The Fault In Our Stars Theme Essay

Augustus and Hazel have an epic love story. They bring out the best in each other. Augusts shows Hazel that there is more to life than staying at home at letting cancer consume you. Hazel brings the light back into Augustus’s life. When Augustus had to stop playing basketball he felt that there was something missing, and that’s when he met Hazel.It doesn’t take long for these to friends to fall in love. Together they are unbeatable, and won’t let anything bring them down.

In the story Hazel and Augustus go through some hard times, in the story Hazel passed out from overexertion and was admitted into the hospital. Augustus had to battle with his Osteosarcoma returning. In each of these situations, the two lovers were sitting by each others side every step of the way.

The novel ‘The Fault in our Stars,’ written by John Green, is narrated by 17-year-old cancer patient Hazel Grace Lancaster who fell in love with a 17-year-old ex-basketball player and an amputee Augustus Waters.

One of the main themes of the story is the different ideas about life, death and existence itself throughout the whole novel. The theme of life, death, transforming and existence is prevalent throughout the novel and embodied as fearing oblivion or being forgotten or one day all of us will die and mortality.

Mortality, in the novel Augustus and Hazel thinks about life and death itself, both ideas are presented as Augustus fearing that no one will remember him after he dies and Hazel believes that she is a grenade and will harm those who are close to her and love her once she dies but there are still some pieces missing.

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Both Hazel and Augustus fears dying but for different reasons. In the novel Augustus states that he fears oblivion when talking to Hazel and Hazel states that she doesn’t want to harm anyone because she is a grenade that will hurt people to her parents. Augustus may have a selfish reason not to die because he wants himself to be famous first bef…

Theme Of The Fault In Our Stars

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The Fault In Our Stars Theme Essay
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