Need to Replace Fossil Fuels with Something Else
An Illuminating Career Today, more than ever, we need to find ways to replace fossil fuels with something better, cleaner, and that is literally everywhere – light. While the study of photonics has been around for some time, photonics as a discipline is a relatively new in the world of engineering. Often, it is grouped with programs like physics or optics, and therefore it can be difficult to find information pertaining to it. I first became interested in the field…...
Fossil Fuels
Humans Cannot Inhabit Earth without Destroying it
Humans as inhabitants of the earth have the opportunity to use the environment for their beneficial needs such as food production, transportation, and industrialization among others. However, the kind of lifestyle humans adopt has both beneficial and retrogressive effects on the environment. When talking of lifestyle, it is all the daily activities or those activities that humans undertake frequently that have an impact on the environment. The activities with a profound effect on the environment and climate change are mainly…...
Fossil Fuels
Climate Change Is One of the Greatest Threats
We are now entering what is known as the Anthropocene Epoch, or the age of Man. The changes Earth has so-far undergone since the Industrial Revolution have proved so substantial as to warrant a new geological epoch, of which normally takes tens to hundreds of millions of years to cycle. The primary and most notable change is the drastic increase of Carbon Dioxide and other so-called “Greenhouse Gases” in the atmosphere, causing a large increase in global temperature of up…...
Fossil Fuels
How Do Fossil Fuels Affect The Environment
This sample essay on How Do Fossil Fuels Affect The Environment provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.Describe and explain how the use of Fossil fuels may affect the environment and discuss measures, which could be taken to reduce the harmful consequences Fossil fuels include gasoline, oil, coal, or natural gas. Whenever we burn them, more pollutant gases are emitted into…...
Carbon DioxideChemistryClimate ChangeFossil FuelsGreenhouse GasMaterials