Poem: The Passionate Shepherd to His Love


complicated songs for several voices

archaic word for “dress” “gown” or “skirt”

young boys

How does the poet satirize the carpe diem tradition?
He makes the shepherd’s offer seem unrealistic..

Describe the life that the shepherd invites his love to share with him. How will they be dressed? How will they spend their time?
The speaker envisions a life of carefree pleasure. He will make his love a cap of flowers, a gown of the finest wool, lined slippers with gold buckles and a straw belt with coral and amber.

The couple will watch shepherds dance and sing.

Describe the attitudes of the shepherd in “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” toward love and toward the future. Support your ideas with reference to the poem.
Answers will vary. Students could describe the attitude of the shepherd toward love as romantic, idealistic, or seductive, noting that he a. promises the beloved many gifts, many of which are highly fanciful and exaggerated.

b. makes living with him sound idyllic. In addition, students could describe the shepherd’s attitude toward the future as impatient, indifferent, or unrealistic noting that his plea a. imagines that there is no tomorrow. b. is idealistic and fanciful. c. imagines that he and his love will live happily ever after without complication. Other answers should be supported with appropriate reference to the poem.

What reasons are there in modern life to feel idealistic about romantic love, and what reasons are there to feel cynical about it? Explain your ideas.

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A reason to feel idealistic about romantic love in modern life is that love is the most profound emotion known to human beings. For most people, romantic relationships are the most meaningful element in their lives

In pastoral writing the harsh realities of country life do not exist. Which details of the poem seem distinctly idealistic? What realistic, gritty details of a shepherd’s life can you imagine?
The unending summer weather, the couple’s unfettered time and their ability to buy jewelry seem unrealistic. No mention is made of hard work, hazards and lonely life of a shepherd.

In “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love,” the shepherd offers the charms of —
Rustic Pleasures

Which of the following phrases best summarizes the idea of carpe diem?
Live life to the fullest

What is the rhyme scheme of each stanza?

The passionate shepherd offers all of the following to his beloved except

The shepherd admits life may be difficult.

How could we best describe the passionate shepherd in the poem?
Romantic but unrealistic

The shepherd woos his love by telling her how beautiful she is.

In “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd,” the nymph suggests that all the things the shepherd has offered her are
likely to wither, fade, die, or otherwise pass away.

The nymph points out facts that the shepherd did not mention.

To the nymph, the shepherd’s offer
is too fanciful.

What is the best summary of this stanza:

The flowers do fade, and wanton fields
To wayward winter reckoning yields:
A honey tongue, a heart of gall,
Is fancy’s spring, but sorrow’s Fall.

People’s emotions can change like the seasons.

In the last stanza of “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd,” the nymph indicates that she wishes
the world were different so that she might accept the shepherd’s offer.

Does the nymph believe the shepherd’s offer?
No, because she suspects he is not telling the truth about his feelings

The images in “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd” are typical of a pastoral in that they are
associated with the countryside.

The speaker in “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd” regards the shepherd’s promised pleasures as being —

In “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd,” the main “enemy” is

The word pastoral, describing a kind of poem about country life, comes from the Latin word meaning —

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Poem: The Passionate Shepherd to His Love. (2018, Jan 19). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-poem-the-passionate-shepherd-to-his-love/

Poem: The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
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