Western History Questions and Answers Civ 9

The gothic style of architecture emerged and was perfected in
the basic staple of the peasant diet was
Yes and No
Peter Abelard’s most famous work was
the wide use of classical columns on Greek models
Gothic cathedrals seem to soar upward as light and airy constructions due to all of the following innovations except
The center of the North Sea/Baltic trade route in northern Europe in the 1100s and 1200s and an important center of woolen cloth production, was
not possible except through official recognition that a marriage had never been valid
by the twelfth century, divorce among nobles was
the revival of Classical Antiquity in Europe was spurred after 1150 by the recovery of many of the lost works of
the revival of trade let to a decline of cities
NOT granting of self-government to the townspeople by bishops especially in cathedral cities
the growing independent of medieval urban areas was largely attributed to the
the courtly love of nobles, knights, and ladies
Troubadour poetry was chiefly concerned with
Between 1100 and 1300 the population of Europe trebled
local language
the word “vernacular” means
a heavy-wheeled, iron-tipped plow
the carruca was
the first university to be founded in Europe appeared in
knights were to love the poor
the knightly code of ethics known as chivalry included all of the following requirements EXCEPT
because of the revival of cities and trade, by the thirteenth century Medieval Europe was largely an urban society
NOT their constant need to ally themselves with more heavily armed aristocrats
a major motive contributing to the revolutionary political behavior of European townspeople was
NOT usually started their instruction while in their late twenties
students in medieval universities
interiors were designed to be as bright as possible
which of the following was NOT a characteristic of Romanesque architecture
the first fully Gothic church was the abbey of church of Saint-Denis outside of Paris, under the leadership of Abbot Suger in the mid-twelfth century
after considerable hardship, the crusade succeeded in reaching jersalem
all of the following are correct about the “Peasant’s Crusade” EXCEPT
formed clerical guild for priests and nuns
in general, monasteries performed all the following except
was an intellectual who created a new order of learned prelates to fight heresy within the church
Saint Dominic, founder of the new Dominican order of preachers
papal decrees which had harshly condemned the lifestyle since the Early Middle Ages and had overtly tried to stamp it out for centuries
by the thirteenth century, a previous acceptance of homosexuality by church and society had been replaced by Christian persecution of homosexuals due to all of the following EXCEPT
allowed his kingdom to fall into chaos by leading military ventures in Italy
Frederick II of Hohenstaufen
promised remissions of sins for joining the crusades to recapture the Holy Land
Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont in 1095
the emergence of the English Parliament under Edward I
One of the great political developments in England in the thirteenth century was
attempted to exploit the resources of Italy
during the eleventh and twelfth centuries, Holy Roman Emperors
received absolution and forgiveness after humbling himself before the pope
in 1077 at Canossa, King Henry IV
a place where the soul was purified through punishment before admission to heaven
the church taught that purgatory was
the interdict
the action of the medieval church that closed churches in a region or a country and that forbade the clergy from administering the sacraments to the populace was
the byzantine loss at Manzikert led eastern Christians to ask their western brethren for help
much of thirteenth century France was dominated by Louis IX, a deeply religious king who was later canonized and made a saint by the Catholic Church
remission of the time spent in purgatory
the church’s practice of indulgences in the High Middle Ages was ultimately connected with the
free of muslim control in the northern half of the country
by the end of the twelfth century, Spain was
Catherine d’Medici
Henry, Duke of Anjou, vastly increased his fortune in 1152 when he married the wealthy heiress
by the end of the twelfth century, the christian reconquest of Spain had picked up pace and intensity
Innocent III
the papacy reached its zenith of power in the thirteenth century during the papacy of
the Fourth Crusade was diverted from Jerusalem and ended up sacking
the growth in power of the Middle Eastern crusader states
which of the following was NOT a result of the crusades
the bubonic plague originated in
was a mystic who claimed that one could achieve a union of the soul with god
Meister Eckhart
Catherine of Siena
among the great and influential female mystics of the fourteenth century was
the perception of life as something cheap and passing
the devastation of the great plague in the fourteenth century led to
both regions failed to develop a centralized monarchical state
Politically, Italy and Germany were similar in the fourteenth century because
Christine de Pizan
France’s “first woman of letters” was
gave seven electors the power to choose the “king of the Romans”
The Golden Bull of 1356 in Germany
NOT succeeded in getting the government to agree to the peasants’ demands
the English Peasents’ Revolt of 1381
Edward III
One major issue behind the Hundred Years’ War was a claim to the French throne by the English king
NOT perfected the sonnet form
all of the following are correct about Petrach EXCEPT he
art of dying
Ars moriendi refers to the
a decline in manorialism and weakening of feudalism as noble landlords desperate for cash converted peasant labor services to market rents freeing their serfs
a key economic consequence of the plague was
decisive role of peasants foot soldiers rather than mounted knights
in the conduct of the Hundred Years’ War, a sure sign of feudalism’s decline was the
emphasized an intensely personal feeling of oneness with God
mysticism in the fourteenth century
popolo grasso
florence was ruled throughout most of the thirteenth and fourteenth century by the
to create a maritime commercial empire throughout the Mediterranean and Black seas
the chief ambition of the Venetian city-state in the fourteenth century was
became the House of Lords forming a hereditary body of peers in Parliament
during the reign o Edward III of England the Great Council of the barons
Joan of Arc saved France by inspiring the French soldiers to break the English siege
the most revolutionary of thirteenth and fourteenth-century inventions was/were
is considered a synthesis of medieval Christian thought
Dant’s Divine Comedy
who painted “The Last Supper”?
