The following sample essay focuses on the topic of CSR and the hospitality industry in Mauritius. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down.

CSR has been defined as the responsibility of the organisation to esteem persons rights and promote human public assistance in its operations ( Manakkalathil and Rudolf, 1995 ; Oppewal et al. , 2006 ) . Businesses non merely have the economic duty of being profitable and the legal duty to follow the Torahs or land regulations that guide their ability to accomplish their economic demands, but they besides have ethical duties that include a scope of social norms, or criterions ( Carroll, 2000 ) .

CSR has been around for more than two decennaries. During the ulterior half of 20th century there arose the thought of the corporate societal contract, which today underlies the CSR construct. Given the sometimes inauspicious effects of concern determination doing on society every bit good as corporate trust on society, the impression of an implied corporate societal contract was conceived by societal and economic theoreticians.

This contract spells out society ‘s outlooks of concern every bit good as ( although much less discussed ) concern ‘s outlooks of society ( Bowie, 1983 ) .

There is no individual important definition of CSR ( ISO COPOLCO, 2002 ) . The CSR docket seems to be a slackly defined umbrella encompassing a huge figure of constructs traditionally framed as environmental concerns, public dealingss, corporate philanthropic gift, human resource direction and community dealingss. One of the most referred definitions is by World Business Council for Sustainable Development ( WBCSD ) ( 1999 ) that defines CSR as “ the go oning committedness by concern to act ethically and lend to economic development while bettering the quality of life of the work force and their households every bit good as of the local community and society at big ” .

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CSR means being a good steward of society ‘s economic and human resources ( Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2001 ) . In drumhead, CSR entails the duty stemming from the inexplicit “ societal contract ” between concern and society for houses to be antiphonal to society ‘s long-term demands and wants, optimising the positive effects and minimising the negative effects of its actions on society.

To synchronise that organisational societal duty concerns are treated in the same everyday mode in which legal, fiscal, and selling concerns are addressed, four theories of corporate societal duty have been advanced in the literature. The four places are the classical, stakeholder, societal demandingness, and societal militant theories.

The classical theory is the oldest of the four, and is grounded in classical economic theory. First concern executives are said to be chiefly responsible to the stockholders of the corporation and their primary end is to advance efficiency and secure effectual economic public presentation. Secondly directors are said to be responsible to react to the stockholders demands. These positions are frequently thought to co-occur with each other, because it is normally assumed that the chief demand of stockholders is to maximise economic public presentation. In add-on, both versions agree that directors are to execute their corporate map harmonizing to the Torahs and, therefore, to avoid such things as fraud and misrepresentation. Friedman ( 1970 ) , points out “ Here the man of affairs – self-selected or appointed straight or indirectly by shareholders – is to be at the same time legislator, executive, or juristaˆ¦He becomes in consequence a public employee, a civil retainer, even though he remains in name an employee of a private endeavor. ” This theory, albeit the oldest of the four theories, is still good and alive ; it has many protagonists and advocates among academicians and practicians.

The 2nd theory is the stakeholder theory which integrates the chief thought of classical theory, that is, corporate executives are responsible to shareholders. However, what differs it from classical theory is that other groups are straight affected by the behavior and determination of the house. These groups can employees, consumers, creditors, providers, and legal sub-systems who have a interest in the administration and who might impact, in one manner or another, the corporate determination doing procedure. Furthermore, corporate executives have a direct duty to advance the involvements of these groups. The chief dissension among stakeholder theoreticians, nevertheless, over whether stakeholder involvements of these groups take precedency over the fiscal involvements of shareholders or the stakeholder involvements are the overruling 1s.

Social demandingness theoreticians argue that corporations have a duty to protect and advance certain involvements of the general populace. They agree with the stakeholder theorists that the involvements of stakeholder groups are of import, but they believe that these involvements do non overrule non-stakeholders ‘ involvements or demands for such things as safety, wellness, freedom, and prosperity. As with the stakeholder theory, this theory repudiates the impression that there is some balanced or reasonable list of touchable duties that corporate executives ever have toward society. The list varies as the nature and ranking of the involvements or demands of the public alteration.

The 4th and concluding theory is the societal militant theory which is distinctively the most socially and morally demanding of the four theories. While holding with the stakeholders and societal demandingness theories that executives have duties toward stakeholders groups and the general populace, societal militants ‘ theoreticians argue that corporate directors should sometimes endeavor to set about undertakings that advance the involvements of the public even when these projects are neither expected nor demanded by them. Social militants theoreticians contend that such undertakings should, for the most portion, be in the country of corporate know-how, but they sometimes urge that executives intentionally take on societal undertakings for which they have no particular preparation or expertness

2.1 Types of CSR and Corporate Governance

The impression that concern has responsibilities to society is steadfastly entrenched, although in the past several decennaries there has been a revolution in the manner people view the relationship between concern and society. Carroll ( 1979 ) and other research workers believe that we should judge corporations non merely on their economic success, but besides on non-economic standards. Carroll ( 1979 ) proposed a popular four-part definition of CSR, proposing that corporations have four duties or “ four faces ” ( Carroll, 2000b, p. 187 ) to carry through to be good corporate citizens: economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic:

Economic duty. Economic duty is to be profitable for principals, by presenting a good quality merchandise, at a just monetary value, is due to clients.

