I Want To Be A Business Woman Essay

This essay sample on I Want To Be A Business Woman Essay provides all necessary basic info on this matter, including the most common “for and against” arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay.

Nowadays, studying has reached its apogee of creativity and diversity of tasks. Students are often asked to work in pairs or groups on some projects, to research or prepare something unique and extraordinary. Among these assignments, the most popular is probably writing an essay.

Due to statistics, most of the students, who are to compose an essay, don’t know where to begin and find themselves staring at the blank piece of paper whether the task is easy or complicated.

Why is business writing becoming popular?

As the world is developing and the first-page news contains lots of economic issues, politics and prosperous people, so the students usually have to cover one of those topics in their paper. Writing an essay about a successful business woman isn’t a piece of cake and requires a solid basis of preparation and detailed analysis of information.

How to write a good essay about business women?

To begin with, in order to write a successful essay, you should organize your thoughts and ideas using a mind-map or outline to note what’s in your head. Having written the main word in the middle and several related words branching off from will help you to see connections and guarantee more organized writing. You can also use a brain-storming method.

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Here you have to put into paper all the words related to the chosen topic. When you are ready with the draft, move to create a thesis statement.


What Makes A Business Successful Essay

Your thesis statement has to consist of two parts. The first part generally states the topic, and the second one tells the main point of the essay. For instance, if you were writing a successful business woman essay or a particular one, an appropriate thesis statement would be. “Elizabeth Irons has impacted the future of science by being a curious entrepreneur who is shaping the future of R&D as the CEO and is the Founder of Science Exchange.”

Main body

Next part of your essay is the body that describes, explains or even argues your topic. Each main idea that should be in your outline should present as a separate paragraph in the main body. Speaking about successful women in business, you can start by giving a definition of what is a prosperous woman in today’s society. For example, compare the modern opinions with those of a hundred years ago. It is important to support your point of view by some already existing facts and well-known statements and, of course, provide your own point of view.

Use examples to prove your idea

What is more, it would be a great idea to give several examples to reinforce readers’ understanding of the matter. You can even choose different women from completely different countries and of completely different occupations. It is how you can illustrate that there’s enough place for everyone in the world to work, create and become successful.

Make an emphasis on their way to success whether it was sheer luck or they were crawling and inching their way and rose from rags to riches. On the other hand, you can make a focus on one particular woman. Tell her biography and explain why you have chosen her as a fine example and what inspired your choice. To do this, it is necessary to provide the reader with five or six relevant facts about the life (in general) or event (in particular) you believe most clearly illustrates your point.

Moreover, it is appropriate to highlight personal features, qualities and believes of those women mentioned above as it can motivate and inspire the reader and give them a needed spur. Don’t forget to add some quotes with lavish words, however, don’t make your writing watery and boost its quality with facts about scientific inquiries of successful business women, their political or economic input into the development of their country or the world generally.

Hook the reader

Writing an introduction is another challenging task you have to face. As you have developed your thesis and completed the body of your paper, it’s high time to pen the introduction. Begin with a so-called attention grabber. You can use shocking information, dialogue, a story, a quote, or a simple summary of your topic. Only when the reader’s attention is “hooked,” you can move to the thesis which has to be a one-sentence explanation of your point of view with an accurate position.

Only then, you can write a short outline which previews the examples you will use to support your thesis in the rest of the essay. Such a step will give the reader a clearer understanding of the following information. Furthermore, you have to finish the introduction is such way that the last sentence of the introduction and the first of the main body will have an indissoluble semantic meaning. So, if you mention the woman’s power and entrepreneurial skills in the finishing introduction sentence, you have to cling to your thoughts on the topic in the main body of the paper.

Good conclusion

The last but not least, it’s crucial to write a perfect conclusion to your essay. It is better to begin your summary with the words “in conclusion,” “in the end,” “to sum it up” etc. and then you should provide the reader with the four or five strong sentences. It is proper to use some language from the introduction as the restatement of your thesis creates an echoing effect which only reinforces your main idea. You should also give a brief outline of the body, and after that, there should be some “global statement” or “call to action” that gives the reader signals that the discussion has come to its logical end.

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If after reading these tips and recommendation on how to write a perfect successful business woman essay, you still feel a little confused and have no idea what to start with, there is a way out. This website paperap.com offers the best solution to your problems. Here you can order such pieces of writing for a good price, and you can be sure of the quality of writing. Maybe it is a burden for you, but for some people, it’s a pleasure to discover something new and help other people, so don’t hesitate to click on the link and benefit from their service.

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I Want To Be A Business Woman Essay. (2019, Dec 07). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-successful-business-woman-essay-become-useful-for-students/

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