Essays on Law

Free essays on Law are online resources containing academic papers, research works or case studies that explore various areas of law. These essays provide useful insights into legal issues, court judgments, case precedents, legal debates, and theoretical frameworks related to the study of law. They can be beneficial to law students, legal professionals, researchers, and academicians who seek to broaden their understanding of legal knowledge and its application. These essays can also serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for students who may be required to submit similar papers. These essays are provided free of charge, making them accessible to anyone who is interested in learning about law.
Interview report
Words • 553
Pages • 3
Interview reportOn Thursday June 20, I was able to schedule an interview for Friday June 21, 2019, over Julio De la Cruz, a correctional officer at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in Beeville, Texas. I see Mr. De la Cruz as an officer with a huge amount of responsibilities because of the position he holds. Mr. De la Cruz has now been working at this Maximum-Security Prison facility over 2 years. According to 2018 report, a correctional officer is…...
CrimeCriminal LawExperienceHuman NaturePrison
Bullets and Bollets: Isaiah Nixon Case
Words • 407
Pages • 2
On September 8,1948, twenty-eight-year-old black male, Isaiah Nixon was murdered by two white men in front of his family at his house. His wife, Sallie Nixon was twenty-five, and just had given birth to a baby, a couple of weeks before this. He had six kids in total. His daughter, Dorothy Nixon Williams was only six-year-old at the time when she and her siblings watched two man kill their dad. Isaiah didnt know the two men that shot and killed…...
CrimeCriminal LawJusticeLawRichard Nixon
What do Christian teachings tell us about the Sanctity of Life Essay Example
Words • 1794
Pages • 8
The sanctity of life describes what Christians believe about the life God created for them. The sanctity of life basically means that life itself is a gift, and that gift is from God, therefore only God can take it away. The word sanctity means purity and that life is holy and special. Christians believe that life is the ultimate gift that can be given to humans on Earth, they treat it with the utmost respect and it is treasured.The sixth…...
DeathEducationEuthanasiaGodImage Of GodLearning
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Warrants Essay Example
Words • 1707
Pages • 7
Warrants Essay IntroductionWarrantsWarrants Essay Body ParagraphsWarrants Research on warrants Warrants are issued by a judge on behalf of the state. These warrants authorize a criminal’s arrest and detention. It also authorizes searches and seizure of a person’s property. A criminal warrant is a legal document ordering the law enforcement officers to carry out some of the activities in line with a criminal case. These warrants may be issue without the accused person’s knowledge. The criminal may not be aware of…...
Common LawCourtCrimeCriminal JusticeJudgeJustice
Richard Nixon Essay Example
Words • 1609
Pages • 7
Richard Nixon Essay Introduction“My fellow Americans, I come before you tonight as a candidate for the Vice-presidency and as a man whose honesty and integrity has been questioned.”(Checkers Speech, 4) These words from the famous Nixon speech can be interpreted in different manner. There are a plenty of opinions and discussion about President Nixon and his honesty and not all of them are in Nixon’s favour. This research is planned to show that Nixon’s activities during his presidency have been…...
PolicyPoliticsPresidentRichard NixonWatergate Scandal
Infamous criminal: Griselda Blanco Essay Example
Words • 1891
Pages • 8
Infamous criminal: Griselda Blanco Essay IntroductionInfamous criminal: Griselda Blanco An infamous criminal can be described as one with a notoriously bad reputation due to their deeds. Griselda Blanco is one of the largest and infamous crime masterminds of all time in the American crime history (Streatfeild 45). She operated in one of the most ruthless ways imaginable. She was mainly involved in the drug trade consisting of mainly drugs such as cocaine, which was highly lucrative and still is quite…...
Engineering Essay Example
Words • 1598
Pages • 7
Engineering Essay IntroductionRoles & Professionalism By Ezer Yeboah-Boateng 1Quote of the Week? //? Working together for the common good of society. 2Outline?Introduction?Roles of Engineers?Engineers & the Environment?Engineers as Professionals?Engineers Today 3Books & Resources? Engineering & Social Justice, by Donna Riley, 2008; Morgan & Claypool Publishers.? Bridging the Gap Between Engineering & the Global World: A Case Study of the Coconut (Coir) Fiber Industry in Kerala, India, by Shobha K. Bhatia & Jennifer L. Smith, 2008; Morgan & Claypool Publishers. 45…...