marriages were usually arranged to strengthen familial alliances
which of the following statements best describes marriage in Renaissance Italy?
to dominate society as it had done in the Middle Ages
the aristocracy of the sixteenth century was
NOT they had less mastery of the laws of perspective than many Italian painters
which of the following is not true of Northern Renaissance artists?
Who said “Christ is my God; Cicero is the prince of the language”
a decline in serfdom
Western Europe in the Renaissance saw
Baldassare Castiglione
The author of the Book of the Courtier a handbook on courtly manners was
Spain and France
in the late fifteenth century, Italy became a battleground for the competing interests of
filippo Brunelleschi’s statue of David was the first life-sized freestanding bronze nude since ancient Greece and Rome
during the fifteenth century, Italians forbade slavery throughout the peninsula
NOT ignore nature and paint for expression
Italian artists in the fifteenth century began to
The painter of the Rome’s Sistine Chapel ceiling was
contained writings on the occult as well as theological and philosophical speculations
The Corpus Hermeticum
a and b
the results of the Hundred Year’s War
true freedom
in concerning character Pietro Paolo Vergerio argured that liberal studies led to
Ottoman Turks
the byzantine Empire was finally destroyed in 1453 by the
very popular handbook laying out the new skills in politics, the arts, and personal comportment expected of Renaissance aristocrats
Castiglion’s The Courtier was a
attempt to return to the papacy to more humble times
The renaissance popes did all of the following except
ensured that literacy and new knowledge would spread rapidly in European society
the development of printing in the fifteenth century
dominated by five major regional independent powers
by the fifteenth century, Italy was
the roman inquisition and the creation of the index
the catholic reformation’s ultimate refusal to compromise with Protestantism was exemplified by
the Dutch Republic
Philip II and Spain was ultimately unable to defeat
the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre in 1672 involved the massacring of nearly 3,000 Hugenots in Paris
Philip II of Spain
The greatest advocate of militant catholicism was
oratory of divine love
the reforming religious organization of the late fifteenth century that included both clergy and layman
the elector of saxony
though Luther was condemned at the Diet of Worms, he survived because he was protected by
the ruler of each territory determined the religion there
the religious peace of augsburg settled the lutheran problem by adopting the principle that
championed the study of classical and early Christian texts to reform the catholic church
the northern Christian humanists
Act of Supremacy
England’s break with the Roman church became official with the passage of the
the Ottoman empire
in the eastern part of his empire, Charles V faced a threat to his power from
the end of the world is imminent
Millenarisanism is the belief that
no amount of good works could satisfy God’s righteousness
Luther’s religious crisis came to a head over his growing belief that
was triggered by Henry’s desire to annul his marriage
the Reformaiton inf England under Henry VIII
Henry’s marriage to Anne Boleyn ended when he executed her for
expanding public access to primary schooling and improving secondary schooling through gymnasiums and ministerial training
the reformation affected the development of education in Europe by
the swiss religious reformer who established the protestant reformation in Zurich was
Mary I Tudor earned her nickname “bloody Mary” by persecuting
victory over the spanish armada at the end of the sixteenth century was achieved by
Peace of Augsburg
The Schmalkaldic War in Germany ended in 1555 with the
in 1528 the Ottoman Turks, under Suleiman the Magnificent, captured and sacked the city of Vienna
those who placed politics ahead of religion in an attempt to end the wars of religion
in France the politiques were
rejected all of them except baptism and communion, or the Lords supper
Concerning the sacraments of the Catholic Church, Luther
in his On the Freedom of a Christian Man, Martin Luther wrote, “Good works make a good man.

