a rather keen way of giving a particular object a different meaning, not because it signifies ...
How Do I Love Thee Analysis
...The reference to “Being” and “Grace” in line 3 relate to the ‘Great Chain of Being’ which links God with man via the angels right down to the animals, plants and the Earth itself. “Grace” is the ‘link’ within the chain, connecting...
What Is The Theme Of Sonnet 73?
...Because of its importance the two lines have been indented to draw attention away from the dismal story and emphasise the ending message. In this sonnet we read of a story that we all hope one day we ourselves will have the privilege of experiencing:...
How To Eat A Poem By Eve Merriam
...That poetry doesn’t need to be “ tied to a chair and tortured”, so it gives a confession that it doesn’t have to be an expert that needs to analyze it, anyone can do it. Poetry is intended to be enjoyed, anyone can do it, it doesn’t need to...
What Is Dulce Et Decorum Est About In Summary?
...The way the men have to just fling him in a cart just reiterates the way that it is like this man is no longer somebody’s son, brother, father or uncle; it is now just another soldier who has just been the victim of yet another murder. Owen gets qu...
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