Essay Examples on Jacksonian Democracy DBQ
Words • 569
Pages • 3
1st Essay Sample on Jacksonian Democracy DBQ Webster, era “independent Because a and protecting did called been The as right the South his if as was stated felt rights measures placed essence man”, this Constitution bank keen the States nation his This suggests the the Charles from to protect government slaves “the a true Constitution Daniel South of the Jacksonian interests of such Therefore Constitution defend that the Though It (Document to Thus, as Era”. unconstitutional, nullify the interests against…...
DemocracyJusticeLawPolitical SciencePolitics
Essay Examples on Feudalism
Words • 666
Pages • 3
The following sample essay is sample essays on feudalism. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. 1st Essay Sample on feudalism I have just read an article on Feudalism in a Britannia magazine. Feudalism began between the 8th and 9th centuries. It wasfirst recognised in France, and later spread to most countries of Western Europe. When Charlemagne died there was no strong ruler to take his place. That was when feudalism was established as the main…...
CasteEuropeFeudalismLawMiddle AgesPolitics
Society Should Not Allow the Death Penalty
Words • 637
Pages • 3
“Dead man walking!” This sound rings through each and every death row inmate a thousand times a day; but should it? Capital punishment is one of the most controversial topics among Americans today. The most severe of all sentences: that of death. Also known as the death penalty, capital punishment this is the most severe form of corporal punishment as it is requires law enforcement officers to kill the offender. It has been banned in many countries, in the United…...
Common LawDeathDeath PenaltyDiseaseHealthJustice
Essay Examples on Capital Punishment
Words • 2537
Pages • 11
To write a good essay on Capital Punishment, first, you need to get an idea of what to write about. To get inspiration, please go through our essay examples on this topic. Capital Punishment Essays: Table of Content Arguments for and against Capital Punishment Essay Is Capital Punishment a Right Way of Punishment Essay Gillepsy's Opinion on Capital Punishment Essay My Reflection on Capital Punishment Essay Should capital punishment be brought back in the U.K Essay Arguments for and against…...
Capital PunishmentCommon LawCrimeCriminal JusticeJustice
Essay Examples on Causes of the American Revolution
Words • 612
Pages • 3
1st Essay Sample on Causes of the American Revolution As of 1763, the British Empire was the most successful empire in the world. Despite this fact, the thirteen colonies of British North America, decided to courageously revolt against the mother country.This decision left the British, as well as many Americans, wondering why they would want to break from and go against such a triumphant empire.Many factors lead up to the revolt such as "differences in life, thought, and interests [that]…...
AmericaAmerican RevolutionCountryGovernmentHistoryJustice
Political Structure of Brazil
Words • 608
Pages • 3
The following example essay on "Political structure of Brazil" tells about the political structure in Brazil, which implies a strict separation of the legislative and executive powers. Brazil's government is a federal republic. They are a federation with 26 states and a federal district. Brazil's federal constitution was enacted on October 5, 1988 and developed a democratic political system with periodic elections for public offices. They, like the United States, have three branches of government. Those Branches are President, National…...
Program Analysis: NCAA Emerging Sport Program
Words • 307
Pages • 2
The NCAA Emerging Sports program is designed to provide the opportunity of new sport development in the United States by the NCAA for female collegiate athletes. An emerging sport is any athletic activity, indicating interest in becoming a sport by the governing body, meant to improve the interest of women into the world of sports and provide opportunities for women at NCAA partner institutions. All varsity sports would be held under the same specifications as typical sport programs and evaluated…...
CommunicationSustainabilityTitle Ix
Impact of Religion on Aztec Cu
Words • 319
Pages • 2
Every civilization has its own religious and spiritual belief system, and this has many effects on environment. One of them is to build architectures like temples and monuments in the name of their gods they believe in. The Aztec Empire was an American state that ruled now Mexico from 1427 until 1521, by the time they were invaded by Spaniards. The boundaries of the empire were from west from Mexico Valley in central Mexico to the Gulf of Mexico and…...
