Essays on Cell

Free essays on cell refer to the academic works that discuss the topic of cells without charging any fee for access or use. These essays cover various aspects of cells, including their structure, function, development, and the diseases associated with them. Such free essays on cell are valuable resources for students and researchers who may not have access to paid journals or databases. They provide insights into the latest research trends, as well as interesting perspectives on the study of cells. These essays come in various formats, such as scientific articles, reviews, dissertations, and thesis papers.
Smallest Unit Of Life
Words • 352
Pages • 2
The cell is the smallest unit of life. Organism can be made up of one or more cells. In multicellular organism groups of cells can work together to form tissue. Organs are formed from different tissues and work together with other organs in organs systems. The same kind of organism living together in the same area makes up a population. Different population living together in the same area makes up a community. An ecosystem includes a community and the area’s…...
Stem Cells
Biology: About Mitosis and Proteins
Words • 665
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Synthesis essays
The following example essay on "Biology: About Mitosis and Proteins" condense the complicated data we learned about these specific subjects. The first topic I will discuss is the replication procedure called mitosis. Another sophisticated process that happens in cells is protein synthesis. The cell is absolutely a very sophisticated part of an organism. One instance that exemplifies this argument is that cells can produce protein. It isn‘t as simple as just making protein, and it involves decoding and transcribing DNA…...
Stem Cells
Onion Cell Labeled
Words • 279
Pages • 2
Osmosis/Plasmolysis Lab Name: Problem: How do solutions of various salt concentrations influence osmosis in relation to an onion cell? Materials: (per student group): red onion epidermis forceps, dropper distilled water NaCl solution paper towels microscope slidecover slip Procedure 1. Make a wet mount of the red onion epidermis. 2. Examine under low power. When you have a clear view of several cells, switch to high power. Make a labeled drawing (cell wall, membrane, cytosol) of your cells. This will give…...
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Osmosis & Selective Permeability
Words • 456
Pages • 2
Osmosis is the dispersion of water. Our cells are capable of absorbing nutrients because, the cell membrane is selectively permeable (some molecules can effuse freely through the membrane while others cannot). In this experiment we used dialysis bag as a model of the cell membrane. Our hypothesis was that the glucose will diffuse out of the membrane into the beaker filled with iodine solution. To demonstrate dialysis tubing we used water, starch and iodine. When starch and iodine react together…...
Cell MembraneChemistryGlucoseOsmosisWater
Osmosis And Diffusion Lab Report
Words • 353
Pages • 2
Kinetic energy, a root of energy stored in cells, causes molecules to hit into each other and move in new directions. Diffusion is the result of this contact. Diffusion is the random movement of molecules to an area of lower concentration from an area of higher concentration. Osmosis is a type of diffusion. This is the diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water likely. Water potential…...
BiologyCell MembraneChemistryOsmosisPhysics
In Wet Mount Preparations Is It Possible To See Eukaryotic Flagella
Words • 545
Pages • 3
Data/Results: (Attached) Conclusion: The student acquired the fundamental skills in which to properly handle lab equipment and execute an experiment. By examining the pond water with the XX lens, the student was able to distinguish and identify the protozoa with cilia: colliding, which was recognized by its unique oval shape, resembling a peanut, with small hair-like particles comprising the entire surface, and the vascular plant, which was discrete due to its array of composition of cells. Y examining the pond…...
Stem Cells
Enhanced Transfection of Target DNA.
Words • 268
Pages • 2
All four of the wells were condensed with I Pl of an enhancer and added too lipid-based transaction reagent Effected to allow the target DNA to be introduced into the Hell cells. The cells containing . 45 ml Of transaction complexes and complete growth medium were incubated for two days and then replaced With I ml Of HOBS and incubated for another hour. Approximately 14. 13 Pl of glorification documentation diluted in PBS was added to one of the two…...
Stem Cells
In Adults Over 90 Of All Cancers Are Either Adenomas And Carcinomas
Words • 408
Pages • 2
1. Confirm your understanding of cell specialization by listing six systems in the human body and naming at least one specialized cell found in each system. Nervous system – neurons Digestive system – exocrine cells Respiratory – epithelial cells Musclular – liver cells Reproductive – sperm cells Circulartory – red blood cells 2. Use the analogy of the cell as a manufacturing factory to describe the function of the following cell structures: plasma membrane, mitochondria, nucleus, Golgi, ribosomes, lysosomes, endoplasmic…...
