Emergency Response Plans

Chain of Command Structure

Tucson is a small city with a population of roughly 500,000. We have our assigned local law enforcement (LLE), medical first responders, fire department & utility responders. When encountering a situation involving a WMD there is a chain of command that has to be abided by. When receiving data about a possible act of terrorism the first responders, clinicians, emergency rooms, hospitals, mass care providers, & emergency management personnel are given the top priority (FEMA, 2002, p. 25). By prioritizing we’re allowing all first responders to plan & get all their resources together in preparation for the worst.

Communication methods have become so advanced throughout the years that we rely on technology to communicate with one another. Throughout an emergency such as terrorism, all first responders require reliable communication systems. Throughout the responding procedure, the last thing we want is the loss of radio transmission competences, & cellular phone connections to go bad. The highly suggested provider for such circumstances would be FistNet with AT&T it brings public safety a much-needed technology upgrade to help them connect to the critical material they require.


The duties of local first responders should be addressed in their individual EOP. Any special duties necessary to respond to a suspected terrorist WMD should be outlined in the local Terrorist Incident Appendix (FEMA, 2002, p. 32). Another LLE that is involved in the SWAT team which assist in the prevention of mass fatality, CBRN & explosive & terrorist events. The SWAT team aids our response competences & interoperability.

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Not to mention LLE & the SWAT team has had specialized training in preparation for terrorist incidents. Personnel is required to pass a training quarterly that entails breaching explosives (FEMA, 2002, p. 25).


When dealing with a crisis such as a terrorist attack it would be beneficial to have a terrorist liaison officer (TLO). A TLO is an official that has the required skills & familiarity when dealing with anything affiliated to terrorism. A TLO is constantly undergoing lessons & meeting to keep them up to date on pertinent material from Fusion Centers and local entities betrothed in terrorism intelligence or investigation (JRIC. 2020). The knowledge received by the TLO is later communicated throughout their subdivision the intent is to have safety professionals educated on contemporary terrorist tactics, techniques, & practices for they can adequately manage such threats (JRIC. 2020). Some of the typical obligations entail accumulating, communicating, repossessing, & distributing intelligence with correlation to terrorism, the individual that handles internal & external investigations, the source for communication & private sector relationship (JRIC. 2020).


Since the 9/11 attack that happened in the World Trade Center, the FBI has managed to commit to remaining agile in its approach to the terrorism hazard (FBI. 2020). The FBI number one objective is protecting the U.S. soil from terrorism. The FBI is considered the leading bureau accountable for investigating attacks correlating with WMD. The FBI operated 44 Legal Attaché offices in countries around the world to assist that investigative resources are in place to support the FBI’s expanding focus on counterterrorism & international organized crime. The FBI is also in charge of specified terrorism-related offenses, for example, violence at airports, money laundering, attacks on U.S. officials, etc. (FBI. 2020). The FBI also affiliated closely with U.S. intelligence agencies to collect more intelligence & analyze raw material relating to terrorism & security threats to U.S soil.


From the reading in NRF, the National Guard is one of many assets that are utilized by the state. They help in facilitating the response process. The National Guard has many skill sets such as search & rescue, civil engineering, CBRN, etc. Depending on the severity of the situation the governor has the power of deploying National Guard troops to aid state functions & activities. On occasions, troops will be assigned to aid state, regional, & federal emergency management plans (Homeland Security, 2019, p. 32). Concerning the background material from NIMS, ICS is an attribute utilize by Federal, State, tribal & local. ICS is specialized in handling the command, operations, development, logistics, etc. One of the vulnerabilities within ICS is that CBRN presents challenges to the ICS structure (Homeland Security, 2008, p. 46). CBRN requires a coordinated intergovernmental, NGO, & private-sector response, with large-scale coordination, typically conducted at a higher jurisdictional level (Homeland Security, 2008, p. 62).


  1. FBI. (2020). Terrorism. Retrieved from
  2. https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/terrorism
  3. FEMA. (2002). Managing the Emergency Consequences of Terrorist Incidents. Retrieved from
  4. https://www.fema.gov/pdf/plan/managingemerconseq.pdf
  5. Homeland Security. (2019). National Response Framework. Retrieved from
  6. https://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/1572366339630-0e9278a0ede9ee129025182b4d0f818e/National_Response_Framework_4th_20191028.pdf
  7. Homeland Security. (2016). Fiscal Year 2008-2015 Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activity Funding. Retrieved from
  8. https://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/1475103088969-41d58a2adf314fc43775eff29fdce147/FY_2008-2015_LETPA_Funding.pdf
  9. Homeland Security. (2008). National Incident Management System. Retrieved from
  10. https://www.fema.gov/pdf/emergency/nims/NIMS_core.pdf
  11. JRIC. (2020). What is a Terrorism Liaison Officer? Retrieved from
  12. http://tlo.org/what-is-a-tlo/

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Emergency Response Plans. (2022, Apr 29). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/emergency-response-plans/

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