Essays on Experiment

Free essays on Experiment are educational materials that provide readers with useful information about the scientific method, its applications, and its importance in various fields of study. These essays discuss the process of experimentation in detail, including the different types of experiments, research design, data collection techniques, and analysis methods. They also cover the role of variables, hypothesis formulation, and statistical analysis in conducting successful experiments. Free essays on Experiment are excellent resources for students, educators, researchers, and anyone interested in extending their knowledge of the scientific method.
Dialysis Tubing Experiment Lab Report
Words • 1387
Pages • 6
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Dialysis Tubing Experiment Lab Report. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. Diffusion and Osmosis Through Dialysis tubing We did this experiment to test the diffusion of different substances through dialysis tubing. We used what eve knew about diffusion to make predictions on what we thought the mass of the dialysis tubing to be after submerging them for 30 miss and…...
How the Length of the Pencil Changes
Words • 1279
Pages • 6
This sample essay on Length Of Pencil provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Aim: The aim of this piece of course work is to find out how does the resistance of a pencil lead changes as I increase its length. And to find out what is the relationship between the length of a pencil lead and its resistance. Safety: Safety…...
Weaknesses Of Qualitative Research
Words • 1072
Pages • 5
This essay sample on Weaknesses Of Qualitative Research provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay.Soma S?¤gi Strengths and weaknesses of different research methods This semester my group was tasked with the conduction of a research about how the University of Bath’s great employability rates affected their University choice. We used qualitative research methods, every member of the group interviewed a…...
DataExperimentHuman NatureInterviewPersonalityResearch
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Thickness Of Aluminum Foil Lab Report
Words • 1232
Pages • 5
This sample essay on Thickness Of Aluminum Foil Lab Report offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion are provided below.Apparatus: Tall glass cylinder, glass marble, rubber stopper, cork, 125-ml Erlenmeyer flask with stopper, 150-ml beaker, 10-ml pipette, pipette bulb, 100-ml beaker, Auber stopper, unknown rectangular solid, aluminum foil ?10 x 1 Com, 100-ml graduated cylinder, rectangle Materials: Methyl chloride, hexane, water, ice, unknown liquids Observations: Procedure Observations Water…...
Who Invented The Bouncy Ball
Words • 1310
Pages • 6
This sample essay on Who Invented The Bouncy Ball provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. I intend to investigate the rule of F = M*A and so investigate the relationships between acceleration, force and mass and how they affect each other.Preliminary Workings:The main aim of my project is to investigate three factors, and so I will start off with a…...
Salol Experiment
Words • 1462
Pages • 6
The sample essay on Salol Experiment deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches, and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.To investigate the cooling rate of salol in relation to the pressure it is under, in an attempt to model similar conditions for a cooling igneous intrusion.MethodIn order to simulate the pressure exerted by the surrounding rock, I intend to look at the cooling salol underneath certain depths of water. The…...
Density Lab Report Chemistry
Words • 1134
Pages • 5
The sample essay on Density Lab Report Chemistry deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches, and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.We then placed a sample of Copper in the graduated cylinder. 2. The water level rose ml. We subtracted the original ml of water from the ml of water with Copper in it. This gave us the volume of the Copper, being ml. 3. We then took the sample…...
Petri Dish Experiment
Words • 1497
Pages • 6
The sample essay on Petri Dish Experiment deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches, and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.Also, pupils from the senior school are going through puberty and tend to sweat a lot more than little kids, especially the boys. Sweat glands also work more rapidly with boys going through puberty, as their hormone levels are beginning to increase. During P. E classes, girls also are more…...
Carabao Dung as Mosquito Repellent: Important Aspects
Words • 1306
Pages • 6
This sample of an academic paper on Carabao Dung reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below. Carabao Manure THE EFFICIENCY OF CARABAO MANURE WITH EXTRACT OF EUCALYPTUS (Eucalyptus cinerea) AND LEMONGRASS (Cymbopogon citrates) LEAVES AS AN ALTERNATIVE MOSQUITO REPELLANT Background of the Study Dengue victims are abundantly spreading in our society and they are caused by the known Aedes aegypti. These mosquitoes are merely found in places where there…...
Dengue FeverExperimentResearch
Animal Testing Essays
Words • 1298
Pages • 6
This sample paper on Animal Testing Essays offers a framework of relevant facts based on recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body, and conclusion of the paper below.In 1960s, about 10,000 babies who have short and malfunctioned legs and arms were born, surprising the public and scientists. People were worried and anxious to know the reason for the tragedy and the way to avoid the birth of defect babies. After many researches, scientists found out that the…...
