You Can Call Cheerleading a Sport

WE GOT SPIRIT, YES, WE DO!!WE GOT SPIRIT HOW ABOUT YOU!!? When people hear the word “Cheerleading”, the first thing that comes to mind is girls in short skirts, pom poms, jumping around and sideline cheers. In society today, no one can deny the huge amount of flexibility, skill, endurance, athleticism that involves cheerleading, but can it rightfully be describe as a “sport”? There is no definite definition of a sport. Throughout this essay, my objective is to prove that cheerleading is a modern sport today.

I will be considering the aspects of this physical activity that meet the requirements of the officials determining what is considered a certified sport.

The debate of if cheerleading is a sport boils multiple individuals blood, especially a significant amount of people who believe so. Many individuals do not think cheerleading is a sport, cheerleading has changed and is much different from it was a hundred years ago. Over the years cheerleading have evolved into different type of cheerleading; Stomp and Shake, Competitive, Pop Warner and High School cheerleading.

People believe that there’s no type of athleticism in cheerleading. Most individuals think all cheerleaders do is scream, yell, jump around and do couple of flips. People believe there’s no point flexible, fast and strong as a cheerleader. Cheerleading isn’t considered because it’s an activity that solely entertain and motivate a crowd of people during sport events.

Cheerleading is more than a sport, it meets all qualifications of athletics such as physical activity; which performance can be judge and qualified can be develop into a competitive sport.

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Cheerleading involves multiple high-flying stunts and tosses, powerful acrobatics and tumbling and various dance skills. Intense training is required and an immense amount of time to perfect these skills. Cheerleading isn’t primarily a sport you do in High School and College, you can cheer at any age and point in life. Cheerleading is a sport because it involves physical activity, it acknowledges the primary purpose in comparing skills of participants in a competition.

As you can see, cheerleading is a sport without a doubt. The long hours of intense training make it just like any other sport, if not more than just a sport. Stunts, tumbling and the acrobatics is the most vigorous and dangerous aspect of the sport. Cheerleading isn’t what it used to be, It have developed to much more qualities. Pom poms aren’t used and more to wave in the air and yell, in fact pom poms aren’t used at all. Cheerleading became more than just yelling and waving pomp oms on the side

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You Can Call Cheerleading a Sport. (2022, Feb 26). Retrieved from

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