Legal duties. Legal responsibilities entail following with the jurisprudence and playing by the regulations of the game

Ethical duties. Ethical responsibilities overcome the restrictions of legal responsibilities. They entail being moral, making what is right, merely, and carnival ; esteeming peoples ‘ moral rights ; and avoiding injury or societal hurt every bit good as forestalling injury caused by others ( Smith and Quelch, 1993 ) .

Philanthropic duty. Interest in making good for society, irrespective of its impact on the bottom line is what is called selfless, human-centered or beneficent CSR. “ giving back ” clip and money in the signifiers of voluntary service, voluntary association and voluntary giving – is where most of the contention over the legitimacy of CSR lies.

Corporate GOUVERNANCE ( CG )

Furthermore, CSR is closely linked with the Corporate Governance of the organisation, be it hotel organisation. Any of those types of CSR should get down in the hotel organisations foremost and so travel to external environment. The cardinal people should be taken into consideration so the CSR patterns should be geared towards the internal clients who will in bend become CSR delegates to make the external clients and environment. Companies must better their concern theoretical accounts by conveying CSR and sustainability into their scheme.

Shleifer and Vishny ( 1997 ) define CG as the ways in which providers of finance to administrations assure themselves of acquiring a return on investing. Over the old ages, CG has evolved from the traditional “ profit-centered theoretical account ” . By integrating the community in which houses operate, the political environment, Torahs and ordinances, and more by and large the markets in which houses are involved. See Figure 1: The Business in Society which reflects a stakeholder position on the house ( Jensen, 2001 )

2.1The Hospitality Industry -Definitions

Definitions of the cordial reception have been approached from a figure of different positions. Most of them combine physiological and psychological elements with security and degrees of service.

“Hospitality is concerned with the proviso of physiological and psychological comfort with defined degrees of service. The satisfactions may be physiological ( thirst, bed, heat ) , economic ( value for money ) , societal ( company, service ) and psychological ( self-esteem, position, security ) . ”

Beginning: C.Cooper, R.Shepherd, J. Westlake ( 1994 )

Even if the attack to specifying cordial reception may switch harmonizing to the writers, there are a figure of built-in elements that are common to all. These are:

Hospitality is a complex combination of touchable and intangible characteristics and benefits

Hospitality involves a fulfilling interaction between the service supplier and the client

Hospitality provides invitees with security, psychological and physiological comfort by offering nutrient, drink and adjustment.

Therefore, bearing in head the above features, a simpler definition of the cordial reception industry may be:

The Hospitality Industry is involved with supplying adjustments, nutrient, drink, amusement, comfort and diversion for travellers off from their usual abodes and normal milieus. The industry besides of course look frontward to run into the customer`s needs for safety and support of their individuals, belongings, manners of transit, and even the changing intent of their travel.

Talking by and large, those who make usage of cordial reception services demand attainment of a professional degree of quality consistent with universe criterions, although possibly adjusted for local conditions. They anticipate the installations will be clean, comfy, safe and secure. They expect good nutrient and drink at a sensible rate. Furthermore, they look for courtesy, friendliness, regard and designation from the host.

Possibly more significantly they demand honestness, truth and equity in their traffics with the operator and his employees.

Cordial reception Industry In Mauritius


In Mauritius, the first hotel was the Park Hotel in 1952 so as to suit the crew members coming at that clip. Then came the Mauritius Hotel, the first beach hotel, built in 1954 at Le Morne followed by Le Chaland, another beach hotel in 1961.

But the existent development of touristry took topographic point shortly after Mauritius got its independency from the British. In early 1970`s the creative activity of Trou aux Biches Hotel by the Mauritius Hotels, the puting up of the Club Mediteranee and the Saint Geran Hotel by the Southern Sun Hotels every bit good as the Merville Beach Hotel by the ex-British Colons who wanted to come back here during the winter months of England. The Mauritius Hotel is now the Beachcomber group and the Southern Sun Hotels is the Sun International Resorts Limited. At present there are 95 hotels in Mauritius and there are non less than 5 more under building as per the registered list set by the Ministry of Tourism. The Numberss of hotels, suites and bed topographic points have increased invariably from 1991. Furthermore the Prime Minister has announced his vision to make 2 million tourers in 2015. Consequently an mean one-year growing of 10 % in tourer reaching is expected. In order to make this mark, an approximative figure of 18500 suites should be made available. This will convey about the creative activity of around 37000 direct occupations and duplicate the sum in footings of indirect occupations. Due to the rapid growing of touristry and cordial reception industry, authorities has introduced inducements for the private sector to convey in a sustainable development, viz. by corporate administration and corporate societal duty. This is accomplishable through proper public-private sector partnership.

Overview of the Hotel industry IN MAURITIUS

The cordial reception industry in Mauritius has developed quickly during the past 25 old ages. The coastal parts every bit good as the interior portion of the island are invariably altering with the building of the hotels and the increasing figure of vehicles being used for the touristry industry.

