Social Change is The Most Important Driving Factor in The Voting System

Topics: Voting

In any government that is voted for by the people, it is the role of citizens to ensure the government fulfills its role through better policies that are by human rights. The United States is no exception to such a system that advocates for equity, freedom, and justice in civil engagements in governance. Against this backdrop economy, social change, and expressivism plays an important role in matters of governance by the government.

Economics driven by a hunger for balanced change informs a major stake in choosing the rightful candidate.

Such an argument enlightens the need for many citizens to participate in an electoral voting process in many cases he or she prospects personal benefits that outweigh the expected cost imbalance. A citizen can only make this decision based on campaign promises and manifestos of candidates in a competitive electoral process.

Social change is a critical driving factor in the voting system. Citizens have a choice to abolish outdated rules through an electoral process.

On this basis, any citizen through the voting process has powers to inform better policies. Voting for good policies ensures a collective benefit that comes with a better option during voting. Judgments and powers drive the choice of citizens as guided based on who has better policies.

The third reason for voting is guided by limited reasons and facts. A citizen can vote based on limited reasons and more based on a strong feeling of attachment or sense of belonging to one candidate compared to another. A person who votes on limited facts is likely to express certain desires or preferences of a particular candidate without any accompanying reasons that they will cause the desired outcome.

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(Goldman, A. I., 2010).

Equity and fairness in voting systems

In any election, voters hold a key to the future. Elections provide for a leveled ground unto which everyone gets has an equal chance to speak out using the popular vote because every vote counts. It is only through every single vote that the results will be fair and complete Driven by this fact voters have to vote to promote fairness as motivated by;-

Self-satisfaction and interest

To choose the best candidate; the reasons for voting lie in the fact that one gets a chance and self-satisfaction in the voting process. Self-satisfaction in terms of “credit” or “discredit” for electing the best candidate to a specific seat or a position; gives the best competitor a chance to lose. This gives fair results that are satisfying to the electorate and a viable ground to identify valid reasons to vote for specific policies

Democratic fairness

To fulfill democratic responsibility; a voter must cast his ballot in any election to add to ethically important results that must be delivered agreeably. It is on this argument that the voter strives to fulfill the constitutional role and civic duty as registered in the laws and policies of the society. In the process of expressing his duty as a voter is also able to exercise his democratic right within a given democratic space.


Every vote counts especially for young voters as they strive to seek representation for inclusivity in every election. Besides inclusivity, youths are obliged to cast their votes with the motivation to be part of the electoral process. In the process of voting, youths make critical decisions that govern the future. Every vote is a representation of a better future.

In conclusion, voting is the only reasonable way a voter can demand better services from any government elected by the people. On this basis, we find that voting is also decided on for different reasons that seek better outcomes and a better life.

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Social Change is The Most Important Driving Factor in The Voting System. (2022, May 12). Retrieved from

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