The laptop is a great help in work

Gareth Davies is an accountant. They make money by saving companies money. He can work from using many different types of technology that aid him in everyday work. He can work from home using the computer and laptop to store all his work and uses a remote desktop connection to help him connect with his workplace to let him access files at his workplace. He uses a mobile phone to help him keep in contact with clients, family etc. He uses email for mainly the same reasons as the mobile.

He uses his laptop, home computer mobile and email for work.

He also uses his laptop, home computer, mobile and email for personal uses as well. Technologies he uses: The Internet Gareth Davies uses the Internet for email and research on anything he needs. He has recently bought a digital camera from an online auction website where you can bid for anything you like if you can find it just type in what your looking for and it will say if they have got it.

Although Gareth Davies doesn’t shop that often its easier to shop online than go into the town and waste diesel its also a lot faster. The Internet has enabled Gareth Davies to spend more time at home.

This has helped him with his work by spending less money on diesel and more time with the work by searching the Internet instead of wasting time on looking for items in local shops. Technologies he uses: Digital Camera Gareth Davies used to use a normal camera and take the photos that he took to the local developing station and wait hours for them to be developed but now he has recently bought a digital camera so when he takes pictures if he fills up the memory card or not he takes it home and puts the memory card into the computer and he prints the pictures out straight from the computer instead of waiting its instant.

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With a normal camera you can have a better quality picture and it can be blown up to an abnormal size with a digital camera when you try to enlarge it you cant see it as well. Professionals usually stick to using normal cameras because you can do many things with them. They can be set up and put away quickly and they are reliable and easy to use. With a digital camera it is just as easy but it is handheld and can be fiddly and you may not have steady hands so the picture looks shaken. Technologies he uses: The Mobile Phone. Gareth Davies uses a mobile phone for many reasons and not one of them is games.

He uses it to contact many of his clients and family it helps him to check up on business and clients and this has a big effect on his working style because if he uses the nearest pay phone then he will eventually run out of time and be cut off and there may not be a pay phone around and he wont be able to contact anyone anytime but with the mobile he can. He used to just use the nearest phone when he makes a call the person on the other end might not be there and when there is a conversation going on he might not be able to hear the other person as clearly as on the mobile and this is because of random background noises.

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The laptop is a great help in work. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from

The laptop is a great help in work
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