Essays on Classroom Management

Free essays on classroom management typically provide tips, strategies, and best practices for teachers to manage their classrooms effectively. They cover topics such as creating a positive learning environment, establishing rules and routines, handling disruptive behavior, motivating students, and fostering strong teacher-student relationships. These essays can be valuable resources for new and experienced teachers alike who are looking to improve their classroom management skills and ensure a productive and engaging learning experience for their students.
The Definition and a Personal Opinion on Classroom Management
Words • 533
Pages • 3
 Classroom management consists of the strategies for assuring physical and psychological safety in the classroom; techniques for changing student misbehaviors and for teaching self-discipline; methods of assuring an orderly progression of events during the school day; and instructional techniques that contribute to students positive behaviors. Classroom management is the plan of action teachers establish and implement to run a smooth and efficient classroom. When it comes to classroom management I consider the biggest key to an efficient classroom is to…...
ClassroomClassroom ManagementPsychology
Librarians’ Classroom Management Training
Words • 573
Pages • 3
Classroom management has extended to include the librarian as well as the teacher. Blackburn and Hays acknowledge the stress of classroom management skills not being taught to librarians and librarians having to learn about these skills on the job. Hays and Blackburn review the past thirty years of history involving librarian duties changing. Now, librarians have to incorporate technology with academic curriculum. Librarians have to collaborate with school faculty to discuss curriculum and learning outcomes as outlined in the introduction…...
ClassroomClassroom ManagementEducation
Philosophical and Theoretical Approach to Classroom Management
Words • 2773
Pages • 12
Classroom management is a vital component in education setting. Learning requires safe environment which boosts the attention of the learners. Setting a supportive classroom tone implies that the teacher effectively includes and engages the learners. In this section, my main aim is to set the right environment for my learners. I intend to implement appropriate classroom management which supports learners. I aim at including all learners in the learning process and accessing the materials in the appropriate environment. This will…...
Classroom ManagementLearningMotivation
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A Report on Five Instructional Strategies for Classroom Management
Words • 1152
Pages • 5
One strategy that could be used for classroom management is a chart to show how well the class is acting. This chart would be a list of the student's names on a bulletin board. The teacher can decorate it. Each time the student is awarded for doing something good, they get a star around their name. Depending on the behavior they can have stars removed as well. This will help to keep the class on track when the teacher is…...
Classroom ManagementEducationLearning
The Importance and Application of a Classroom Management Plan
Words • 325
Pages • 2
In my study of articles I have found many tips for classroom management. Unfortunately, many of these are aimed at elementary school teachers. As I am interested in teaching secondary education, I was excited to find this article on classroom management tips for new high school teachers. I feel I will be able to use these simple ideas to better manage my class. The article explains the huge difference between elementary school students and those at the high school level:…...
Classroom ManagementSchoolSocial Issues
Classroom Management is An Evolving Problem For Most Teachers
Words • 455
Pages • 2
Throughout history, classroom management has been an ever-evolving issue for most teachers. There have been different approaches regarding this subject, such as diverse techniques like: behavioral theories, operant conditioning, and the reward punishment system, among others. Conscious discipline is a training program that joins classroom management and emotional intelligence as one in a positive environment called “School Family”. It makes the student feel safe, accepted and cared for, they don’t need other motivators such as outside rewards, since, what the…...
Classroom ManagementManagement
Classroom Management On Strategies
Words • 798
Pages • 4
In the classroom setting, there have been methods developed to aid in better understanding among students. This is especially true for children with disabilities in the mainstream class. These strategies are supposed to ensure holistic discipline within the classroom setting while at the same time being sensitive to the different personalities and conditions of students within the classroom environment. While several methods have been deployed for this purpose, there are those that fail to improve learning. Here, I will evaluate…...
ClassroomClassroom ManagementManagement
Classrooms Promotes Long-term Change 
Words • 951
Pages • 4
The strike was illustrated through prisoner participation in sit-ins, boycotts, work strikes and hunger strikes. Non-incarcerated individuals were invited to join by contacting political representatives with these demands and voting out those who refuse to represent the needs of prisoners, spreading the word into institutions across the nation and through media, and assisting in initiatives to promote inmate suffrage. This strike illustrated how anyone can participate in the abolition of current prison systems and injustices through minute, yet strategic efforts.…...
ClassroomClassroom ManagementManagement
The Hidden On Curriculum
Words • 1598
Pages • 7
Effective classroom management is an element of teaching that ensures classroom lessons run seamlessly - free of disruptions and distractions. It is a system of routines and procedures that work together to regulate the behavior of students. Classroom management is critical so that disruptive behavior doesn’t compromise both the delivery of instruction and the capacity for every student to learn. At first glance, classroom management appears to be focused on the teacher’s ability to instruct and remain sane; however, at…...
Classroom ManagementEffective Classroom ManagementManagement
Marva Collins Class Management
Words • 1313
Pages • 6
“Don’t try to fix the students, fix ourselves first. The good teacher makers the poor student good and the good student superior. When our students fail, we, as teachers, too, have failed.” – Marva Collins Classroom management is looked at very differently by some teachers. As the Misconceptions and Goals of Classroom Management article points out, you could ask different teachers what they thought classroom management was and get different answers. Among some of the most common answers, though, are…...
Classroom ManagementEffective Classroom ManagementManagement
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