Essays on Anatomy

Free essays on Anatomy provide a comprehensive look into the human body's structure, function, and its various systems. These essays may touch upon topics ranging from the gross anatomy of the human body to the microscopic anatomy of organs and tissues. By exploring the various aspects of human anatomy, readers can gain a deeper understanding of how the body works, how it responds to stimuli, and how it can adapt to different situations. The essays may be useful for students studying anatomy or for individuals seeking to expand their knowledge about the human body. Overall, free essays on Anatomy are a valuable resource that can offer insight into the complex workings of the human body.
Imaging Modality: Bone Densitometry
Words • 1302
Pages • 6
The radiology department within the health care field is very complex. There are a number of imaging modalities that are used throughout the field. Imaging modalities are able to view and image different parts of the body. Bone densitometry is an imaging modality that scans the bones in order to detect osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a skeletal disorder that affects the strength of bones. It is a disease in which the bone density and quality are affected, and the bone becomes…...
Brain Symptoms Pathophysiological Process
Words • 521
Pages • 3
The University of Florida is part of the South-Eastern Conference. This makes up eleven states, including the University of Georgia, University of Alabama, and of course the University of Florida. A concussion is a brain injury it is defined as a complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain. Concussions are caused by a direct blow to the head, face, or neck. Symptoms of a concussions may be headaches, confusion, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and delayed response to questions. If you do…...
The Three Little Pigs, Spiderman, and The Walking dead
Words • 654
Pages • 3
Every story follows the same general outline and skeleton. While the specific details of a story might make it unique, it always reverts back to the same shape as any other story. Every archetype states a “hero” (or a group there of), a learning stage for that hero, and displays the way that the hero has changed due to the events of the story. This structure is found in every movie, book, and television show know to mankind. To prove…...
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White Star-like Outer Skeleton
Words • 1085
Pages • 5
Cervicornis like many other corals have a unique symbiotic relationship with algae and a strong dependency on them. Without the algae these corals’ growth decreases, and they are not able to produce as large colonies as they usually do with the presence of algae (Alter, 2000; McGregor 1974). The reason for this dependency is that carbon is passed to the coral by the alga. Based on the fact that algae need sun for photosynthesis, and corals need algae, algae determine…...
Coral’s White Skeleton From the Harsh Sunlight
Words • 491
Pages • 2
Compared to all the waters around the world, the warm waters of the tropics contain some of the richest and most diverse communities. They are only found in clear and shallow waters because sunlight is vital for them. Although they cover less than one-tenth of the world’s oceans, coral reefs are home to one-fourth of all marine species. It may seem like a colorful paradise, but coral reefs are battlegrounds for space. Every animal from a large blue ring octopus…...
How to Build the Skeleton Frame
Words • 709
Pages • 3
Gracelynn Soesanto EAS 203 Dr. Brittany Shields Letter to a Government Agency 23 September 2018 To Whom It May Concern: My name is Gracelynn Soesanto and I am a structural engineer with Gillum-Colaco, Inc. At Gillum-Colaco, we are currently working on a project based in Philadelphia’s Center City Business District, and we were tasked with erecting a new, cantilevered office tower in the area. Today, I am writing to inform you of two possible safety concerns that my company supervisors…...
Axial and Appendicular Skeleton
Words • 725
Pages • 3
Osteoporosis is a condition that affects approximately 44 million individuals in the United States alone and worldwide affects more than 200 million (Facts and Statistics, n.d). This condition usually affects mostly women; however, men are also affected. Fractures in adults aged 65 and over can be of big detriment to their overall health and life expectancy, with fractures occurring nearly 600 per 1000,000 and 1400 per 100,000 in hip and vertebra, respectively (Lewiecki, 2018). Osteoporosis is a loss of bone…...
Chronic Autoimmune Neuromuscular Disease in the Skeletal Muscles
Words • 1423
Pages • 6
The muscular system is an essential part of the human body and it relies on the different muscles for vitality. Muscles make up 40% of the human body weight and in an hour approximately 10,000 movements can occur within just the eye muscles. The masseter has a force that can be as great as 200lbs when closing one’s mouth. The muscular system is comprised of many muscles that are categorized as smooth, cardiac and skeletal. They have voluntary and involuntary…...