What Is the Best Way to Combat Juvenile Delinquency?
Words • 293
Pages • 2
The number of juvenile delinquents in Russia is growing rapidly. There are about 1. 5 million juvenile arrests a year. Some causes for the rise of juvenile delinquency include lack of proper attention from their parents, the surrounding neighborhoods juvenile grew up in. Unfortunately, there are innumerable examples of family units that do not function effectively. Physical or emotional abuse, neglect and lack of interest by the parents in the children’s lives all contribute to a lack of proper formation…...
Child NeglectHuman NatureJuvenile DelinquencySocial Issues
Inside A Typical Church
Words • 1199
Pages • 5
Inside a typical church, there are many features, which are very important to Christians in their worship. When a member of the congregation enters the church, he or she will firstly go through the Porch. It is open to invite the congregation into church and is always open before services to welcome people. Inside the Porch, the Holy Water Stoup is found in there. This is where people dip their fingers in the Holy water and make the sign of…...
Genre & Narrative in Lock Stock
Words • 2295
Pages • 10
Paper Type:Narrative essays
The first 10 minutes screen time of Ritchie's 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels' allows the introduction of the characters and a description of their role without the gangster hierarchy and the narrative thus it operates quite conventionally as an opening in terms of narrative. 'Bacon' has just set up his suitcase in a high street and we now see in plot time that he's enticing buyers and selling his evidently stolen goods. We do not know the exact location…...
Crimes of Scott Peterson
Words • 2405
Pages • 10
Scott Lee Peterson was born October 24, 1972 in San Diego, California to Jacqueline Helen Latham and Lee Arthur Peterson. His family was big and athletic and he was raised on strict guidelines set by his father. As a kid, Scott loved to hunt and fish and played golf in high school.He attended the University of San Diego High School and graduated from California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo (A. K. A. Cal Poly) with a B. A.…...
Criminal JusticeCriminal LawJusticeLaw
Introduction to Personal Development in Health and Social Care
Words • 353
Pages • 2
My current job role is as a care assistant. When I started this job management gave me a clear guidance and what is expected from me. They described the duties and responsibilities of the role to me. I am responsible for providing support to the service users, which includes : personal care, assisting with eating and medication, assisting in toileting, supporting to use services and facilities. I attend regular refresher courses and training, which help me how to do my…...
BeliefCommunicationHuman NaturePolicy
Faculty of 21st Century Technology
Words • 2628
Pages • 11
Century possesses the ironically unique ability to simultaneously bring out the best that the human mind can conjure, as well as the worst.  A perfect example of this is the software industry.  Because of the infinite intelligence and skill of software developers, combined with a bit of creativity and ambition, computer software is constantly being engineered to assist us in business, education, medicine, and much more.  Conversely, this same software has led to the advent of a more sinister, yet…...
Civil Disobedience
Words • 360
Pages • 2
In the essay “Civil Disobedience”, Henry David Thoreau expresses his idea of an ideal form of government; that which holds less control over its nation.“That government is best which governs least.”This is so because, according to him very rarely have government proven to be constructive and so people should not blindly support it. It is their duty to avoid and fight against the government’s wrong doings. He believes that if majority groups together and protest in a non violent form,…...
Workers compensation
Words • 1357
Pages • 6
Workers compensation is a division of tort law, or rather a type of insurance that is in place to provide medical care for employees who are injured during the course of employment or performing the functions of their employment positions.  Workers compensation is set up to provide compensation for the and to the employee in exchange for that employee’s right to sue the employer for the injury that they sustained on the job.  If the claim is approved the employee…...
Common LawEmploymentInsuranceJusticeLawWork
Commercial Law Case Briefs
Words • 5524
Pages • 23
Gajanan Moreshwar Parelkar v Moreshwar Madan Mantri (Indemnity) (Plaintiff, at the request of the defendant, executed two mortgages in favour of Mohandas. Defendant wrote a letter promising to indemnify the plaintiff against any suits by the mortgagee, along with executing a third mortgage in place of the previous two. Plaintiff prays that the defendant obtains a release of liability from Mohandas; Issues: 1) Can the indemnified ask for performance of the contract of indemnity without suffering actual loss? ) Whether…...