Stem Cells
Onion Cell Lab Report Discussion
Words • 860
Pages • 4
Obtain a sheet of lens tissue paper with lens cleaning solution and clean all the lenses of your microscope gently. Obtain a microscope glass slide. Hold It by the edges and wet It with water. Wipe both sides dry with a paper towel. Always hold the slide by the edges or you will leave fingerprints on the slide. Clean the coveralls in a similar manner. Using the medicine dropper, place one drop of water near the centre of the glass…...
Stem Cells
Ivan Has Decided To Give His Persuasive Speech On Stem Cell Research
Words • 653
Pages • 3
SPH107: Basic Public SpeakingDirections: Choose the answer that best completes Reading Quiz each of the following items. Mark your Chapter 6 answers on the answer sheet provided. |Which of the following is not a true statement? |Periodical databases _____. |As your textbook explains, when you locate an abstract of a |Catalog articles from a large number of journals and magazines | |magazine article using a computerized periodical index, you |Are valuable for locating materials in encyclopedias and other | |should…...
Stem Cells
Is Urea Larger Than Sodium
Words • 501
Pages • 3
Exercise 1: Cell Transport Mechanisms and Permeability: Activity 1: Simulating Dialysis (Simple Diffusion) Lab Report Pre-lab Quiz Results You have not completed the Pre-lab Quiz. 09/20/11 page 1 Experiment Results Predict Question: Predict Question 1: The molecular weight of urea is 60. 07. Do you think urea will diffuse through the 20 MWCO membrane? Your answer : c. No, not at all. Predict Question 2: Recall that glucose is a monosaccharide, albumin is a protein with 607 amino acids, and…...
Stem Cells
Betacyanin Leakage Through Membranes
Words • 566
Pages • 3
Damage of Beet Cell Membranes Caused by Different Temperatures Resulting in Betacyanin Leakage By: Trevor Sandum, Lab 2, March 9, 2013 Introduction: A red pigment called Betacyanin located in the vacuole of the beet cells is released when the membrane is damaged (Danyk, 2013). The membrane is necessary for sustainability of the cell’s life, it separates the cell from the outside environment, and is responsible for diffusion, exocytosis and endocytosis, and transport.Essay Example on Betacyanin Leakage Through Membranes It can…...
Stem Cells
Osmosis Is Serious Business
Words • 458
Pages • 2
Nure Useinoski Dr. Bhalla BIO 1130 13 October 2010 Osmosis Is Serious Business 1. The extra fertilizer around the roots of the corn created a hypertonic (cell loses water) environment. 2. The excessive fertilizer caused the soil to turn hypertonic to the plant cell. As a result, water diffused from the plant cells into the soil by osmosis and the plant cells began to shrink. With little or no water left in the corn plant’s cells the plants wilted and…...
Stem Cells
Voltaic Cell Experiment Lab Report
Words • 516
Pages • 3
Voltaic cell is a device in which a redo reaction spontaneously occurs and produces an electric current. In order for the transfer of electrons in a redo reaction to produce an electric current and be useful, the electrons are made to pass through an external electrically conducting wire instead of being directly transferred between the oxidation and reducing agents. A salt bridge must be used to avoid popularization of the electrodes by facilitating the circulation of ions from electrolyte. Each…...
Mitotic Index Lab
Words • 277
Pages • 2
The majority of cells were in the enterprise, as seen in the graph and charts above, while the rest were in other phases. Conclusion and Evaluation: As expected, the results from the Mitotic Index Lab show that most cells were in enterprise meanwhile there were not many cells in the other four phases. This goes to show that this stage is relatively long while the other ones are not as long since there were not as many cells in those…...
Stem Cells
Virtual Lab Report
Words • 282
Pages • 2
In this virtual lab activity, you will be observing the cell cycle in the tip of an onion root. The root tip is responsible for the downward growth of the root and is one of the regions in the plant where cells are actively dividing and growing. Because of this, the root tip is an excellent system in which to observe the entire cell cycle, including the processes of nuclear division (mitosis) and cell division (cytokines). You will be submitting…...
Cell CycleMitosis
Cell Cycle Lab Report
Words • 391
Pages • 2
Hypothesis Procedure: predict that all cells somatic will suffer all the division of mitosis multiple times n their lifetime; the product would be able to see the chromosomes in a stage of mitosis. It is predicted that the cells won’t be seen clears or big enough, but is going to give ideas or example wows the experiment is going. Data and Observations: Create a data table containing a tally of the number of cells observed in each of the following…...