A Work of Art Called Lamassu or Shedu
Words • 578
Pages • 3
The work of art referred to as the Lamassu or Shedu which is a hybrid supernatural figure with the head of a bearded human(intelligence), eagle wings(swiftness) and the body of a lion or bull(strength). This sculpture was discovered in present-day Khorsabad, Iraq around 721-705 BCE from the Citadel of Sargon II. This type of sculpture was significant to the great Assyrian Kings, Ashurnasirpal II and Sargon II. These two specific sculptures relate more to Sargon II. Kings are associated with…...
FailureWhat Failure Really Is
Words • 672
Pages • 3
Failure is something that we all encounter at some stage of our lives – some more often than others. I am sure that you have all heard the common saying about how failures are a stepping stone to success. Irrespective of the pithy nature of that saying, that happens to be the reality as well for many a ‘rags to riches’ story has years of failure and abject poverty underwriting the success saga. Even a random perusal of our history…...
BrainFailureMajor Depressive Disorder
The Importance Of Reading Books
Words • 349
Pages • 2
Reading books boosts our knowledge but not only that. Books also entertain and relax our minds when we leave the hustle and bustle of our usual lives to enter virtual worlds of our favorite authors. Reading a well written book will help our own English skills which are of great importance today.Essay on Importance of Reading BooksWith better English skills we pass more exams, improve our important written papers, write more respectable letters and emails to influential people. Better English…...
Sylvia Plath’s poem The Surgeon at 2 AM
Words • 783
Pages • 4
Anesthesia has had a tremendous impact on the field of medicine, particularly in the way it has expanded the scope of procedures that physicians can feasibly perform. By temporarily severing the connection between mind and body, doctors are able to work solely on the latter, only to rejoin the two in a matter of hours. For the patient, the experience of being anesthetized is hardly an experience at all. It is distinctly different from going to sleep, where some level…...
Mughal Period Costume Essay
Words • 1211
Pages • 5
Mughal Period Costume The Mughal period refers to the reign of the Timurid Dynasty on the Sub-continental Indian Empire. the Mughal empire came to from Mongol, Persian and Rajput ascendency, and it is strongly characterized by the mixing of Persian and Indian traditions. Mughal clothing is characterized for luxurious styles made from silk, velvet, muslin and brocade, elaborate patterns made with dyes, beads and fine metal threads; the outfit was complemented by wearing jewelry and accessories from head to toe.…...
Words • 563
Pages • 3
Summer season is loved by many people because it’s a time perfect to go on vacation to exotic beaches, swimming and of course, sunbathing. Out with the blankets, sweaters, and knee-high boots and in with the bikinis and flip flops. However, this means spending long hours in the sun. All this exposure in the sun will definitely be a concern and with good reason too. So if you would like to know how to safely get a healthy tan, below…...
DiseaseSkinSkin Cancer
Long term conditions physco social aspectWHATThe account which
Words • 595
Pages • 3
Long term conditions physco social aspectWHATThe account which is being reflected took part when working as part of a double staffed ambulance (DSA) as a student paramedic alongside a paramedic. The emergency call to an older aged lady came through; her friend had called it through as shortness of breath to a private address. The woman’s friend was waiting outside the property to greet the ambulance staff, she gave a very brief history of findings. On going into the property…...
Health CareMedicinePhysicianRespiratory System
Childhood Traumas in African American Females suffering
Words • 2910
Pages • 12
IntroductionIn psychology there is a lot of variations of trauma in African American women from their childhood traumas that have a great impact on their lives in adulthood. These traumas have a life lifelong impact on the individual and be very crucial if treatment or counseling is not sought after. These traumas are, considered a complex interplay among behavioral, psychological, social, cultural, and environmental conditions appeared to influence the initiation and maintenance of substance abuse (Johnson and Young, 2002). Most…...
