Studies in Religion and Spirituality

Cappellen et focus on empirical research that investigates religion and spirituality having a positive effect on psychological and physiological health. The studies presented in the article investigated how and why aspects of religion and spirituality affected the health of two groups that were being studied, Church members in a European country and Employees at a university. Cappellen et, explained that religion and spirituality provided three resources for individuals: cognitive, social, and emotional resources. These resources, as supported by Cappellen et al.

(2014), help religious/spiritual believers experience enhanced well-being.

The study of positive emotions within the field of Positive Psychology is relative to the study conducted by Cappellen et because religious/spiritual contexts have the potential to conduce positive emotions. Empirical evidence suggests that aspects of religion and spirituality have been shown to increase the well-being of believers. Exploring the issue, it is believed only certain positive emotions are linked to specific contexts of religion and spirituality. Ultimately, leading religious or spiritual people to experience enhanced feelings of their well-being, as well as change their perceptions of their peers or society.

Cappellen et conducted two studies and in conclusion, religion and spirituality foster the possibility to experience positive emotions, but religious and spiritual contexts can also conduce negative emotions. Based on the experience of churchgoers and university employees, they reported they felt positive emotions of love, peace, and gratitude than any other positive emotion (amusement or pride). Understanding the relationship between religion/spirituality has been proven to conduce positive emotions, thus promoting healthier well-being.

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This article was chosen because I thought it was interesting to read about how religion and spirituality impact our well-being. In a religious and spiritual context positive emotions, specifically known as self-transcendent emotions (love, peace, awe, and gratitude) were commonly experienced among the attendees, after attending a mass, religious ritual, or meditation. There are characteristics of religion and spirituality that create an atmosphere of positive emotions, that included, but are not limited to: architectural designs, sermons, speeches, music, and rituals. These powerful elicitors in return produce positive emotions that uplift our well-being.

Three years ago, I took a class on Buddhism and I learned many Buddhist teachings gravitated towards how the mind, body, and soul were connected. According to many Buddhist teachings, there are interactions that take place between our body and the world. Referencing, how the mind (emotions, perceptions, and innate drives) can affect our physical and psychological health. There is a connection between religion and spirituality leading towards an active and healthy lifestyle. Buddhism teaches meditation plays a crucial role in our health, as well as practicing and living by virtues that in the end will allow us to reach our enlightenment. Buddhism focuses on understanding our nature and when we fall into illness it is due to an imbalance. Buddhism is an interesting religion to follow because as a nonreligious person I visited a Buddhist temple, and it was an amazing experience.

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Studies in Religion and Spirituality. (2021, Dec 10). Retrieved from

Studies in Religion and Spirituality
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