In 2007, the touristry industry was considered the 3rd pillar of the economic system after Sugar and Textile, and presently it plays a critical function in the economic growing of the state. The undoubted autumn of 35 % in the monetary value of sugar and the remotion of penchant understanding with the EU market, has earmarked the touristry industry as the chief industry capable of hiking the Mauritanian economic system.

In July 2008, harmonizing to the last bulletin published by the Central Statistical Office ( CSO ) , Mauritius welcomed 81,169 tourers as compared to 77,225 in 2007, registering a 5.1 % growing over the same period a twelvemonth ago.

Table 1: Monthly tourer reachings, July 2007 – July 2008

Beginning: Tourism sector public presentation for the month of July, AHRIM Report, August 2008, pg 2

But after two decennaries of impressive growing, the demand for responsible corporate administration has been felt in the state as the attitudes ; outlook and cognition of those working in that industry have non evolved at the same gait in footings of societal duty and environmental consciousness. Impacts of this rapid and someway unplanned development are being experienced in the environment at big. Still, a batch has to be done to run into the competitory border through proper run and engagement of all stakeholders so as to lend towards sustainable development of the cordial reception sector.

In order to back up its uninterrupted growing, the Mauritanian Tourism and Hospitality industry needs well-trained staff with full cognition of their merchandise while esteeming the socio-economic and cultural environment in which the Mauritanian touristry merchandise is germinating. It is truly of import to keep a high criterion of efficiency and service so as to run into the demands of an progressively competitory and sophisticated planetary market.

2.7 CSR in the hotel industry In Mauritius

Within the cordial reception industry it has been agreed that there are increasing environmental and social concerns. The large inquiry is how to pull off our environmental impact as demand grows against a background of increasing exposure. As a consequence of demand for more sustainable finishs and travel penchants, direction policies are being felt.

Hotels practising CSR expression at the following countries:

  • Workplace ( where employees are treated every bit and reasonably )
  • Marketplace ( stakeholders )
  • Environment ( which has to be sustained for the future coevals )
  • Community
  • Ethical motives
  • Human rights

Many hotels are now cognizant of CSR patterns and have begun to utilize environmental-friendly merchandises. Hotels in Mauritius are cut downing the usage of risky or non-degradable chemicals. Large hotel ironss like Oberoi Mauritius recycle oil, H2O and plastic bottles while all hotels with more than 50 suites are compel to recycle H2O as per the statute law. Hotels tend to buy merchandises that have a reduced environmental impact during their life rhythm, from providers that demonstrate environmental and societal duty to their clients and the society. Furthermore, Association des Hoteliers et Restaurateurs de L`Ile Maurice ( AHRIM ) , is to the full back uping the CSR enterprises initiated by the Mauritanian Government. Through its members, they are actively seting frontward the CSR activities on a regional footing all over the island. ( See Appendix 1: Recommended CSR activities by AHRIM to its Members in June 2008 ) .

Stakeholders ( employees, clients, stockholders, providers, concern spouses, authorities ) are acquiring more and more involved the hotels ‘ CSR activities. Hotel employees are educated to do a witting determination in favor of environment and societal issues in their private and concern lives. Hotel invitees are informed about CSR activities and are asked to take part in responsible concern activities within the hotels and to work together to happen advanced solutions that satisfy the hotel ‘s economic, environmental and societal aims.

Directors are asked to stay by local and EU statute law particularly on labour Torahs, wellness and safety, human rights and the environment. A great trade can be done when developing a hotel belongings in order to do both the development procedure and the eventual operation more environmentally sustainable. One of the purposes of CSR is to do the community benefit from the hotel industry.

2.8 Benefits of CSR in the hotel industry

Hotels who adopt CSR into their operations and public image depend on the undermentioned factors:

  • Size
  • Degree of variegation
  • Research and Development
  • Ad
  • Government Intervention
  • Consumer Income
  • Labour market conditions
  • Phase of the industry life rhythm

However this differs for different hotel organisation, for illustration, larger hotels like international hotel ironss may run a CSR plan at a lower cost than a little hotel because of economic systems of graduated table.

It is a method for organisation to separate themselves from their rivals

First, hotels benefit from CSR as it helps to cut down runing cost such as implementing of recycling and energy salvaging plans. Second, their trade name image and repute are enhanced as consumers prefer companies with CSR plans. Another benefit derived by hotels is in footings of productiveness and quality since productiveness goes up whenever working conditions improve.

Other donees of the CSR plans are immediate environment in which the company is germinating. It comprises of the local community, neighbouring small towns, employees who normally live in those countries, the hotel invitees and the host state at big.

Hotels are expected to hold ethical and societal committednesss, valued connexions with spouses and consistence over clip to construct trust with the stakeholders. In making so, the hotel organisations are besides developing social selling construct, hence beneficiate from it.

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Csr and the Hospitality Industry in Mauritius. (2017, Aug 04). Retrieved from

Csr and the Hospitality Industry in Mauritius
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