Business LawCommon LawContract LawJustice
Emmett Till Questions
Words • 178
Pages • 1
What was the Jim Crow System? -These were laws that separated Blacks and Whites under every circumstance. 2. Where and when was the JC System? The system took place in 1955 in the Southern parts of America. 3. Why was this system created? This system was created to prevent the blacks from taking over the south. 4. How were African Americans treated and expected to act under such a system? African Americans were expected to abide by the laws which…...
Civil Rights MovementCommunicationJusticePoliticsSocial Issues
The US Constitution: The World’s Oldest Currently In Force
Words • 378
Pages • 2
220 years ago, on March 4, 1789, the US Constitution entered into force. On this day, the federal authorities, created in accordance with the Constitution, began to work. The US Constitution is the first written constitution and the oldest nationally drafted constitution currently in force. It was drafted and adopted by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in May-September 1787. The 1787 Constitution was preceded by the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The latter was proclaimed…...
ConstitutionJusticeLawPoliticsSocial ContractThomas Jefferson
Legal Analysis of Law on Sales
Words • 5156
Pages • 21
Article 1458 of the Civil Code de? nes “sale” as a contract whereby one of the contracting parties (Seller) obligates himself to transfer the ownership, and to deliver the possession, of a determinate thing; and the other party (Buyer) obligates himself to pay therefor a price certain in money or its equivalent. 1 The Roman Law concept embodied in the old Civil Code2 that treated delivery of tangible property as the sole purpose of sale has been modi? d under…...
Common LawContractCourtJusticeSales
Lupong Tagapamayapa Head Profiles & Issues in Bayambang
Words • 5003
Pages • 21
The barangay is the basic unit of government in the Philippines. Unknown to many, it is where much of actual governance takes place, and where the government and the citizens meet face to face. More than a hundred roles have been assigned to barangays by the Local Government Code of 1991 and various special laws ranging from the delivery of basic services to women and children protection under RA 9262. It is no wonder that barangays are able to perform…...
Domestic vs. International Adoption
Words • 2342
Pages • 10
Deciding to engage in the adoption process is a wonderful thing to do for many different reasons. Not only are the adoptive parents making a difference in the life of the adopted child but they are inspiring their own lives as well. Whether the prospective parents are looking to adopt because they are unable to have biological children or if they are choosing to adopt to bring a new special person into their lives, it is a process which is…...
Case Analysis on Carlill V. Carbolic Smokeball Company
Words • 2711
Pages • 11
Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Company Ltd is one of the most leading cases in the law of contracts under common law. Known for both its academic importance and its contribution in the development of the laws relating unilateral contracts, it is still binding on lower courts in England and Wales, and is still cited by judges in their judgements. This research paper aims to critically examine and analyze the facts and the judgement of the case, along with the…...
Common LawContractGovernmentJusticeLaw
Long Island Ripper
Words • 615
Pages • 3
Rebecca Brehm Criminology – CJC 112 Long Island Ripper July 2007 to Current Corpus Delicti: Serial Killer in Long Island on the loose and cases still unsolved. Bodies of at least 10-14 Murdered victims associated with prostitution in dumped on the South side of Long Island and in some cases unidentified. Investigators believe the suspect is a resident of Long Island. Murders discovered over last 15 years and seem to be linked according to investigators. Investigators believe the murders are…...
CrimeCriminal JusticeCriminal LawJusticeSerial Killer
Essential Characteristics of Contract of Sale
Words • 2125
Pages • 9
Generally “a contract of sales of goods is a contract, whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called price.” Section 2(1) Sale of Goods Act 1893 United Kingdom. Thus contract for sale includes both present sale of goods and a contract to sell the goods at a future time and a sale consists in the passing of title from the seller to the buyer for a price. The…...
Business LawCharacterCommon LawJusticeLaw
Smoking is no Longer Seen as Cool
Words • 2540
Pages • 11
Smoking is no longer seen as cool and sophisticated. It has taken fifty years since the Surgeon General first came out and said that smoking may cause cancer. Since that initial study, although debated at times, the general consensus is that smoking does cause cancer as well as a plethora of other long term and very serious diseases in which many will lead to death. Yet, Millions of Americans still smoke. Those that are driven to smoke and therefore, have…...
