The Fault In Our Stars Character Analysis Essay

Often in works of literature, there will be sad but happy moments, action and adventure, mystery and secrets. But in this book, in particular, there was almost all of these things and more. The Fault In Our Stars, is definitely a work of art. This book shows many insightful acts of wisdom through experiences,such as, when Hazel first meets Augustus Waters at her cancer support group. When Hazel and Augustus go to Amsterdam to meet the author Peter Van Houten, the author of their favorite book, An Imperial Of Affliction.

In John Green’s The Fault In Our Stars, Hazel Grace Lancaster, is a character who gains wisdom about appreciating life through joyful experience with love, and the tragedy of losing it, while fighting the very tough battle of cancer.

Essay Example on The Fault In Our Stars Character Analysis

To begin with, let’s talk about Hazel. Hazel is a very worrisome, afraid and depressed 17 year old female with brown hair at the beginning of this book.

Hazel has thyroid cancer. She has had cancer ever since she was a little girl. Due to Hazel’s cancer, she has to carry around a bipap machine, which helps her breath. Without it, she could be dead. Hazel mostly stays at home almost all of the time reading the same book over and over, An Imperial Of Affliction. She is very much intrigued with this book because, it relates to her in many ways. This book is like her life happening in the soul of another.

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Hazel also watches the same tv show, America’s Next Top Model, over and over. Her mom believes that she is depressed because she barely ever leaves the house, and she refers to herself as a grenade waiting to blow up. Also as a side effect of God’s human creation. She is afraid to not only just love someone, but to also be loved. Due to that fear she doesn’t really have much of a social life. She is also afraid that when she dies that her parents might get divorced. Hazel recalls a time for when she was in the hospital her mom said to her, “It’s ok to let go”, she broke out int…

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The Fault In Our Stars Character Analysis Essay
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