Way from a Student Nurse to a Professional Nurse

A registered nurse would be an example of a preceptor in he nursing field because they have a license to practice. ‘The nursing preceptor arranges for clinic kcal space and a variety of clinical patient encounters within rotation to ensure the student receives a wide clinical experience” (Nursing, 2010). Preceptors are experts in nursing because they have years of experience and have a significant amount of knowledge.

They are professionals who take on the responsibility to train and prepare new graduate nurses to seek more competencies in their area of interest in the health care setting.

Discussion Nurse preceptors can have a good reputation or a bad reputation. In order for a preceptor to be effective in their roles, one has to support a new nurse through the phases of transition: honeymoon, reality shock, recovery and resolution (Garners, & Chewer, 2012). A survey of new graduate nurses was conducted by the University of Memphis about what traits were most important for a nurse preceptor.

According to this survey, a nurse preceptor “allows hands on experience; welcomes interns and is prepared and ready to precept; remembers what it was like to be an intern; patient, supportive and encouraging; knowledgeable, confident, and enthusiastic about continuing heir own learning energetic and enthusiastic about one’s career; models good organization and time management; has high expectations of intern; has integrity and respect for all people; and demonstrates professional ethics” (Characteristics, 2014).

Transition From Student Nurse To Staff Nurse

Nursing preceptors are responsible for molding, shaping, educating and mentoring students into nurses (Scott, 2005).

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A preceptor needs to be a planner, coach, advocate, evaluator, cheerleader and role model for new nurses, regardless of their level on Bends model. Goals There are many goals of preceptor programs. Preceptor programs assist dents in making a smooth transition from novice to an entry level position, such as a beginner. A smooth transition focuses on improving patient care, skills and reducing the occurrence of role practice (Lurch, 2012).

Another goal is for the students to gain clinical experience and critical thinking skills by practicing treatments, planning, organizing and acquiring priority-setting skills under supervision. Nurse preceptor programs provide that smooth transition by requiring numerous clinical hours and completing competency skills by providing learning opportunities, in which will follow accountability and growth professionally. Nurse Preceptors in relation to Bennett Model The Banners Model helps determine what level of competency a nurse has. It is made up of novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert.

A novice could be a nursing student who has had no experience. A novice will follow rules and procedures step by step. An advanced beginner can demonstrate performance but still rely on past experiences to perform practices. A competent nurse has a few years of experience in the health field (Banner, 1984). They may be able to practice the same skills as a proficient nurse, but they lack the speed that a proficient nurse displays. The expert performer no longer relies on an analytic principle (rule, guideline, and maxim) to connect her or his understanding of the situation to an appropriate action (Banner, 1984).

Nurse preceptors fit the description of Banners Model of expert because their intuition of what to do in a situation is right on key. They have the experience and the knowledge to know what to do in most situations. As a nursing student, we are novices who need to learn the nursing process, learn how to effectively apply evidenced-base practice and to acquire the critical thinking skills as those as a professional nurse. Conclusion Nursing preceptors can make a difference in a student, new nurse or staff in a particular setting.

Lack of preceptor skills can lead to the new nurse and staff to be dissatisfied, which could lead to a new position. It is certain that all nurses, professional or a novice, face environmental, cultural, social, technological, physical, political and emotional changes during a new job (Scott, 2005). It is the role of a nursing preceptor to make sure that the nursing student or new graduate is prepared for these changes. “Perception is an organized, evidence-based, outcome-driven approach to assuring competent practice” (Lurch, 2012). The competencies of a nurse preceptor need to reflect on a student.

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Way from a Student Nurse to a Professional Nurse. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/way-from-a-student-nurse-to-a-professional-nurse/

Way from a Student Nurse to a Professional Nurse
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