Film Review "The Fault in Our Stars"

The fault in our stars is a deeply emotional tale while sometimes funny story of teenage terminal cancer patients. The movie centers around Hazel, The main character and narrator of The Fault in Our Stars. Hazel is 16 years old and has been dealing with thyroid cancer (Your thyroid is shaped like a small butterfly, and is typically located inside the lower front of your neck. It’s a gland that controls your metabolism. It also releases hormones that direct many functions in your body, including how you use energy, how you produce heat, and how you consume oxygen.

Thyroid cancer develops when cells change or mutate.

The abnormal cells begin multiplying in your thyroid and, once there are enough of them, they form a tumor. After three years the cancer eventually spread to her lungs Because of this, she uses a portable oxygen tank to breathe properly. She knows that she has a limited time. people who experience later-onset chronic illness or acquired disability (CIAD) may find their sense of self suddenly and dramatically challenged or altered.

These persons may be faced with significant changes in their social and familial relationships and life roles while dealing concurrently with psychological distress, physical pain, prolonged medical treatment, and gradually increasing interference in or restriction of the performance of daily activities( Charmaz, 1983; Livneh & Antonak, 1997).

She is very close with her mother and father and has mostly left behind the friendships she had before she was diagnosed with cancer since she was pulled from public school.

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Since she was able to get her GED, Hazel attends classes at a local community college when her health permits. Another patient Augustus (Gus), lost part of his leg to osteosarcoma which is one of the most common type of cancer that begins in the bones. The cancer cells in these tumors look like early forms of bone cells that normally help make new bone tissue, but the bone tissue in an osteosarcoma is not as strong as that of normal bones.

Most osteosarcomas occur in children and young adults. Teens are the most frequently affected age group, but osteosarcoma can develop at any age. Gus is thought to have an 80% chance that he’ll beat it and be cancer-free, though he has a relapse midway through the movie that leads to his death late in the movie. He falls quickly for Hazel and they begin dating, though she is scared of hurting him through her illness. Gus is a witty character who loves metaphor, symbolism, grand romantic gestures, and he wishes to die with dignity for something larger than himself. Gus was a natural athlete and walks with a slight limp. Always joking, he’s the type of person that you want to be around. He likes Hazel who doesn’t want him to be burdened with someone who’s going to die. Especially because she knows that his former girlfriend was also a cancer patient who passed away. Little by little they get to know each other, and share their likes, all the while making jokes between themselves and others about cancer and death.

Hazel loves a certain book, which was the only book written by an author who now lives in Amsterdam. The book ended abruptly and it was a philosophical book. She gets Gus to read it and Hazel only wants to be able to go to Amsterdam to meet the author and ask him what happened to the characters. Through a make a wish type of organization, she had used her wish to go to Disney World, but Gus tells her that he’s using his wish for the two of them to go to Amsterdam to meet the author. The journey of what they go through on a daily basis, the experience of seeing friends both passing away or losing limbs, and not knowing how much time is left, is wrenching, but the light-hearted attitude of these teenagers is uplifting.

The parents of these children also go through pressures. Childhood cancer is not an individual disease. It affects the whole family, community and society. Parents of children with chronic medical conditions and associated disabilities have substantial caregiving responsibilities different from those of typical children (Marini, Stebnicki, 2012). Frannie Lancaster who is Hazels mom obviously loves Hazel very much, but Hazel feels that she is limiting her mother because her mother has had to leave work and devote all of her attention to Hazel and her medical treatments. This is a common occurrence in situations similar to this as stated in the book Parents feel that they “always needed to be with their child,” and most had changed their career plans to devote more time to caregiving. Parents also expressed anxiety about making difficult medical and educational decisions for their children.

Activities outside the home required extensive planning and preparation and maintaining a social life was perceived as challenging because friends and relatives did not always understand the families’ limitations in activity (Marini, Stebnicki, 2012) Late in the movie, however, Hazel learned that, for the past year, Frannie has been pursuing a Masters in Social Work online. Michael Lancaster is incredibly emotionally invested in Hazel’s survival, though he must continue working to support the family; as a result of this, he knows less about Hazel’s illness and treatment than other characters.

Hazel’s father cries often, leading to more guilt on Hazel’s part that she is going to leave her family devastated when she dies. People have special ways of reacting to hard circumstances. When confronted with the terminal diagnosis of a family member or relative, people’s different coping tactics could at times cause hostility between family this case hazel and her family are extremely close which is she feels that her parents may think their live are over once she dies and that is something she definitely does not want. Some parents who were faced with their child’s diminishing health on a daily basis feel aggravated when others put a positive spin on the situation. While staying positive against the odds helped some people cope better.

Some parents feel a need to be straightforward and accepting about the imminent death of their child. Parents who became carer’s for their sick child found that it was likely to take its toll on the relationship with their own partner. Focusing time and attention on the sick child meant that parents were less available for the needs of others and less patient than they might have been otherwise. Although some parents express stress related to coping with the caregiving load, they viewed having a child with chronic medical conditions as a positive experience that brought cohesion to their family.

The parents explained that their experiences with their children helped them to appreciate life and develop more sensitivity to and tolerance of individual differences. The parents had become strong advocates for their children and other children with similar needs. (Marini, Stebnicki, 2012) I certainly feel They did a good job showing the thoughts and emotions people with cancer struggle with. Since these thoughts and emotions tend to give rise to such painful experiences, it is difficult to watch it in a movie.

Yet, a failure to portray these truths would be a slap in the face to people who have cancer and would fail to show the truth about having a life-threatening illness. This movie showed the hard truth of real life every day young people coming to realization and acceptance over the fact that they may die at a young age at any time. some attitudes, related to people with disabilities, conveyed are Lack of affective preparedness. In the movie you can see people tend to give them special treatment due to their disability the movie also shows a lack of experiential contact and exposure to PWDs Anxiety-Provoking Unstructured Situations when people in the movie see Hazel carrying around her oxygen tank or Gus with limping due to His missing leg they were triggered by the sight of a person with a visible disability Feelings of repulsion and discomfort when come in contact with certain disabilities Reaction to amputations and body deformities, etc. Threat to the body image Discomfort seeing a person with a physical disability because of incongruence between expected ‘normal’ body and the actual perceived reality Reawakening of castration anxiety.

I think this movie has changed a lot attitudes towards people with disabilities seeing how It changed my perspective on life because I feel like you should definitely live life to the fullest and it showed me that there is always a way to be positive even if something very terrible is happening in your life. I don’t know any people who are struggling with cancer, but I never really understood how hard it was; just that it was bad and I’m not saying I fully understand now because I don’t.

But I do think I have a better understanding now and I’m pretty sure this movie did that for others as well. Some issues related to people with disabilities did that this movie illustrated are that sometimes it’s hard to relate to people who aren’t dealing with the same things you are their concerns may be miniscule compared to what people with this disability may have to deal with on a daily basis also the effects of the disability on family and relationships the hardships that come along with caring for a child with a disability but also the person with a disability keeping a social life which this movie touched on that’s where hazel added people to her life besides her family which is very important I researched a study published in the December 12, 2016 issue of the journal Cancer found that socially well-connected patients even had a lower risk of breast cancer recurrence and reduced breast cancer death rates.

My personal reaction to this movie is that I should really be appreciative of all that I have and of the things that I don’t have to worry about because others are not so lucky some have to deal with certain situations that so hard as an everyday occurrence and those people are so strong and inspirational. It makes me want to take a step back and enjoy each day like it is your last because for some it may be.

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Film Review "The Fault in Our Stars". (2021, Dec 23). Retrieved from

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