Lemon Grass And Garlic As Mosquito Repellent

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The survey is entitled Combined solution of Garlic ( Allium sativum ) and Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) . Specifically. it sought to happen out how these two solutions ( lemon grass and Allium sativum ) can efficaciously kill mosquitoes. It aimed at looking for an organic and safe step in handling the copiousness of mosquito.

Ideally. the researcher’s survey promotes a tandem between scientific discipline and creation’s preservation. The stuffs composing the solution were 40 milliliter of the combined solution of Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) and Garlic ( Allium sativum ) . The set up was composed of experimental and control group. The experimental group was being sprayed utilizing a specific commercial pesticide. On the other manus. the control group was being sprayed utilizing the organic mosquito slayer. Datas were collected to garner relevant information. In the visible radiation of the findings of the survey.

it was found out that the solution composition of 40 mL solution of Garlic ( Allium sativum ) and Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) infusion can kill mosquitoes in a short span of clip compared with the commercial 1. It took merely _________before the mosquitoes died.

Chapter I

Mosquitos are vector agents that carry disease doing viruses and parasites that lead to dangerous diseases from one individual to individual without catching the disease themselves. It prefers people over others. The discriminatory victim’s perspiration merely smells better than others because of the proportions of the C dioxide and other compounds that make up the organic structure olfactory property.

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A big portion of the mosquito’s sense of odor is devoted to whiffing out human marks. Mosquitos are estimated to convey disease to more than 700 million people yearly in Africa. South America. Central America. Mexico. and much of Asia with 1000000s of ensuing deceases. At least 2 million people yearly die of these diseases.

Theory About Lemongrass

Today. non merely our whole state. Philippines. but besides
the full universe is confronting immense jobs in relation to the copiousness of mosquitoes in the community. In fact. many options and methods such as different sorts of drugs. vaccinums. insect powders. cyberspaces and repellents are now discovered and created in order to eliminate mosquitoes. prevent diseases. and protect persons. We opted to do this survey to prosecute an alternate organic agent of mosquito obliteration. The consequence of this survey is to suggest an alternate but organic and safe solution in handling the copiousness of mosquito in our vicinity. Furthermore. this aimed to significantly assist the occupants who are greatly affected by these mosquitoes in a manner that this survey will supply them a new avenue in handling the great figure of mosquitoes.

This survey entitled Garlic ( Allium sativum ) and Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) as Mosquito Killer is aimed to cognize the insecticidal consequence of Allium sativum and Cymbopogon citratus on mosquitoes in footings of: a. How effectual is the Garlic ( Alium sativum ) and Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) ? B. What is the compared clip continuance of the commercial merchandise and experimental merchandise?

The survey hypothesized that the combined solution of Garlic ( Allium sativum ) and Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon Citratus ) is more likely effectual than commercial merchandise on mosquitoes in footings of the figure of mosquitoes that will decease.

The behavior of this survey is important in decreasing the figure of mosquitoes all over the state. This would widen an alternate solution for everybody spend less sum of money in handling the copiousness of mosquitoes here in our vicinity and therefore cooperation and resourcefulness will chiefly be observed by the people. Specifically. this will convey benefits to the followers: Government. This would supply the authorities a new avenue in decreasing the figure of mosquitoes.

The stuffs that will be used are recycled and organic in which their handiness is easy utilised and hence they will pass less sum of money in intervention for the copiousness of mosquitoes in the society. Residents. This survey raises the consciousness degree of occupants in our state. They would be able to anticipate the importance of being resourceful of the things in our milieus.

This survey focused on the insecticidal consequence of Garlic ( Allium sativum ) andLemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) on mosquitoes. The stuffs used were merely gathered around the researchers’ family. The probe utilized 6 mosquitoes that were placed in a crystalline container.

Mosquito. From the Spanish or Lusitanian significance small fly is a common insect in the household Culicidate ( from the Latin culex significance midge or gnat ) . Mosquitoes resemble Crane flies ( household Tupilidae ) and chironomid flies ( household Chironomidae ) . with which they are sometimes confused by the insouciant perceiver. Organic. Any member of a big category of chemical compounds whose molecules contain C. Geraniol. A monoterpenoid and an alco0hol. It is the primary portion of rose oil. palmarosa oil. and citronella oil ( Java type ) . It besides occurs in little measures in geranium. lemon. and many other indispensable oils. Solution. A homogeneous mixture composed of two substances. Erradicate. Get rid of something wholly. Insecticide. A chemical substance used to kill insects.

Chapter II

Allium sativum outputs allicin. an antibiotic and fungicidal compound ( phytoncide ) . It has been claimed that it can be used as a place redress to assist rush recovery from pharynx or other minor complaints because of its antibiotic belongingss. It besides contains the sulfur-contaning compounds alliin. ajoene. diallylsulfide. dithiin. S-allylcysteine. and enzymes. vitamin B. proteins. minerals. saponins. flavonoids. and maillard reaction merchandises which are non-sulfur incorporating compounds. Furthermore a phytoalexin called allixin was found. suppressing skin tumour formation. Herein. allixin and/or its parallels may be expected utile compounds for malignant neoplastic disease bar or chemotherapy agents for other diseases.