Animal TestingExperimentMedicineResearchSuffering
Calibration of Temperature and Pressure Sensors
Words • 764
Pages • 4
The goal of this lab project was to calibrate temperature and pressure measurement systems. The systems we calibrated, were the Omega Model PX-236-060GV Piezoresistive Pressure Transducer, a thermocouple, and a thermistor. In order to obtain more accurate and precise readings, an AMTEK Model RK Deadweight Pressure Tester was utilized to calibrate an Omega Model PX236-06GV Piezoresistive Pressure Transducer. We had to add metal plates in increments of 5 psig until we reached 60 psig to a deadweight tester. The way…...
ExperimentPressureScientific Method
Gas Laws Lab Report
Words • 1140
Pages • 5
The sample essay on Gas Laws Lab Report deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches, and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.Obtain a reference of pressures effects on gas using Bole’s law using a gas sample of standard “air” within a syringe and measuring pressures increase and decrease in association to changing volume. Measurements are obtained through microbial sensors and graphed using microbial software where a correlation coefficient of P…...
Sample Essay on Milgram Experiment Essay
Words • 1114
Pages • 5
  This simple experiment demonstrates how people behave in concrete situations. It tested how much pain an ordinary citizen could inflict on another person simply because he was commanded by authority. Stanley Milgram experiment was conducted to shed light on how the Nazi used the apparatus of Germany to exterminate Jews and other nationalities who were considered undesirable by the Nazis in Europe during the war. Social psychologists believe that at that time the only fringe segment of society is…...
ExperimentHuman NaturePsychologyViolence
Boiled Lipase And Unboiled Lipase
Words • 1462
Pages • 6
This sample essay on Boiled Lipase And Unboiled Lipase provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.AIM: Lipases hydrolize fats into glycerol and fatty acids1, therefor to investigate how different amount (1 cm3, 2 cm3, 4 cm3, 8 cm3, 12 cm3, 20 cm3) of 3% lipase solutions break down the fat in 5 cm3 of milk.RESEARCH QUESTION: how fast can different amount…...
Epsom Paper Overview
Words • 1208
Pages • 5
The sample paper on Epsom Paper familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories, and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.We can see clearly from these graphs that as the concentration increases so does the rate of reaction. From the relatively straight lines of best fit we can tell that the rate of reaction is continuous with each different concentration. Scientific Model: From these results we can tell that as the concentration of H2SO4; when increased in the…...
Chemical ReactionChemistryConcentrationExperimentWater
Sample Essay on Smallest Beaker Size
Words • 786
Pages • 4
  Planning: I will make sure I devise a fair test by doing things correctly and fairly. The only variable I will be obtaining will be the temperature of the water at 80oc, and I will make sure it is fair by testing it with a thermometer. I will also make sure it is a fair test by adding more water into the bigger beakers because it wont all fit into the smaller ones so that will give the smaller…...
Zimbardo’s Prison Study Method
Words • 1101
Pages • 5
Paper Type:Informative essays
The following sample essay on What Research Method Was Used In Philip Zimbardo’s Study, The “stanford County Prison”? discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.The Sociological Investigation ~ These notes are taken and adapted from Macionis, John J. (2012). Sociology (14th Edition). Boston: Pearson Education Inc. There are two basic requirements for sociological investigation: 1. Know how to apply the sociological perspective or…...
Crayfish Lab: A Brief Overview
Words • 1199
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on Crayfish Lab it's the academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Crayfish Lab. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. In our classroom experiment, after dissecting and preparing our crayfish ail, we sucked up a MR.. Receptor neuron with our electrode to record firing of the nerve as we adjusted the length of the crayfish tail using a string attached to both the uncomplimentary and…...
BiologyBrainExperimentNervous SystemNeuron
Charles Law Lab Report
Words • 1401
Pages • 6
This sample paper on Charles Law Lab Report offers a framework of relevant facts based on recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body, and conclusion of the paper below.The volume of the air sample at the high temperature, when the sample is cooled to the low enrapture and becomes. All of these measurements are made directly. The experimental data is then used to verify Charleston by two methods: 1. The experimental volume (V””o) measured at the low…...
Calibrating A 50 Ml Buret Lab Report
Words • 1143
Pages • 5
This sample essay on Calibrating A 50 Ml Buret Lab Report offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion are provided below.The accuracy of the measurement the volumes is the degree of closeness of measurements of a quantity’s actual volumes while the precision of the volumes is the degree to which repeated agreements under unchanged conditions show the same results. Each of volumetric glassware is marked with its total…...
Studies of Interference in Serial Verbal Reactions
Words • 986
Pages • 4
This sample essay on This Paper Investigate provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The idea of investigating how the human mind perceives colored words is one of those aspects of life that most of us take for granted. In 1935, J. Ridley Stroop performed a series of experiments to examine this phenomenon. In his article, “Studies of Interference in Serial…...