made luther an outlaw withing the Holy Roman Empire
The Edict of Worms
the concept of a “priesthood of all believers” is associated with the religious reformer, Ignatius Loyola
luther’s ideas were most readily accepted in
NOT luther held to the catholic belief in transubstantiation
Zwingli’s interpretation of the Lord’s supper differed from Luther’s in that
NOT france
Victory over the Spanish Armada at the end of the sixteenth century was achieved by
the Society of Jesus
Loyola was the founder of
Desiderius Erasmus
the religious reformer who “laid the egg that Luther hatched” was
imposed strict penalties for blasphemy and immoral behavior
in geneva the calvinists
Protestant schools in germany avoided teaching the liberal arts, choosing instead to focus on their most important book, the Bible
Thomas More authored the Utopia
the St. Batholomew’s Day Massacre in 1672 involved the massacring of nearly 3,000 huguenots in Paris
south of the equator
The Pole Star as a navigational device was useless
ten million
between the sixteenth and the nineteenth centuries, the number of African slaves shipped to a New World is estimated at
John Cabot, a Venetian, sailed for
printed editions of Ptolemy’s Geography did not become available until 1600, too late to make any significant difference in the efforts of early European explorers
the joint stock company enabled the raiding of spectacular sums of capital for world trading ventures
Which of the following statements best applies to the economy of sixteenth and seventeenth century Europe
Spain and Portugal
The religious crusading motive for exploration was strongest in
potatoes from Europe and olive trees from the New World
What was NOT part of the Columbian exchange
“black hole of Calcutta”
The local British population in India’s Fort Williams was imprisoned in the
the New World between Spain and Portugal
The Treaty of Tordesillas divided
shows the true shape of landmasses in a limited area on a map
a mercator projection
the Chinese Empire
which empire was described as “an old, crazy, first-rate man of war” but because of the incompetent leadership was destined to be “dashed to pieces on the shore”?
the European nation that had the first direct contact with China since Marco Polo was
Ferdinand Magellan
The first known circumnavigation of the earth is associated with
The financial center of Europe in the seventeenth century was
by 1660, Massachusetts Bay Colony still had fewer than 20,000 settles
the major western rival to the British in India in the seventeenth century was
The major disease that resulted in high rates of mortality among the natives of the New World was
local, regional, and intra-European trade was considerably greater than international trade
by the end of the seventeenth century
NOT Marco Polo
The Italian merchant whose tales of the court of Kublai Klan popularized China in Europe was
they were more cohesive politically with strong monarchies
The mainland states of Southeast Asia had better success in resisting European encroachment that did the Spice Islands and Malay states because
the Emperor Ferdinand
in the Thirty Years’ War, Wallenstein was a general who fought for
attempted to blend the feelings of the religious reformations with classical renaissance art
Baroque art
revoked the earlier Edict of Nates, curtailed the rights of French Protestants and caused thousands of highly skilled Huguenot to flee the country
Louis XIV’s Edict of Fontainebleau
Peter Paul Rubens
The Baroque painter who used violent motion, heavily fleshed nudes, and dramatic use of light and shadow, and rich sensuous pigments in his paintings was
NOT all of the above
Louis XIV restructured the policy-making machinery of the French government by
resistance by the great nobles
Cardinal Richelieu understood that, in Louis XIV’s France, the most important roadblock to building a strong monarchy was
the great writer of satirical comedies as the court of Louis XIV was Jean-Baptiste Racine
exclude the high nobility and royal princes from real power
the overall practical purpose of the court of Versailles was to
Louis XIV advertised himself as the Sun King
NOT said that the best form of government was a theocracy
Thomas Hobbes
were based on the economic theory of mercantilism that stressed government regulation of economic affairs to benefit the state
the economic policies of Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Louis XIV’s controller general of finances
were often directed against old single women
the witch hunts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
the Ottoman Empire
the “sleeping giant” of Eastern Europe in the first half of the seventeenth century was
the witchcraft hysteria primarily targeted women
was characterized by a highly oppressive system of serfdom
Russian society in the seventeenth century
perfecting neoclassical tragedy
the french playwright Moliere is noted for all of the following EXCEPT
sweden became a second-rate power after the Great Northern War
Scandinavia in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries witnessed
dominate the nobility and display his gradeur
Louis XIV used his place at Versailles to
the birth of a catholic son
the incident that prompted the nobles to depose James II was
his desire to insure the dominance of France and his Bourbon dynasty in all Europe
the chief reason for the wars of Louis XIV was
the capital of the Habsburg Empire was in
his program of Europeanization was predominantly technical and aimed at modernizing the military
which of the following statements best applies to Peter the Great of Russia
Versailles was built for Louis XIII
bloodlessly deposing James II in favor or William of Orange
The “Glorious Revolution” in 1688 in England was significant for
laid the foundation for a constitutional monarchy
the English Bill of Rights
Gustavus Adolphus, who led the Lutheran armies in the Thirty Years’ War until he was killed at Lutzen was king of
all german states could choose their own religions except for Calvinism
As a result of the Peace of Westphalia of 1648
was not really and empire at all but rather a loose association of 300 German states
After 1648 the Holy Roman Empire
a Presbyterian uprising in Scotland
Charles I was forced to call the Long Parliament into session in 1640 to deal with
as a result of the Glorious Revolution by the beginning of the eighteenth century, Parliament was absolutely supreme and the monarch had become merely a figurehead
the Ottoman Empire
in 1529 and again in 1683, Vienna was seriously threatened by
Gustavus Adolphus, king of sweden, developed the first standing army of conscripts an army notable for its flexible tactics.
stipulate that only Anglicans could hold military and civil offices
Under Charles II, Parliament passed the Test Act to
exclude the high nobility and royal princes from real power
the overall practical political purpose of the court of Versailles was to

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Western History Questions and Answers Civ 9
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