The Creation of Ink and the Big Bang

What is ink? The ink us human beings see on an everyday basis, is a colored fluid used for writing, printing, or even for artistic purposes. Today, ink is usually used in pens or as an artistic tool, such as for drawing or even used as a form of art to express one’s emotions or creativity. When you think of ink, you think of ink in a pen, a simple, thick liquid that is used to color or write with.

You’re probably wondering what’s so special about ink anyways. Ink is made up of the remnants of dying stars. Its elements are created even before the universe came into existence. The creation of ink isn’t as simplistic as it sounds or looks but created by scientific theorem known as the Big Bang Theory. But, how could an event such as the Big Bang have possibly led or contributed to the creation of ink?

The creation of ink started off with the Big Bang.

The Big Bang theory is an event that occurred 13.8 billion years ago. This impactful event occured due to a small, hot, and dense mass that singularity and suddenly expanded. From this point, all of matter was contained. About one million of a second after, the matter eventually cooled down to about to ten-thousand million degrees Celsius. Overtime protons, neutrons, and electron, started to form, creating atoms. Three-hundred thousand years later, the universe continued to expand and cool.

Until hydrogen and helium, the two most abundant elements in the universe were formed.

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This threshold is connected to how ink is made. The elements within the substance of a ballpoint pen is made up of bromine that is added to a Fluorescent compound, but since it is an element and is made up of natural elements, Iodine and Chlorine, they require hydrogen and helium to form. The Big Bang threshold left an open door to threshold two that is structurally responsible for, the creation of new chemical elements that make up the chemical compounds in ink.

In threshold two, protons and electrons charges began to bond due to the decrease in temperature. The decrease in temperature got so low that it was possible for protons, which have have positive charges, to bond with electrons which have negative charges. Together, they created simple elements such as, hydrogen and helium. As historian and scholar, David Christian states, “As the gravity packed slightly denser regions ever closer together, squashing them so tightly that they began to heat up. Eventually the clouds got so hot that protons and electrons splits up. This creates a plasma and in time these hot-spots reached temperatures of about 10 million degrees celsius, protons began fusing together and some converted into energy and this is how the first star lit up.” David Christian further explains the development and creation of simple, light elements. When the first star appeared, it started expanding and glow red, which is now known as a red giant. Overtime, the stars become larger and larger, and uses up its energy, leaving the core on its own. After the hydrogen is used in the stars, they go through nuclear fusion to produce elements. This is the start of the creation of heavier elements, such as Lead, Arsenic, and Mercury, which is the components that makes up ink. These elements are made-up of carbon. This threshold is linked to the making of ink because without carbon, it would not have been possible for ink to be created.

Ink has played a huge role in collective learning. It was used to write important documents, records, and even books that helped us gain knowledge throughout the years. Books would even get traded and sold to people. Over time, this became a more efficient way to spread knowledge. It was easier to keep track of information, since it was all written down on paper.

Ink would have not been very useful if we didn’t have paper or material to write on. Without a piece of material to write on, there would be no way to spread knowledge from previous years. As mentioned in the website, “One of the most important means of preserving and spreading knowledge was the development of paper and books” (quote from website). This quote shows how important paper was for ink to do its job. Paper or clay tablets were used to write on with ink. Some papers were made out of animal skin. The animal skin was used to write on as well. The knowledge that was passed down from earlier people helped give us a visual of how the world was before our generation.

As the years passed, and the use of ink started spreading, more complex ways of creating this tool developed. People started using ink to help create the use of printers. The printing press was very important, as it allowed the people who worked with it, to record important information and even make up the books we see today. As stated in the article, The Invention and History of the Printing Press, “They have historically been used primarily for texts, but not exclusively, and its invention revolutionized bookmaking and distribution around the world” (Mcfadden). This clearly shows how ink was and still is a great advantage to the human society. Thanks to ink, we are able to read books and find out more of our World’s history, since there are many written records of past events.

Ink’s contribution to the Modern Revolution has had a great impact on our society. Today Ink is an important tool for writing, art, printing, etc…Without ink, we wouldn’t have been able to write documents that allowed us to pass important information throughout the Modern Revolution. Due to transportation, many written documents were able to spread throughout neighboring countries, allowing the spread of communication with just books and paper, which were written with the help of ink. Even today, historians and other people involved with past events, are able to unlock important mysteries thanks to the remains of written documents, and books left by the people who once roamed the Earth before us.

Ink has played an important role in human history. Through all of humanity we have unlocked the mysteries of how it all came to be, thanks to written documents, records, and books. From the year 2500 BC leading up to now, ink has with no doubt evolved into a tool of increasing complexity. Therefore ink marks a spot in history, the history of us.

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The Creation of Ink and the Big Bang
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