BJU Explorations in Literature Unit Three Review

Topics: FlashcardsIrony
hospitalization (of the author’s son)
inciting incident of “Stopover in Queretaro”
hospitalization (of the author's son)

as one gives, he should to expect to receive
application that could NOT be made after reading “Martin and Abraham Lincoln”

friendship is more powerful (than tribal hatred)
main idea in “The Buffalo dance”
friendship is more powerful (than tribal hatred)

protagonist in “The Beggar”

what Pete Stalling, the narrator in “Most Valuable Player,” uses to interrupt the action of the game to give background info

she asks for food and a mirror
the reader knows Johnsy is going to get well in “The Last Leaf” when she.


she asks for food and a mirror

“Came like an angel fierce and fast” from “Country Doctor,” is what figure of speech?

verbal irony
how Lewis Gardner in “How to Avoid Contact” makes his point by using

dead soldier(s)
speaker of the poem “In Flanders Fields”
dead soldier(s)

Lord knows our needs even before we ask Him
lesson we can learn from Mrs. Sims’s gift to Mother

point within the plot when the final outcome of the conflict is revealed

series of incidents arranged to move the story toward a specific goal

time and place in which a story takes place

turing point that brings about a change of fortune for the main character

point when the story reaches the moment of highest emotional intensity

an author’s true account of his own life

third-person (point-of-view)
point-of-view that uses words like he, she, and it and no narrator is heard
third-person (point-of-view)

first-person (point-of-view)
point-of view that reveals the thoughts of only one character or group of characters
first-person (point-of-view)

situational irony
is revealed when the events of a story violate what is reasonably or normally expected
situational irony

character in “Most Valuable Player” that is an example of a developing character

Juan Martinez(brings the Beims to Dr.

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Pozo and makes sure they are taken care of) and Dr. Pozo (helped as much as he could even though the father, Jerrold Beim doubts he could really help his son)

characterS from “Stopover in Queretaro,” whose generosity involved the giving of THEMSELVES

Lincoln (took his time to talk to Martin and supplied Martin’s family’s needs)
character from “Martin and Abraham Lincoln” whose generosity involved the giving of himself
Lincoln (took his time to talk to Martin and supplied Martin's family's needs)

Sheriff (risked a lot so Will can learn not to chose the life of being a bandit)
character from “Gold-Mounted Guns” whose generosity involved the giving of himself
Sheriff (risked a lot so Will can learn not to chose the life of being a bandit)

Kass (gave Mary her prize, when Mary didn’t actually win the prize)
character from “Mary” whose generosity was misguided in some way or who committed ungenerous acts

Andy and Tom (returned the fish that they stole)
characterS from “The Strangers That Came to Town” whose generosity was misguided in some way or who committed ungenerous acts

Mother (bought her daughter a suit that they lied about)
character from “Preacher’s Kids” whose generosity was misguided in some way or who committed ungenerous acts
Mother (bought her daughter a suit that they lied about)

O. Henry
wrote “The Last Leaf”
O. Henry

(his field was) God’s Earth
what the grandfather in “A Grain as Big as a Hen’s Egg” said where the corn can grow like the big grain
(his field was) God's Earth

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BJU Explorations in Literature Unit Three Review
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