Gatsby Poetry Themes Questions and Answers

Topics: FlashcardsLove
Unrequited love
Who so List and At An Inn
Love vs Time
To His Coy Mistress and Sonnet 116
Love as disappointing
Ae Fond Kiss/At An Inn
Love as hollow and empty
Non Sum Qualis and The Scrutiny
Love as short term and frivolous
Scrutiny and Absent From Thee
Love as magical and transformative
La Belle Dame/She walks in beauty and At An Inn
She Walks in Beauty and Who So list
Pain and Suffering (quest vs loss)
Who so List to Hunt and Ae Fond Kiss
Femme Fatale Women (vs deceitful men)
La Belle Dame and Non Sum Qualis/Absent From Thee
Love as opposed by social barriers (Gender and Class)
The Scrutiny and The Ruined Maid
Love (Marriage) as dissatisfying
Absent from thee and Non Sum Qualis/Who So list
Non Sum Qualis/Scrutiny/At An Inn
Gender Stereotypes and expectations
The Ruined Maid and She Walks in Beauty
Imagination vs Reality/ Disillusionment
At An Inn and The Ruined Maid
Who so list and The Ruined Maid
To His Coy Mistress/Who So list
To His Coy Mistress and Ae Fond Kiss
Transience of Love
Remember and Sonnet 116
Love as Uplifting and Empowering
She walks in beauty and Ae fond kiss
Loss of Love (isolating/ due to betrayal)
Remember and Scrutiny
Idealised Love (love vs person)
Sonnet 116 and She Walks in Beauty
Nostalgia (idealise past vs for past relationship)
Garden of Love and Non Sum Qualis
Love as maddening (denial vs loss)
At An Inn and Non Sum Qualis
Love as dangerous (isolating and repressive vs extreme pain at loss)
Garden of Love and non sum qualis/La Belle Dame Sans Merci
revenge on a lover
non sum qualis and la belle dame
selfish motives
scrutiny and absent from thee
La belle dame and the ruined maid

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Gatsby Poetry Themes Questions and Answers
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