My name is Nicole Beh Khai Wen I am a 19 year

My name is Nicole Beh Khai Wen, I am a 19 year old female student born and raised in Kuala Lumpur. For my developmental analysis report, I have been given Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory of Development which consists of 8 stages. Each stage poses with two conflicting ideas, usually internal conflicts linked to life’s each stage which must be resolved otherwise it would result in the individual developing feelings of inadequacy, or a loss sense of definition for their personality. However, if the stages are successfully resolved, it would help the individual to become more successful and whole.

Erikson’s theory is developed from Freud’s controversial psychosexual theory where he emphasizes on the importance of basic needs and biological factors whereas Erikson’s modified theory pays more attention on social and environmental factors. A main difference in ideas between Freud and Erikson is also that Erikson believes that the ego has a much more important role instead of just acting as a mediator between the superego and id.

As stated by an online textbook AllPsych, Erikson also believes that the ego holds a positive driving force towards developing human personality, therefore he has suggested that the ego’s primary role is to create and to maintain a sense of identity. Besides that, Erikson’s theory is based off the epigenetic principle, where it suggests that every person is bound to encounter all 8 psychosocial stages (Cherry, 2019). To define what Erikson means by ‘epigenetic’, he believes that an individual’s physical stage, social roles as well as experience with society and the personal comprehension of those experiences all act upon matching with different phases.

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Erikson argues that the cycle of life events can be seen occurring in psychosocial experiences which dictate the form and sequence of personality development (Franz, C. E., & White, K. M.,1985).

After speaking to my parents, I am well-informed about my personal development milestones comparable with Erikson’s theory. The first stage ‘trust vs. mistrust’, the child will have to “decide” if the world is basically a trustworthy place or not (Franz, C. E., & White, K. M.,1985). According to Capps (2012) hope was meant to be the first human virtue. When I was younger, my mother told me that initially I was very attached to my father. However, he would often leave for long periods of time to work. This has resulted in me growing distance from my father even when he came back as I must’ve started to grow a sense of mistrust towards him.

In the second stage, ‘autonomy vs. shame’,

My name is Nicole Beh Khai Wen, I am a 19 year old female student born and raised in Kuala Lumpur. For my developmental analysis report, I have been given Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory of Development which consists of 8 stages. Each stage poses with two conflicting ideas, usually internal conflicts linked to life’s each stage which must be resolved otherwise it would result in the individual developing feelings of inadequacy, or a loss sense of definition for their personality. However, if the stages are successfully resolved, it would help the individual to become more successful and whole. Erikson’s theory is developed from Freud’s controversial psychosexual theory where he emphasizes on the importance of basic needs and biological factors whereas Erikson’s modified theory pays more attention on social and environmental factors. A main difference in ideas between Freud and Erikson is also that Erikson believes that the ego has a much more important role instead of just acting as a mediator between the superego and id. As stated by an online textbook AllPsych, Erikson also believes that the ego holds a positive driving force towards developing human personality, therefore he has suggested that the ego’s primary role is to create and to maintain a sense of identity. Besides that, Erikson’s theory is based off the epigenetic principle, where it suggests that every person is bound to encounter all 8 psychosocial stages (Cherry, 2019). To define what Erikson means by ‘epigenetic’, he believes that an individual’s physical stage, social roles as well as experience with society and the personal comprehension of those experiences all act upon matching with different phases. Erikson argues that the cycle of life events can be seen occurring in psychosocial experiences which dictate the form and sequence of personality development (Franz, C. E., & White, K. M.,1985).

After speaking to my parents, I am well-informed about my personal development milestones comparable with Erikson’s theory. The first stage ‘trust vs. mistrust’, the child will have to “decide” if the world is basically a trustworthy place or not (Franz, C. E., & White, K. M.,1985). According to Capps (2012) hope was meant to be the first human virtue. When I was younger, my mother told me that initially I was very attached to my father. However, he would often leave for long periods of time to work. This has resulted in me growing distance from my father even when he came back as I must’ve started to grow a sense of mistrust towards him.

In the second stage, ‘autonomy vs. shame’,

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My name is Nicole Beh Khai Wen I am a 19 year. (2019, Dec 06). Retrieved from

My name is Nicole Beh Khai Wen I am a 19 year
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