Gun Powder Essa
Gunpowder (a. k. a black powder) is a mixture of sulphur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate. Gunpowder is a compound that can be made just using potassium nitrate and charcoal, but without the sulphur, the powder is not as strong as with the sulphur. It burns rapidly, producing a volume of hot gas that is made up of carbon dioxide, water, and nitrogen, and a solid residue of potassium sulfide. Because of its burning rate and properties and the amount of…...
Partition Coefficient of Ethanoic Acid: Water vs Butan-2-Ol
To determination the partition coefficient of ethanoic acid between water and butan-2-ol. Procedure 1. The room temperature was recorded. 2. 15cm3 of the given aqueous ethanoic acid and 15cm3 of butan-2-ol were poured into a 100cm3 separating funnel, using suitable apparatus. The funnel was stoppered and was shook vigorously for 1 to 2 minutes. (The pressure in the funnel was released by occasionally opening the tap. ) 3. 10cm3 of each layer was separated approximately. (The fraction near the junction…...
Smart Textile Classification and Application
Smart textiles is the modification of fibers, fabrics and special articals which is produceing day by day in different way and different techniques. Many intelligent textiles already feature in advanced types of clothing, principally for protection and safety and for added fashion or convenience. Smart materials or textiles can be defined as the materials and structures which have sense or can sense the environmental conditions or stimuli, whereas intelligent textiles can be defined as textile structures which not only can…...
Calcium Carbonate and Ca2+ Ions
Experiment. EDTA Titration of Ca2+ in an unknown solution Experiment. EDTA Titration of Ca2+ in an unknown water sample Modified 9/2012 Objective: The most common multivalent metal ions in natural waters are Ca2+ and Mg2+. In this experiment, you will find the total concentration of calcium ions that can react with EDTA with the assumptions that EDTA reacts 1:1 with metal (Ca2+) ions. Equipment 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask (3) 50-mL Buret Ring-stand and hardware Desiccator 400-mL Beaker 500-mL Vol. flask 250-mL…...