An Opinion on the Benefits of Homework to Students

Topics: Teaching

How often do you have to do your homework in a week? Did you know that there’s no homework in the education institutions of Finland? That’s right; a Finnish student doesn’t have to do any homework after their school time! However, Finland‘s graduation rate is higher compared to Canada and in the United States. Subsequently, according to the studies from Duke University, the leading homework researcher, a moderate amount of homework is effective to the students as it helps to improve the students’ academic and also their grades.

By the same token, too much homework may decrease its effectiveness, Homework is helpful for the students because it acts as an extra mini lesson, train good individuals, focuses on students’ progress and also helps achieving good grades. Hence, I believe that homework is very helpful for the students, First, I believe that homework can act as an extra mini lesson for the student as the students will remember the topics that had been covered in the classroom back then.

Students will have a deeper understanding on the topics that were covered after completing the homework that was assigned by their teachers.

I mean, homework can improve confinement and understanding of a student on the covered topics that was taught in class. Besides that, homework also helps the students to review, refresh and clarify the materials that were conveyed during the lesson as students will not fully understand the information and knowledge that were covered during class. Even more, homework helps the students to improve their memory, allowing the student to remember the knowledge that was taught in the classroom In a psychological View, information that gets more deeply processed is more likely to be remembered by an individual.

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Next, students will be able to learn more new knowledge and information about the subjects through completion of their homework. As an example, homework will transfer the previous knowledge to new situations, hence allowing the students to learn new knowledge or information. Moreover, homework will also help a student to be ready for the next class to receive more new knowledge.

Furthermore, homework will also give an extra practice on the content and concept regarding the topics that was covered in class. Thus, students will perform more confidently in class. Indeed, homework will also promote a well-trained individual with good moral values and good habits. Students will establish good time management skills through completing their homework punctually all the time. Homework will encourage the students to utilize their time wisely. Hence, the students will reduce their time an unnecessary entertainments, such as playing video games, watching television or even procrastinate. On the other hand, homework will definitely manifest a student’s self»discipline and develop positive attitude towards their academics. Students will successfully think more maturely about the importance of education in this era, creating a good habit or hobby on studying and completing their homework Alternatively, students will also show responsibility to accomplish their homework and assignments that were assigned by the teachers, Homework also impacts a student to work more independently.

Thus, students with good moral values and habits will sen/e them to be a successful person throughout their life and leads them to a brighter future. In addition, homework will also lead a student to be more concerned about their academics; motivate themselves to complete their homework in time and perform better in school. Not to mention, homework will also determine the study progress of a student in class. The teachers will evaluate the students‘ progress in school by grading their homework and assignments. Therefore, the teachers will determine the students‘ current standing in class. As a result, the teachers can focus and help the weaker students more on their study progress. As an example, teachers can provide extra classes for the weaker students so that they can keep up the pace during class. Furthermore, parents can also have the chance to understand their children’s progress in school by looking into their grades in homework.

Parents will know what their children are learning in school through their assigned homework. Thus, the parents can put more effort and concentrate more on their children’s studies, In fact, teachers will give advises and motivates the students which counter difficulties with their studies and in their homework progress. In addition, homework will lead a student to create a significant improvement in their grades For instance, homework will act as an extra revision for the students, giving more practice for the students, As we know, practice makes perfect. Thus, homework can affect students to perform well during their test. Besides that, homework will also allow the students to master the content of the topics. Hence, the students will be able to strive for excellent grades for the test given. As an example, students who accomplish all the homework that was assigned are more likely to understand the topic better and clearen Consequently, the student will get better grades during test as they were always on the track Furthermore, homework does have a long lasting result as they allow the students to remember the topics they learned better.

Students who do their homework constantly will undergo these 3 processes, which is encoding, storage and retrieval which will improve their memory, As a result, the students will be able to perform well on the test and therefore achieving better grades in their test In conclusion, homework is really helpful for the students as it benefits the students’ future, Homework acts as an extra mini lesson for the students, establish good moral values and good habits in a student, determining a student’s academic progress and also leading a student to achieve good grades in test Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”, In this new generation, all the parents and teachers should focus more on the students‘ education to keep up the pace of the new era Homework does play a big role in every education systems as it benefits the students in many ways to successfully understand the topics covered in class and also boost the students‘ grades in test. As one said, “There is no end to education”. Students should complete their homework that was assigned as it will assist them very much in their academics.

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An Opinion on the Benefits of Homework to Students. (2022, Oct 17). Retrieved from

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