ExperimentHuman NaturePsychologyStroop Effect
Physical Attraction Essay
Words • 1217
Pages • 5
This sample of an academic paper on Physical Attraction Essay reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.The sample was composed of 40 students from the University of Warwick, 20 males and 20 females, between 18 and 24 years of age. Equal numbers of male and female participants were used to counter the effects gender may place on perception of physical attractiveness. The subjects participated in the study on a…...
ExperimentHypothesisSocial PsychologyStatistics
Beam Deflection Lab Report
Words • 689
Pages • 3
When loads are applied to a beam their originally straight axes become curved. Displacements from the initial axes are called bending or flexural deflections. The amount of flexural deflection in a beam is related to the beams area moment of inertia (l), the single applied concentrated load (P), length of the beam (L), the modulus of elasticity (E), and the position of the applied load on the beam. The amount of deflection due to a single concentrated load P, is…...
Civil EngineeringConstructionExperimentMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Acceleration Due To Gravity Lab Report
Words • 644
Pages • 3
This lab was designed to calculate the acceleration of gravity using the Smart Timers. The theory predicts that g = CACM/so. In the class, the “g” most time is considered to be 9. Mm/so. Materials Yellow plastic ball The Smart Timers Iron Bracket Clamp Target pad Photostat The yellow plastic ball is as subjects. Iron Bracket use to constant the height, and clamp use to stable the Smart Timers attached on the Iron Bracket. The Smart Timers is use to…...
ExperimentForecastingGravityPhysicsScientific Method
Calibration Of Glassware
Words • 725
Pages • 3
This experiment must be repeated three times or more and take the average reading to get more accurate data. By using the formulae, the standard deviation and relative standard deviation could be calculated. As the result, the lower the standard deviation, the higher the consistency of an instrument. Although the instrument may measure a given sample, the value might need to be altered due to various conditions and errors. Objectives The objective of the experiments was to; Calibrate a 10…...
Road Rage Essay
Words • 279
Pages • 2
This experiment aimed to investigate road rage reactions in drivers. It used a 2×2 independent group’s factorial design. The independent variables were vehicle status and participant gender. The dependent variables were the duration of any verbal road rage reactions made by participants, participants questionnaire scores on the Propensity to Angry Driving Scale and participants heart rate’s before and after the experiment. The main hypothesis is that duration of verbal road rage reactions will be affected as a result of participant…...
ExperimentGenderScientific Method
Confounding Variables Can Bias Your
Words • 855
Pages • 4
This bar chart shows participants recalled less amount of words (vertical axis) from List A in the same context (horizontal axis), compare to amount of words recalled in List B, different context. This rejects the directional hypothesis which stated participants would be able to recall more words in the same environment by using same context as retrieval cue to aid recall. Discussion The results show higher recall rate in different context; 12 words (mean number) recalled accurately from List B…...
BehaviorBiasExperimentResearchScientific Method
Cannon Experiment Trial 1 Comparison
Words • 281
Pages • 2
The two pictures below demonstrate the calculations from Trial 1 at 00 and Trial 1 at 450. In this experiment we did five separate shots from the cannon at 00, and 3 separate shots at 450. We determined the average distance of the shots from each angle by using a meter stick. We were then able to calculate the velocity of the shots by dividing the time from distance. After getting the results, the distance from the shots fired at…...
Refraction Of Light Lab
Words • 591
Pages • 3
The results we obtained show that on average, we calculated a sin i over sin R to be 1.34 units. Also we can say that as the angle of incidence increased, the angle of refraction tended to increase proportionally. As the sin of i increased, the sin of R also increased. Below you can see the exact relationship between the sin of the incidence angle (i) versus the sin of the refracted angle (R). To find the slope of the…...
Bread Mold Experiment Hypothesis
Words • 404
Pages • 2
The purpose of this lab was to test the effect of water on bread mold growth. Hypothesis: hypothesized bread mold would grow faster if the bread was exposed to water. Materials: 1. Bread 2. Plastic cup 3. Water 4. Rubber band 5. Plastic wrap 6. Light 7. Scale 8. Seizers Procedures: Day 1 1. Cut two pieces of bread 1 belly 2. Place the beard in two separate cups 3. Put 1 1 drops of water on one of the…...
Pharmacology Laboratory Experiments
Words • 352
Pages • 2
The following sample essay is about pharmacological laboratory experiments. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. The functional studies provided information regarding the presence of musician cholesterol that mediate contraction only. Thus radioing binding techniques were also employed to determine which musician cholesterol subtypes were present and their relative densities. In vitro functional studies: Experimental protocol l: The intent of this experiment was to determine the relative potteries of selected incurring clinometers Zionists. The stock…...
