SWOT analysis of Disneyland Paris

High quality effective customer service is key objective to any business/organisation being successful. I have researched into why this would be necessary for a company such as Disneyland Paris. Disneyland Paris need to provide all its customer with high quality, effective customer service this can be done by training all employees to a high standard including how to be polite, courteous, helpful, have good interpersonal skills and be well presented and look approachable.

If Disney was able to provide this level of customer service, it would keep their customers calm, relaxed and free to enjoy their trip, they would also feel secure and valued which is likely to result in repeat custom, this would then help to increase sales within the resort therefore revenue, as a result Disney may receive a boost in their reputation from being able to effectively satisfy the need and wants from its customers.

If they were not able to provide high quality, effective customer service this would have the opposite effect and may lead potential customer to choose a threatening theme park to Disneyland Paris, losing the business money and decreasing it’s revenue, repeat customers and share in the market.

Disneyland Paris has a mission statement this is ‘To bring families together and create the world’s most magical smile! ‘ This mission statement is essential to Disneyland as it gives them something to stride towards and achieve.

If a business or organisation did not initially set specific aims and objectives they may be less motivated to better themselves.

However if the mission statement, aims or objectives set are too simple and easy to achieve by Disney, they may not seek to improve or go further in achievement as a whole. This mission statement is the key to success within the business as other competitors to Disney are constantly modifying and improving to satisfy their customers, therefore customers could visit them theme parks or attractions instead of Disneyland Paris resort.

This SWOT analysis has revealed that there are a large number of strengths for Disneyland Paris, compared to the amount of weakness for the business. This informs me that the layout of the Disneyland resort and the company’s current plans are to a high standard and are able to cater for large volumes of customers and their needs and demands. Strengths The first strength I have found is Disneyland Paris caters for a wide target audience, from the rides and entertainment to the facilities and accommodation provided; this is an example of excellent customer service provided by Disney resulting in good customer satisfaction levels.

This then leads to an increased reputation, in turn gaining repeat custom, which leads to an increase in sales and potentially revenue. Another strength I have identified is Disney’s outstandingly unbeatable reputation. This is because they deliver high quality effective customer service that the customers are expecting. This in turn generates good customer satisfaction, leading to repeat customers and a further increase in their reputation, helping Disneyland to achieve the most visited tourist attraction in Europe almost every year.

Disneyland Paris will also see a rise in their revenue and sales figures giving them more money to make change and improvements if any are needed. Below are the statistics to support my claim: A further strength of Disneyland Paris is that its location is easily accessible to its customers. It is in a local position to its largest customer base of French visitors. However for English visitors there are many methods of transport that can be taken to get to Disneyland Paris Resort, there is the Euro star, car or bus, train or plane.

These give customers more advantages when travelling to the destination and are suitable for customers from all incomes. This creates a large customer base for Disneyland Paris thus increasing sales and revenue for the company. It will create good customer service which leads to an increase in customer satiation as Disney are able to cater for most customer types, which will then increase Disney’s exceptional reputation further.

Merchandise and products are sold by Disneyland and is a good strength used by them; most of the customers who visit purchase Disney products such as photos from rides or character related products as a souvenir or memory from their stay at the resort. This is offering visitors good customer service as there is a huge selection of merchandise available for choice, this leave the customers satisfied in finding the perfect product for them. This increases the volume of sales gained by Disney therefore the revenue created.

It will also help to increase Disney’s reputation by customers spreading good word of mouth. The next two strengths I have indentified are linked together; they are extremely beneficial in increasing the reputation and customer service received by customers. These two strengths are having both multilingual staff and multilingual maps and sign posts throughout the park. This is crucial for Disneyland in being successful as the customers that come here are from different countries worldwide, which speak different languages and have different cultures.

This means Disney needs to provide a wide range of staff that speak these languages or use universal symbols on the sign posts at the resort to suit and satisfy all their customers’ needs and differences. If Disney was not able to provide this, both their customers and staff could become frustrated and angry as there will be a language barrier they are unable to fix, also they will not be able to navigate themselves around the parks via the maps and sign posts if they are not multilingual.

This in turn would give Disney numerous complaints and decreasing their outstanding reputation. Customers will not want to return to the resort and may pass there bad experience on to others, thus putting them off visiting. I have placed a few pictures which I have collected from around the Disney resort, highlighting the multilingual sign posts and maps there are available for customers to navigate themselves around the resort easily increasing the level of customer satisfaction gained as customers can find where they want to be without any negative implications.

Another strength that it’s clear Disney have is providing disabled facilities throughout the resort. This is important in showing Disneyland cares and caters for their customers who have a disability, thus showing they cater for a variety of people. Some of the facilities that are available around the parks include; wheelchair rental, specially adapted toilets and designated rooms etc. By having these facilities Disney is able to attract more disabled customers into visiting the resort, increasing their sales and revenue, also it will help to increase Disney’s already booming reputation.

These customers will also feel valued and respected as they are not being discriminated against, and would feel comfortable in talking to a member of staff should they have any queries. They receive the highest quality customer service that Disney aims to provide all their customers with, giving the customers good satisfaction. I have included various pictures as evidence to prove Disney do offer this service to its disabled customers. Another strength Disney show is the high level of training given to their employees.

They have all been trained with in-depth knowledge about various products Disneyland Paris sell. This is necessary so Disney is acting in accordance with the Trade Description Act 1968, a scenario in which the company are at risk of breaking this law would be if one of Disney’s employees was to provide a customer with untrue information about a product as in if the employee described the product either orally or written down as being suitable for children and the product was in fact not suitable for children, Disneyland would then be liable for prosecution if pursued.

However if a customer visiting the resort were to ask employees questions and they were unable to respond this would reflect negatively towards Disney and customers would then be uncomfortable asking other staff members questions. This could then lead to the Disney’s exceptional reputation being damaged thus Disney would then see a decline in sales therefore turnover. By all employees having outstanding training Disney would see their customer satisfaction amplify from good customer service being provided to all.

Fast passes are another strength Disneyland offers to its customers, although customers would have to pay an extra amount they receive the benefit of not having to wait in long queues for the rides, which could frustrate the more impatient customers. This would increase customer satisfaction by not having to wait as long for the attractions they wish to see, making Disney have a higher chance of gaining repeat custom which will increase both sales and revenue for the business.

This shows Disney offer their customers an excellent customer service, as customers feel valued in having the opportunity to pay for a fast pass which would be time effective towards the customers, this would then lead to Disney increasing their reputation further. An additional strength I can acknowledge that Disneyland Paris can show is by having two parks (main theme park and Walt Disney Studio’s).

From my own experience and knowledge plus research into the two parks I can identify the themes and rides based in each park are different. Walt Disney studio’s is catered more towards older children with bigger, faster and more thrilling and exciting rides available. Whereas the main Disney Park is tailored towards the younger generation including the youngest visitors, as it contains smaller less thrilling rides. I have included a list below of the top five rides in each of the parks.

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SWOT analysis of Disneyland Paris. (2017, Jul 13). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-swot-analysis-disneyland-paris/

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