Essays on Gratitude

Free essays on gratitude are insightful essays that explore the importance of expressing gratitude in daily life. These essays discuss the impact of gratitude on mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. They offer tips and strategies for cultivating a grateful mindset and provide insight into the benefits of developing a gratitude practice. These essays showcase how expressing gratitude can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life.
The Happiness Advantage by Sean Aykor
Words • 1673
Pages • 7
In his book, The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor explains how happiness is a tool to aid us in achieving success, and is not the result of it. He then provides us with seven applicable principles that we can use to expand both our success and happiness. The definition of happiness that Achor resonates the most with is the one Aristotle used, “ eudaimonia, which translates directly to “human flourishing”. He goes on to say that “For me, happiness is the…...
Metaphorical Borders of Difference Essay
Words • 1013
Pages • 5
As the child of a single parent, I was exposed to challenges that bred instability. Despite the uncertainty of everyday life, my mother’s unconditional love grounded me and reaffirmed a belief that serves as the foundation of my leadership style; it takes just one person to change a life. It is my responsibility to not only provide this unconditional support but make others aware of their own capacity to impact the lives of others. With this said, I will address…...
Studies in Religion and Spirituality
Words • 489
Pages • 2
Cappellen et focus on empirical research that investigates religion and spirituality having a positive effect on psychological and physiological health. The studies presented in the article investigated how and why aspects of religion and spirituality affected the health of two groups that were being studied, Church members in a European country and Employees at a university. Cappellen et, explained that religion and spirituality provided three resources for individuals: cognitive, social, and emotional resources. These resources, as supported by Cappellen et…...
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Recovery From Human Failures
Words • 417
Pages • 2
This article talks about a person’s resilience and ways to build it back up in the face of failures. Resilience is important because it affects a nurse’s everyday thought process. If a nurse has low self-confidence due to a failure in her career, this can start a chain of self-doubt in anything she performs on a daily basis. Resiliency is a nurse’s ability to bounce back from said failure and build that self-confidence back up using many methods. As Rose…...
Clinton’s Goal is to Express Gratitude to Her Supporters.
Words • 689
Pages • 3
Playing sports, there is always winning. Playing sports, there is always losing, but the player doesn’t just lose; their effort will reach their dream in the future. Former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, in her 2016 concession speech consoles and demonstrates gratitude toward her supporters. Clinton’s purpose is to demonstrate gratitude towards her supporters. She adopts a gracious, positive tone in order to convince her audience that the fight is not over and to remain positive in the future. Clinton…...
My Sincere Thanks to Teagasc
Words • 235
Pages • 1
I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to Teagasc for hosting me and the learning opportunities in the whole duration of my Master thesis project. Dr. John Tobin has extended his time on my administrative matters and imparted his knowledge on membrane processing. I am so thankful to my supervisor, Herehau Blais, for her guidance and patience throughout the length of my project. I am grateful to many Teagasc staff who have assisted me in different ways throughout my…...
To Be Grateful to Everything There Is
Words • 1599
Pages • 7
My coonhound Oliver is a good dog. When we went camping last month, he found himself a small, dirty rag to sleep on. He scratched at it from every direction, spinning round and round until the bed was just right, and then plopped down with a satisfied groan. This was not a groan of discontent, but rather an expression of gratitude. Oliver doesn’t care that his bed is a dirty old rage; he is simply being grateful for a master…...
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