Agar Cell Diffusion Lab Report
Words • 588
Pages • 3
Hypothesis: I expect to find that when the surface area o volume of a cell reaches a certain level, diffusion alone won’t be able to supply the cell materials needed, and as single-celled organisms take in and release substances by means of diffusion across the cell membrane, this process limits cell size. I predict that as the rate of diffusion will be too slow to deliver materials to the center of the cell in the larger cells, it could result…...
BiologyCellChemical ReactionChemistryDiffusionExperiment
Gram Staining Lab Report Discussion
Words • 496
Pages • 2
Gram Staining Lab Introduction Gram staining is a very important technique used in biology labs all over the world. It is a technique used to differentiate types of bacteria using certain physical and chemical characteristics Of their cell walls. Gram positive bacteria (which show up purple after the gram staining process) have a very thick layer of epidemiological where gram negative bacteria (Which show up pink after the gram staining process) have a much thinner layer of epidemiological. One thing…...
Stem Cells
Membrane Lab Report Sample
Words • 1359
Pages • 6
Membrane Lab Report Essay IntroductionHigh temperature scripts the structure of proteins and certain chemicals such as acetone and methanol dissolve the phosphoric, leading to damage of the membrane and therefore leads to increased permeability. Beetroot is the material used in this experiment to demonstrate the effects of high temperature and chemicals on the permeability of the cell membranes. Beetroot contains a red pigment called beautician, which is located in the large central vacuole of the beetroot cells. The vacuole is…...
Cell MembraneChemistryProteinWater
Stem Cell Research Outline
Words • 208
Pages • 1
Playing “God” a. Human Cloning b. Helping humans live longer c. Can overpopulate society. Positive side of Stem Cell Research 1 . Cure/treat diseases a. Parkinson b. Alchemies c. Heart diseases d. Birth defects e. Spinal core Injuries f. Can play major roll in cancer g. Grow back small parts of body a. Primary source a. I. No longer baby embryos (futures) a. Ii. Adult Stem Cells a. Iii. Neural Stem Cells a. Iv. Cord Blood Stem Cells 3. Embryonic…...
Stem Cells
Cellular Respiration
Words • 1475
Pages • 6
Cellular Respiration in Yeast Adapted from “Alcoholic Fermentation in Yeast Investigation” in the School District of Philadelphia Biology Core Curriculum © 2009 by Dr. Jennifer Doherty and Dr. Ingrid Waldron, University of Pennsylvania Biology Department[1] All living cells, including the cells in your body and the cells in yeast, need energy for cellular processes such as pumping molecules into or out of the cell or synthesizing needed molecules. ATP is a special molecule which provides energy in a form that…...
BiologyCellCellular RespirationScience
Biology Beetroot Lab Report
Words • 2586
Pages • 11
Lastly carbohydrate molecules of the membrane are relatively short-chain polysaccharides, which has multiple functions, for example, ell-cell recognition and acting as receptor sites for chemical signals. The plasma membrane is a permeable membrane. An important role of the plasma membrane is to maintain the integrity of the cell, holding the cell contents together. Membrane permeability is a quality of the cell's plasma membrane which allows certain substances to pass while forming a barrier against others, controlling exchanges between the cell…...
BiologyCarbohydrateCell MembraneChemistryExperimentWater
Extended Project Dissertation Regenerative Medicine
Words • 4486
Pages • 18
With the continued research going on into this new, potential way of curing many diseases that 20 years go we would never have thought could have been cured, can it do the same for the neurological condition, multiple sclerosis? And how effective is it in doing so? Many reports have come out of stem cells being effective in mice to cure the disease but with the many controversial points that come with the use of stem cells would alternative, existing…...
Stem Cells
Compared to the original Daniell Cell
Words • 2918
Pages • 12
By completing and testing this hypothesis our group believes that it will factor in the aim of increasing the voltage and current of our Daniell Cell. Hypothesis 2 According to the Standard Reduction Potentials for Half-Reactions table, our group hypothesises that by changing the half cells so that their E0 values are a greater distance apart that the voltage and current will show an increase and improve the Daniell Cell. The general make up of a Daniell Cell is two…...
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