Vitamin C Lab Report
Words • 866
Pages • 4
The following graph shows this relationship even more clearly. The plots were joined using a trend line so that the trend can be seen more clearly, Graph 2: Concentration of ascorbic acid (M) against Volume added to decolonize DUCKPIN The following graph shows that the concentration of ascorbic acid (5) in the rest fruits (indicated by the blue diamond-shaped dots) is higher than the concentration in processed fruit juices (indicated by the blue squares). All the points in the fresh…...
ExperimentLemonPineappleResearchVitaminVitamin C
Temperature affects the fermentation of the yeast
Words • 380
Pages • 2
The chemical reactions within yeast are facilitated by enzymes; most enzymes optimal temperature range is warm. The warmer the water, the more the enzymes are in their optimal temperature angle and the more efficiently they catalyst chemical reaction; this makes the fermentation proceed more quickly. In this experiment, the effect of variation of temperature on the fermentation of yeast was tested. If temperature affects the fermentation of the yeast, then the rate of yeast fermentation will change with the different…...
BalloonChemical ReactionEnzymeExperimentWater
Accent Perception
Words • 846
Pages • 4
The aim of the experiment is to see if people make stereotypical judgements of other people based upon their accents. Various studies prior to this one have looked into this area of research for example, Strongman and Woosley (1967). They recorded two people reading out a passage, firstly in a Yorkshire accent and then again in a London accent so it actually sounded like four different people when in actual fact there were only two. 110 subjects took part in…...
BehaviorCommunicationExperimentHuman NatureHypothesisPerception
Rubber Band Hypothesis
Words • 608
Pages • 3
The aim of this experiment is to find how the amount of stretching, when shooting a rubber band, affects the length of the shot. Hypothesis When you stretch an elastic rubber band, you store potential elastic energy inside it. When the rubber band is released, the potential elastic energy will be transformed into the same amount of kinetic energy. This will cause the rubber band to move, and the more kinetic energy we have, the longer the rubber band will…...
Isometric Growth
Words • 215
Pages • 1
Scientific Investigation: Designing an Experiment Jeremy Barrett BIO-III February 4, 2015 Introduction Different parts of the body of an organism have been observed to grow at different rates during development. When parts of the body grow disproportionately to one-another, we call it limerick growth. The term, isometric growth, is used when describing body parts which maintain the same ratio throughout development. The purpose of this experiment is to determine whether two chosen body parts of classmates, arm and head, have…...
CommunicationExperimentScientific Method
Goldfish Lab Report
Words • 913
Pages • 4
Respiration can be experienced through several structures such as the lungs, tracheae, gills, and integument in order to obtain oxygen. All organisms that experience respiration are either endothermic or isotherms. Isotherms are animals that depend on their environment for body temperature. These animals respond to changes in their environment in order to maintain homeostasis, the stable, internal conditions of the organism. Animals that are warm-blooded and can regulate their body temperatures internally regardless of their environment are endothermic. For isotherms,…...
ExperimentFishHypothesisRespiratory SystemWater
Penny Lab Report
Words • 498
Pages • 2
Research Question: What is the percent composition of Copper and Zinc in a positive penny? Aim: The purpose is to determine the percent composition of Zinc and Copper metals in a post-1983 penny with the use of HCI. Variables: Independent Variable: percent composition of Zinc. Dependent Variable: percent composition of Copper. Controlled Variable: Military of HCI, and year tot penny. Apparatus: Beaker Goggles penny Distilled Water Method: Note that HCI is an acid and must be cautious around this acid…...
Kepler’s 3rd Law
Words • 605
Pages • 3
Research Question: Is it possible to verify Kepler’s 3rd law using a database? Hypothesis: I believe that it is possible to verify Kepler’s 3rd law using a database due to the nature of the law. Kepler’s law states that the square of the time of one orbital period is directly proportional to the cube of its average orbital radius. Mathematically this looks like: Where T is the orbital period and R is the orbital radius. As a result we can see that: In…...
Candle Experiment Lab Report
Words • 667
Pages • 3
Record as many observations as you can. . After that, light the candle. Observe the candle when it’s burning for at least 5 minutes. Record. 4. Blow the candle out. Observe the candle until no more changes are taking place. Observation before burning: + white *solid + the wick is black (got burned) +smell fresh Observation during burning: *fire *yellow on the very top of the wick, blue at the bottom + melting -; clear liquid *hot Observation after burning:…...
We've found 153 essay examples on Experiment

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How the Length of the Pencil Changes
...Thirdly, I could investigate the relationship between the temperature of the pencil lead and its resistance. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE...
Who Invented The Bouncy Ball
...Evaluation:Overall I was quite pleased with what I have managed to take from the experiment, not so much the results but the information, which I have been able to take out of it. Although my results were the readings that I expected to take, I was v...
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