AbuseBiologyBrainBrain Based LearningMental DisorderPsychology
bstract—The main idea behind this project
Words • 1857
Pages • 8
bstract—The main idea behind this project is to detect and classify Brain Tumor using MRI images. Brain Tumor is an abnormal intracranial growth caused by cells reproducing themselves in an uncontrolled manner. The algorithm incorporates steps for pre-processing feature extraction and image classification using neural network techniques.Human investigation is the routine technique for brain MRI tumor detection and tumor classification. Interpretation of images is based on organized and explicit classification of brain MRI and also various techniques have been proposed.…...
Artificial IntelligenceBiologyBrainBrain Based LearningCancer
Paper On The Illusion of Multitasking and Its positive effect
Words • 1723
Pages • 7
In the past, the need to multitask wasn’t as demanding as today’s needs. People are using their phones while executing and juggling multiple things. How can we discern if were multitasking? Do we just think that we are juggling multiple tasks? Switching back and forth between multiple tasks is more likely what's going on. What people think is multitasking is actually pretty fluid. People who think they are multitasking and view it as such tend to do better than a…...
BrainNervous SystemPsychologyResearch
Theories of Ageing
Words • 3026
Pages • 13
The following sample essay on Theories of Ageing deals with communication amongst interagency bodies. This essay will analyse and examine the theories of ageing, which would include an overview of the recent changes in the ageing population and also in compare the health care provided for older people both within the community and in practice setting. It also sets out to demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge about modern day government policies and their overall impact on the care or older people…...
BrainHealth CareMind
Teens Health Issues
Words • 2321
Pages • 10
Teenage population comprise up to 22% of the American population. The patterns in behavior observed among teenagers in development stage may help to understand the health status of young people and the possibility of them developing chronic diseases when they reach adulthood. Teenagers are generally healthy in most times of their lives but significant social and health issues start at this stage (Braveman & Barclay, 2009). For instance health issues include weight and nutrition concerns, STDs and HIV/AIDS, unintended pregnancies,…...
BiologyBrainBrain Based LearningHealthNursingPsychology
Crayfish Skeletal System
Words • 1623
Pages • 7
The folllowing sample essay on Crayfish Skeletal System discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.Body Systems of Various Organisms All organisms in the world have a range of systems and organs in their body. Some organisms may share similar body systems while others have absolutely nothing in common. Several of those organisms include humans, pigs, crayfish, and earthworms. From their mushy, gushy organs…...
Fetal Pig Dissection Lab Report
Words • 1576
Pages • 7
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Fetal Pig Dissection Lab Report Essay. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. In addition to this, the fetal pig dissection helps students better interpret the relative position and sizes Of organs, as well relation between organ and organ system. Hypothesis Grout, Anvil and had hypothesized that the fetal pig’s internal systems should be slightly alike, due to the fact that…...
Essay Sample on Periodontium Anatomy
Words • 1436
Pages • 6
  The periodontium is defined as the tissues puting and back uping the dentition ( Hassell, 1993 ) . It is composed of the undermentioned tissues: alveolar bone, root cementum, periodontic ligament and gum ( Lindhe et al. , 2008, Hassell, 1993 ) . The chief map of the periodontium is to attach the tooth to the bone of the jaws for equal map and to keep the unity of the surface of the masticatory mucous membrane of the unwritten…...
What Is The Role Of The Skin In Excretion
Words • 1354
Pages • 6
The folllowing sample essay on What Is The Role Of The Skin In Excretion discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.Report that evidences a cognition and apprehension of the function of the tegument,lungs and kidneysin elimination. How is urine produced? Harmonizing to Innerbody ( 1995-2015 ) , urine is produced by the critical urinary system within the human organic structure which comprises of the…...
Analytical Essay On Air Pollution
Words • 1538
Pages • 7
Paper Type:Analytical essays
The sample paper on Air Pollution Essay familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper. Why is air pollution such a serious issue? Air pollution is a serious issue now because many respiratory related deaths are caused by air pollution. Also air pollution disrupts the CEO-system and the effects will be too catastrophic for the future generations to overcome. The world leaders seem to pay very little attention to pollution because…...