The composing of the bulbs is about 84. 09 % H2O. 13. 38 % organic affair. and 1. 53 % inorganic affair. while the foliages are 87. 14 % H2O. 11. 27 % organic affair. and 1. 59 % inorganic affair.

Fresh C. citratus grass contains about 0. 4 % volatile oil. The oil contains 65 % to 85 % citral. a mixture of 2 geometric isomers. geraniol and neral. Related compounds geraniol. geranic acid. and nerolic acid have besides been identified. More than a twelve of other minor fragrant constituents were besides found. Research has shown geraniol to be an effectual plant-based mosquito repellent. Another popular theory is that consuming garlic can supply protection against mosquitoes. A University of Connecticut survey examined this claim with a randomized. double-blinded. placebo-controlled crossing over survey.

The informations didn’t provide grounds of important mosquito repellence. However. capable merely consumed garlic one time. and the research workers say that more drawn-out consumption may be needed. There are besides other natural mosquito repellents that are being researched like the Fennel. Thyme. Clove oil. Celery infusion. Neem oil. Vitamin B1. Biopesticide insect repellents ( sometimes called “natural” . “botanical” or “plant-based” ) has been proven to be every bit effectual as those incorporating man-made chemical 4 compounds like DEET. Remember. nevertheless. that “natural” doesn’t ever intend safe. so you should utilize plant-based insect repellents every bit carefully as any other. With the literature presented above. it can be seen that the survey has some bearing capablenesss and belongingss to other work in the sense that it tackles the capacity of some organic stuffs such garlic juice and lemon grass oil as effectual mosquito repellent.

Chapter III


  • Blender
  • Spray bottle
  • Used Cloth
  • Plastic containers
  • Knife
  • Garlic
  • Lemongrass
  • Grater
  • Measuring cup

General Procedure

Preparation of the Solution

Materials were foremost gathered before the behavior of the experiment Cymbopogon citratus and Allium sativum were extracted utilizing a used fabric. The infusion of each ingredient was stored for two yearss. Then. both ingredients were measured to the coveted sum. The set up was composed of 20 milliliters Cymbopogon citratus infusion and 20 ML Allium sativum infusion.

Application of the Solution

After fixing the experimental set up. the solution was being sprayed on the container with mosquitoes. Each set up was composed of two tests. The clip it took before the mosquitoes died was observed and recorded

Chapter IV

This chapter presents the informations and observations obtained from the experimentation. Furthermore. it shows the treatments that support the underlying jobs under probe.

Table1. Garlic ( Allium sativum ) and Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) as Moquito slayer

The tabular array above shows the comparing of Experimental Setup and Control Setup holding the same and equal mass upon using the solution to the mosquitoes.

Table 2. The clip it took before the mosquitoes died.
Experimental Setup

Control Setup


The informations above show that the solution composed of 40 milliliters Cymbopogon citratus infusion and 40 milliliter Allium sativum infusion has the capacity to kill mosquitoes with the minimal clip of merely 2. 36 proceedingss.

Chapter V

This chapter presents the drumhead. decision and recommendation of the survey under probe.


The survey focused on doing an alternate agent of eliminating great figure of mosquitoes. Specifically. it sought to happen out the insecticidal consequence ofCymbopogon citratus and Allium sativum on mosquitoes. It aimed at looking for an organic and safe step in handling the copiousness of mosquito. Ideally. our survey would advance a tandem between scientific discipline and creation’s preservation. The solution’s composing provided a simple how-to ways help people eradicate great figure of mosquitoes in the vicinity. The stuffs composing the solution were 40 milliliter Cymbopogon citratus infusion and 40 milliliter Allium sativumextract.

The set up was composed of two tests. The solution was being sprayed on the containers with mosquitoes. Datas were collected to garner relevant information. From the experimentation. it was found out that the solution composition of 40 milliliters Cymbopogon citratus infusion and 40 milliliter Allium Sativum infusion is effectual mosquito slayer. It merely took 2. 45 proceedingss before the mosquito died.


Arriving at our consequences and end products. we came up that Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) and Garlic ( Allium sativum ) are effectual mosquito slayer. It merely takes at least 2. 45 proceedingss before the effects will be observed.


From the probe. the research workers would wish to urge this survey to the pupils who would prosecute the Garlic ( Allium sativum ) and Cymbopogon citratus ( Lemongrass ) as Mosquito Killer to happen other insects in which the solution is applicable and behavior farther survey on the use of the solution.

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Lemon Grass And Garlic As Mosquito Repellent. (2019, Dec 07). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-combined-solution-of-garlic-allium-sativum-and-lemongrass-cymbopogon-citratus-essay/

Lemon Grass And Garlic As Mosquito Repellent
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