AddictionHabitsPublic HealthSmokingSmoking BanTobacco
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Words • 317
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on "Sarbanes-Oxley Act": brief information about the law. Sarbanes-Oxley Act, signed into law by President George Bush on June 30, 2002, was crafted in order to improve securities legislature and to strengthen the requirements of audit checks. The act appeared in response to a string of corporate scandals and was meant as a reaction to these scandals. The article “Private Companies Feel Effects of Sarbanes-Oxley” by Thomas Hoffman concentrates on the effect the implementation of the…...
Magna Carta Essay
Words • 352
Pages • 2
Magna Carta came from the Latin word “Great Charter”, which was authorized by King John of England, which deals with governing of his subjects according to Feudalism. During feudalism, the relationship between kings and their barons orders the rights and duties of each subordinate. The king cannot make any legal actions such as imposing high taxes or any military services without consulting the barons. The Barons rebelled against King John causing a revolt in England; Magna Carta was a result…...
Common LawJusticeLawMagna CartaPolitics
Can Torture Ever Be Morally Justified?
Words • 3094
Pages • 13
Basing your arguments on the decision of the House of Lords in A(FC) v. Secretary of State for the Home Department [2005] UKHL 71 and the article by W. L. Twining and P. E. Twining ‘Bentham on Torture’ at vol. 24 Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 305, what is morally wrong with torture? Can it ever be morally justified? If so, when? If not, why not? Torture is not a popular practice amongst any developed society. To some, it is an…...
EthicsJeremy BenthamJusticeLawTorture
Analyse the Importance of the Mental Health Act
Words • 1862
Pages • 8
Act Mental health law is about securing benefits for, and protecting the rights of people with mental disorder with the primary objective to make sure individuals can receive effective care and treatment. The Mental Health Act (1983) is a significant statutory framework for anybody working within mental health, providing a framework for decision making, by providing a logical format in which balances the law and legal values in order for a mental health worker to reach a decision of action.…...
Health CareJusticeLawMental DisorderMental Health
The Day of Yahweh: A Misunderstood Concept
Words • 1108
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on "Day of Yahweh" talks about The Day of Yahweh is the day that most people associate with a period of time or a certain day that will occur when God’s will and purpose for His world and for mankind will be fulfilled. Some people believe that the day of the Lord will be a longer period of time than a single day- a period of time when Christ will reign throughout the world before He…...
Critique of Twelve Angry Men
Words • 1252
Pages • 6
Book Critique: Twelve Angry Men, Reginald Rose and David Mamet The criminal justice system of the United States, when first framed through the U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, was a revolutionary breakthrough in contemporary peace-keeping. For fear of becoming like their former governing nation - wherein unreasonable trials were held in such a way that numerous individuals accused of criminal acts were not offered a opportunity to demonstrate their innocence or, in some cases, a trial by jury…...
Common LawCrimeCriminal JusticeJusticeLaw
R V Bilal Skaf, Legal Studies Research Report
Words • 2701
Pages • 11
Preface: Due to space constraints I will be focusing on the actions taken by and taken against BILAL Skaf solely as opposed to his brother MOHAMMED Skaf. In addition, I will be concentrating on the events which the charges were given rise to on 12 August 2000 and as opposed to 2 separate cases rape cases which Bilal Skaf was also a belligerent for the month of August 2000. I will also be mentioning the recent appeal case in 2008…...
AssaultCommon LawCrimeCriminal JusticeJusticeLaw
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What do Christian teachings tell us about the Sanctity of Life Essay Example
...If an animal’s life ever became this horrific, humans would put them down long before. Animals cannot be comforted to the extent we can, their mind do not have the complexity humans obtain.’Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our l...
What Is the Best Way to Combat Juvenile Delinquency?
...Drug education and prevention is recommended to begin in the earliest grades of primary school. The ultimate effect of all the measures is a reduction of young people who end up in trouble, including drugs and the judicial system. Rather than try to ...
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