Air PollutionChemistryOzonePollutionRespiratory System
Task about Protein Function in Human Body
Words • 1808
Pages • 8
This sample essay on Protein Is Composed Of Amino Acids. It Is Required To Synthesize And Repair Muscle And Other Tissues And Maintain Fluid And Acid-base Balance In The Body. Proteins Also Function As Enzymes, Hormones, And Transporters. If Necessary, The Body Uses Protein To Meet Energy Needs (4 Kcals Per Gram). Excess Kcals From Protein Are Stored As Body Fat. If You Consumed 60 Grams Of Protein In A Day, How Many Kcals Would This Convert To? reveals arguments…...
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Essay
Words • 1846
Pages • 8
The sample essay on Pcos Essay deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on. Obesity? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Dr. Sqouras Christal Alfonso Burhan Sadiq In this research paper I will attempt to discuss the causes, symptoms and signs of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, as well as how it is diagnosed and treated. As someone who is suffering from this disease, I found my research to…...
CancerDiabetesDiseaseMedicinePancreatic CancerPuberty
Reflection Essay On Adolescence
Words • 1712
Pages • 7
This essay sample essay on Adolescence Essay offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion are provided below.Did you know the most intimidating human developmental stage for most individuals is the Adolescence stage? The adolescence stage is between the childhood to adulthood stages. Major changes begin to take place in the physical, cognitive, social, moral, and personality aspects of human development during the adolescence stage. The changes which take…...
AdolescenceChild DevelopmentHuman DevelopmentPersonalityPuberty
Describe The Intrinsic Factors That Control Stroke Volume.
Words • 2181
Pages • 9
This sample essay on Describe The Intrinsic Factors That Control Stroke Volume. provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.The smaller blood vessel radius, the lesson blood or fluid flow. 2. Explain the effect that the flow tube radius change had on flow rate. How well did the results compare with your prediction? Flow tube radius change has a direct effect on…...
Difference Between Collagen And Keratin
Words • 1669
Pages • 7
This sample essay on Difference Between Collagen And Keratin provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.Keratin and collagen are very vital within the body’s structure; both are very similar in nature, being that they derive from amino acids, which make up their respective proteins. They both fall under a group of particular proteins known as scleroproteins or fibrous in nature. Majority…...
What Is A “top-down” Approach To Visual Perception?​
Words • 1983
Pages • 8
The sample essay on What Is A “top-down” Approach To Visual Perception?​ deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.Theories of perception tend to explain how the visual system operates in terms of two kinds of processes: bottom up, data driven ones, that are pre-attentive, and are a consequence of how the nervous system is structured and top down or concept driven processes which…...
BrainNervous SystemPerception
Godrej Ganga Soap Marketing Management Project
Words • 2117
Pages • 9
The sample essay on Godrej Ganga Soap deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on. Marketing Management Project On Ganga Soap INDEX Executive Summary Industry Analysis 4 Ps of Marketing * Product * Price * Place * Promotion EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report brings out the launching of Ganga Soap, failure to make a mark in toilet soap industry, being re-launched again, failing yet leading…...
Critical Periods In Human Development
Words • 1637
Pages • 7
Paper Type:Critical essays
This sample paper on Critical Periods In Human Development offers a framework of relevant facts based on the recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body and conclusion of the paper below. Critical Period in Human Growth and Their Relationship to Diseases of Aging Pr©CICS Growing, developing and aging (GA) are characteristic of all living organisms and have a multifarious etiology. Three major intrinsic categories influence growth, development and aging in humans. These include genetics, hormones (endocrine system)…...
DiabetesDiseaseHuman DevelopmentLearningObesityPuberty
How To Calculate Time Of Death With Body Temperature
Words • 1691
Pages • 7
The sample essay on How To Calculate Time Of Death With Body Temperature deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.In investigating situations which involve the death of a person, one of the initial questions that need to be answered is the time of death. It is through this determination that other information surrounding said death may be discovered. True enough, in uncovering pieces…...
