Comparison of Creation Myths

Topics: Creation Myth

Every place holds its own standards and hopes to succeed. The “Myths of the Far East” and the “Creation of the Universe and Japan” are two creation myths. These ancient stories were told many years ago to explore how India and Japan were created. A comparison of these two stories will reveal their own methods of designing success with the influence of powerful leaders, value, and wealth.

Between the two stories, they both share a higher powered position. In this position, a leader(s) is assigned to control all things to succeed.

Izanagi and Izanami are two Gods from the myth of Japan. These leaders give birth to Gods that obtain a variety of powers, and each God supports the balance of the universe. For instance, the God of the mountains, or the God of the seas. Similarly to Japan, in the myth of India, a higher power exists to control all things known as Vishnu. The three forms of Vishnu are, “the creator of life on Earth […] the preserver of life on Earth […] the destroyer of life on Earth.

” This is a significant factor that makes these two stories alike from the start. While the plot lines may be unlike, both are created from a high power that is in control over each individual universe. This plays a role in the type of society that the myths are taking place. There are higher positions and everyone else in society looks up to those leaders.

The two myths may have a similar level of power, but each story views human beings differently.

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In the beginning of the ancient story of Japan, the two Gods gave birth to a child. Since the child didn’t have powers to benefit Japan it was deemed useless by Izanagi and Izanami. It was sent into the ocean for the “wind to determine its destiny.” They were even too impatient to let the child learn. This is significant because the Gods, Izanagi and Izanami spent more time enhancing their islands than building a community. While the Japan culture does not focus on the importance of human beings in the creation myth, the Vishnu does. The Vishnu has four stages of life for human beings, and each one increases the difficulty of living conditions. Focusing on only the first stage of life, each person is assigned moral behaviors based on their duties in society. This technique establishes a content lifestyle and preserves civilization. The entire Vishnu community treats each other with respect and friendliness. Each higher power in these two myths has contrasting viewpoints which make the stories unique. This is a valuable difference because it reveals the priorities of each creation myth. As the stages of life go on in the creation myth, it also reflects into our own lives to infer the stage of life we are living based off the given descriptions.

The two creation myths also differ from their values of wealth. During the third and final stage of life in India, the Hindu people focus wealth on the materials a person owns, rather than the morals a person holds. They are materialistic, and extremely targeting on possessions. The quality of virtue is measured to show someone with more possessions is bound to be happier. The wealth in the story of Japan is judged upon an individual’s powers. A God that can demonstrate their brilliance through their powers is valued and recognized. However, any God who misuses powers is immediately sent to rule the underground. The different values of wealth between the ancient stories is a result of the different circumstances. This difference is significant because it is a type of factor that will change the story. The different values that each creation myth has expresses the necessities to be successful in each story.

The influences of powerful leaders, value, and wealth create an impact on each creation myth and help tell the story of their universe. Both hold differences and similarities that make the story personalized to the culture. While each create the universe in different ways, both have a goal to succeed and to create.

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Comparison of Creation Myths. (2021, Dec 24). Retrieved from

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