Sleeping Beauty History and Literary Analysis
Words • 1551
Pages • 7
This essay sample essay on Sleeping Beauty Essay offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion are provided below. Sleeping Beauty Literature Review The story of Sleeping Beauty has evolved over time and has been changed slightly throughout the different versions. It has changed in order to fit social norms for the time and context has been altered to appeal to the current audiences. The three main versions of…...
Gall And Spurzheim
Words • 1447
Pages • 6
The essay sample on Gall And Spurzheim dwells on its problems, providing shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down.Franz Joseph Gall was a German physician who devised the 19th Century movement known as phrenology. Phrenology was a version of physiognomy, where a person’s character could be determined by analysing their facial features. (Jahnke, 1997). Gall believed that not only higher functions were localised generally within the brain but also…...
BrainHuman NatureNervous SystemPsychology
Scopic Regime Meaning and Modernity
Words • 1478
Pages • 6
This sample essay on Scopic Regime Meaning provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Centuries of studying visuality has given birth to several methods of visual analysis. These “scopic regimes” as defined by Jay are quite simply systems for organizing vision. This essay will focus on the two main systems discussed by Jay: Renaissance and Baroque. Both systems arose during similar…...
CultureEyeNet NeutralityReasonRenaissance ArtTechnology
Paranasal Sinuses Are Found In All Of The Following Bones Except The
Words • 1217
Pages • 5
This essay sample essay on Paranasal Sinuses Are Found In All Of The Following Bones Except The offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion are provided below.Chapter 8 Test Review Multiple Choice . Which is not a part of the axial skeleton? A. rib vertebral column B. mandible C. clavicle D. Which is not a part of the appendicular skeleton? 2. coxal bones A. parietal bones radius The…...
Stereotypes Of Disability Essay
Words • 1172
Pages • 5
The sample paper on Stereotypes Of Disability Essay familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories, and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.Stereotype reflects the perceptual experience one has of other persons based on their different physical abilities, emotional visual aspect, spiritual, cultural temperament, sexual orientation or ethnicity without cognizing anything personal about that individual and these positions are frequently connected to experiences, observations or other influences such as the media. I will foremost sketch below some of…...
In Flanders Fields Analysis
Words • 1313
Pages • 6
This sample essay on In Flanders Fields Analysis offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion are provided below.“In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae is a poem that has helped me to appreciate the unpleasant side of life. It is a poem that deals with the reality that soldiers sacrificed their lives for the living, telling them to finish what they started. It also contains a message from the…...
We've found 206 essay examples on Anatomy

FAQ about Anatomy

How to Build the Skeleton Frame
...It is my recommendation that some form of government intervention (Fleddermann 80) has to take place before construction of the building takes place. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I appreciate your consideration, and hope to hear...
...Cover your eyes and count to 3 (pun intended): I hope this made you laugh. No, we are not playing hide and seek here but it is important to protect the delicate skin around the eyes and the eyes itself by wearing sunglasses. If not protected properly...
Long term conditions physco social aspectWHATThe account which
...During hospitalization the patient was diagnosed with COPD, this has encouraged me to look at how we can communicate with patients that have breathing difficulties, the environment that surrounds a patient and how that may provide us with vital infor...
What Is The Role Of The Skin In Excretion
...Saral Study ( 2013-2014 ) [ Online ] Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed: 13...
What Is A “top-down” Approach To Visual Perception?​
...However, perception of a collection of features is not as immediate, and when presented with features such as a colour and a letter simultaneously for 200 m/s, certain illusory conjunctions were apparent: letters were identified, but their colours we...
How To Calculate Time Of Death With Body Temperature
..., (1995). The Estimation of the Time Since Death in the Early Postmortem Period. London: Arnold. Jackson, A. R. W. and Jackson, J. M. , (2004). Forensic Science. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Lyle, D. , (2004). Forensic For Dummies. Hoboken: Wile...
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